New comics
The Punisher #10
23 pages | 35.3 мb.

Tags: The Punisher Punisher Nathan Edmondson
Punisher gets imprisoned in South American jail! Of course, it will be a model prisoner. With Frank locked that cleaning the streets of Los Angeles? LA has a new crime lord of personal revenge against Frank Castle - The Punisher and gone, it's open season on police in Los Angeles.
Rocket Raccoon #03
22 pages | 51.7 мb.

Tags: Rocket Raccoon Macho Gomez
Favourite gun-packing "Procyon every person * finally finds himself face to face with the intergalactic impostor. This macho ADO everything as macho Gomez guest-star and ex-terminator hot on the tail of a rocket! * Procyon is the scientific term for raccoon, apparently.
Death of Wolverine #01
Getting late here now ... DEATH Wolverine! THREE MONTHS die loss healing factor Wolverine - all led to this, one of the most important events of X-Men decades. Logan spent more than a century to be the best is what he does best ... but even disappear eventually. For years, Logan was a warrior, a hero, renegade, Samurai, teacher-and more. But now,
Black Widow #10
24 pages | 22 мb.

Tags: Black Widow Hawkeye Isaiah
Because you demanded that it manifests itself in more than just two panels: Black Widow against Falcon's Eye! Plus, how would they fight cost Isaiah his life?
All-New X-Factor #13
Quicksilver is reunited with his daughter, Moon ... But monsters ... not too happy about it! PLUS: Chernoknyzhnyk can step in danger?
X-Men #19
With headquarters orbital sword, Pique, literally hanging by a thread, X-Men race into deep space to find the source of a new threat has emerged from the abyss. But they had a suspect hiding in the shadows Acanti Skunkworks, conspiracy waiting to confuse them ... And worse, it's a plot that has a connection to the death of Rachel Gray family!
Deadpool vs. X-Force #04
Deadpool is dead-set on destroying time! X-Force is extra for-sure not going to let him! X-Force is stronger ... but Deadpool is more popular! Who will win ???
Uncanny X-Men #24
With the secrets held in the will of Xavier bared, as will be X-Men deal with the shadows of his past? Can power previously unknown to them now to be their biggest threat?
Inhuman #04
22 pages | 38.9 мb.

Tags: Inhuman Elejea Flint Forey Inferno Lineage
Rising star Ryan Stegman (SUPERIOR Spider-Man, Wolverine) has joined the team INHUMAN! Medusa and the Inhumans get a visitor to New Attilan- THOR! Now the reader, and he is a friend or foe?!
Castle - Unholy Storm
105 pages | 182.7 мb.

Tags: Castle - Unholy Storm Clara Strike Derrick Storm
Popular graphic novel of the saga, based on the world hit primetime series ABC continues! Derrick Storm is back. And he has a new, fatal case to solve. When the daughter of four powerful international businessmen found dead in New York City, the NYPD is struggling to bring the killer to justice. But when the fifth woman mutilated in a pool of his
Collection Marvel (27.08.2014, week 34)
17 comics pages | 769.9 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 27.08.2014 week 34
Collection Marvel Comics for 27.08.2014 (34 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New Ultimates #07 2. Savage Hulk #03 3. Fantastic Four #09 4. Deadpool vs. X-Force #03 5. Amazing Spider-Man #01.4 6. Cyclops #04 7. Silver Surfer #05 8. Guardians of the Galaxy #18 9. Original Sin #05.4- Thor & Loki #04 10. Wolverine and the X-Men #08
All-New Ultimates #07
Spider-Man, Black Widow, KITTY, cloak and DAGGER hardly hold vengeful massacre leaders sewer AGENT Croc & parasites! BENGAL joins the team just in time for the police to control the deadly consequences of the Scourge! Will hunt crossbones reveal deeper, dark secret rampant crime wave of the city?
Savage Hulk #03
21 pages | 51.2 мb.

Tags: Savage Hulk Angel Beast Cyclops Havok Hulk
ALL-NEW SERIES comics SUPERSTAR ALAN Davies CONTINUES! Who, or what, is the newest of gamma-powered goliath?! Robots, mutants and carcasses, oh my! To what lengths will be Charles Xavier go to save Bruce Banner?
Deadpool vs. X-Force #03
Can X-Force stop Deadpool from rewriting history? Cable drives M w / m to the Boxer Rebellion to try! Plus: you know that there is a character named "Boom Boom"?
Fantastic Four #09
Now a new terrible FOUR? RIM may prove the innocence of Ben? And the adventure with the kids in the future of the Fund and the original Human Torch!
Amazing Spider-Man #01.4
Witness another secret chapter of the first days of Spider-Man! What started as a fun-and-games for the new villain Clash turns deadly serious. As if that was not enough, the classic Spider-Man villain to join the fun!
Silver Surfer #05
Demon, Shuma Gorath, ready to throw in Earth Eternal Chaos! The problem is, if the Silver Surfer, Hulk, and Dr. Strange can not find a way to stop it ... This ... Dawn Greenwood, who will have to pay the price ... with my life. Gamora and Rocket appear only on the cover option.
Cyclops #04
22 pages | 47.7 мb.

Tags: Cyclops Corsair
Scott and Corsair are stranded on an alien planet with no hope of salvation Native species are not too happy with it Not that they are very happy with each other, or - that the transaction will need to be struck to get one or both, then live?
Wolverine and the X-Men #08
BATTLE atom over - but the battle for the future of mutants has just begun! For many months, SHIELD had designs on Jean Grey school, and now they have made their presence! Wolverine takes the secret reserves PROTECTION Guardians - but as a renegade Cyclops, and the draw is who Wolverine hates more! And all this leads to the end of the school year,
Uncanny Avengers #23
Strange Avengers reunited! Kang threat is over, but what are the consequences? Meet the new faces of the Universe Marvel!
Original Sin #05.4- Thor & Loki #04
THOR: ten provinces Due to the events of original sin, the deepest mystery of the Nine Kingdoms revealed ... Tenth Realm! Thor and Loki to embark on a quest to discover this strange new world - Thor and sister never knew him ... Angela! But Loki can be trusted? And brother and sister will slay each other to the truth coming out?
Guardians of the Galaxy #18
Original Sin Tai In! Nova, Human Rocket - who once burned bright streak across the universe of Marvel, Gone in a Flash. Side-by-side with the Star-Lord Richard Ryder fought valiantly to save the universe from Thanos. Left sealed in a twisted and terrifying version of our universe, Richard Ryder sacrificed everything to save us. Now, it is true
Avengers Undercover #09
Avengers & S.H.I.E.L.D. Friendly in "Gone native" part 3 of 4! Justice is a super-villain Baron Zemo city! When the heroes arrive, whose side will our survivors Murder world choose?

Marvel comics

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