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The Amazing Spider-Man #13
SPIDER-VERSE PART 5 - the final battle begins here! EVERY Spider-Man must fight EVER spider and NO SAFE!
Superior Iron Man #04
23 pages | 35.3 мb.

Tags: Superior Iron Man Daredevil Iron Man
Daredevil on the rocks! Daredevil discovers the secret to success, Tony! How far will go to stop Tony Matt Murdock to disclose this shocking secret in the world? As Tony action becomes even more doubtful that conspired to take him down, leading to a battle you thought you'd never see him again?
Rocket Raccoon #07
23 pages | 39.4 мb.

Tags: Rocket Raccoon Groot Skottie Young
It's a cosmic disaster like Rocket tries to correct his past ... uh ... bad calls! Next stop: a terrible winter of the planet! Winter all the time? Worst. Planet. Ever. Rocket Raccoon missiles in our hearts series favorite Marvel fans worldwide!
Moon Knight #11
23 pages | 19.4 мb.

Tags: Moon Knight Brian Wood
Moon Knight: Bats! Mr. Knight considers himself in police custody in New York, and it all goes wrong for everyone!
Magneto #14
22 pages | 36.7 мb.

Tags: Magneto Cullen Bunn
On the island of Genosha, the backdrop for his greatest triumphs and most devastating tragedies, Magneto confronts SHIELD! But the master of magnetism is not alone ...
Loki - Agent of Asgard #10
24 pages | 36.1 мb.

Tags: Loki - Agent of Asgard Loki Thor Verity Willis
Not Later axis, Asgard Loki hero no more. But one change is: God of Lies can only ever tell the truth. Now, brother Loki, Odinson, visited his apartment to talk cabbages and kings ... Kid Loki. This is it.
Legendary Star-Lord #08
Peter finds himself face to face with Mr. knife! And you will not believe who's behind this attractive mask. And all this madness seems to put a little strain on Peter and Kitty relations. You know, it's correct right? SPACE DATE! Or rather ... Space Prison Break! Peter Quill, that catch.
Elektra #10
23 pages | 37.8 мb.

Tags: Elektra Bullseye
Elektra puts his hand and Bullseye, to discover the identity of the leader of the Guild of Assassins! Will be training and development Elektra be enough to stop the Guild, as he hunts her down?
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #04
Later axis - who will lead The Mighty Avengers? What will be the role of Captain America be? Maybe Luke marriage survive? Meanwhile, the power of man, and White Tiger hit the streets - to solve a brutal murder ... ... Gideon Mace?
Bucky Barnes - The Winter Soldier #04
"In a galaxy far, far away, a long time of your NOW" Moving two hundred years into the future and see for yourself - Bucky Barnes future! Two hundred years of war told. Conflicts arise, there are familiar faces. Look in the Marvel Universe, as you've never seen it before. What brought Bucky his decision to go through a wormhole? Significant part
All-New X-Men #35
All-New X-Men continue their adventures in the end of the universe! Guest starring Miles Morales and dozens of other characters Ultimate ,! Either the universe ever the same again?
Spider-Woman #03
24 pages | 37.7 мb.

Tags: Spider-Woman Morlun Silk
SPIDER-VERSE TIE-IN! Spider-Woman is a tight place she had ever been. That even if its mission is changing her death?!?!
Scarlet Spiders #03
SPIDER-marches VERSE ON! Adventures of the Scarlet Spiders SPIDER through verse reaches its epic conclusion! With the fate of spiders from across the multiverse in their hands, may Kane, Jessica Drew and Ben Reilly stop Jennix and his machinations destruction?! One of the Scarlet Spiders have to make a sacrifice!
Black Widow #14
22 pages | 27.9 мb.

Tags: Black Widow David Levine
"Kill List" Natasha wants answers about Chaos and it has a list of people who have them. One after the other ... How far it can go and still call yourself a hero?
All-New X-Factor #20
In the past - the revelation of the mystery Harrison snow. Guest Cast: Spider-Man 2099. Final issue!
Star Wars – The Phantom Menace (Volume 1-2) Complete
On the surface of the planet Jedi meet local resident - funny lop-eared Gungan Jar Jar Binks, ousted their own members for clumsiness. Jar Jar devotes his new friends in the underwater Gungan city of Oto-Gunga, where they meet with the Gungan ruler Boss Nass. Boss Nass refuses to oppose landed on Naboo battle droids, but agrees to the Jedi
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (Volume 1-4) Complete
For the rebels fell on hard times. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops drove the rebels from their bases and persecuted throughout the galaxy. Avoiding the menacing Imperial Starfleet, a group of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker, to equip a new secret base on the remote snow-covered planet Hoth. Dark Lord of the Sith
Star Wars – Return of the Jedi (Volume 1-4) Complete
In the Galaxy continued civil war between the Alliance and the rebel forces of the Galactic Empire, led by Emperor Palpatine - Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. Empire building a new space station - the second "Death Star." To control the final stage of the meeting and the Emperor arrives at the station Darth Vader.
Star Wars – A New Hope (Volume 1-4) Complete
4 issues pages | 616.5 мb.

Tags: Star Wars A New Hope Star Wars A New Hope Star Wars marvel
In the Galaxy raging civil war. Ships rebels kick with a secret base, have won their first victory over a cruel Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies were able to obtain the secret superweapon drawings Empire - the Death Star, a fortified space station with sufficient firepower to destroy the entire planet. Pursued by sinister agents of
Crime Can't Win #41-43, 04-12 Complete
12 issues pages | 381.1 мb.

Tags: Crime Can't Win Gene Colan Jack Keller
Numbered 41 (1) 12 totaling 12 issues were. This series continues with Cindy Smith. Please note: Although the covers for the first, second and third editions of both numbered 41, 42 and 43, respectively. On the remaining issues in a series of numbered 4-12. For our purposes here, outputs 41, 42 and 43 are numbered 1, 2 and 3 to maintain the
Clive Barker's Night Breed #01-25 Complete
Marvel's adaption of Clive Barker's film, Nightbreed, about a society of monsters that live on the outskirts of society in a place called Midian.
Clive Barker's Hellraiser - Summer Special
By a strange summer session in the halls of hell, a school, but the lessons are just beginning. The first period, to chart a path through the ruthless teacher and boundless imagination's children in the class, and a strange series of reports on "What I did on my summer vacation."

Marvel comics

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