Collection Marvel (03.06.2015, week 22)
- Marvel / Collections publisher
- Pages: 20 comics
- 2015 year
- English comics
- Size: 824 mb.
- Tags: Collection Marvel 03.06.2015 week 22
1. All-New X-Men #41
2. Amazing Spider-Man - Renew Your Vows #01
3. Amazing Spider-Man #18.1
4. Armor Wars #01
5. Groot #01
6. Guardians Team-Up #06
7. Future Imperfect #01
8. Giant-Size Little Marvel - AvX
9. Darth Vader #06
10. Star Wars #06
11. Princess Leia #04
12. Secret Wars #03
13. Secret Wars - Battleworld #02
14. Spider-Woman #08
15. Superior Iron Man #09
16. Master of Kung Fu #02
17. Wolverines #20
18. The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #06
19. X-tinction Agenda #01
20. Years Of Future Past #01