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Amazing Spider-Man #101-150
~1100 pages | 485.88 мb.

Tags: Spider-Man Amazing Marvel comics Adventures
Spider now has six arms and have to figure out a way to fix it and get back to normal. Later, the vampire Morbius is called on a rampage and Spider to stop him. While he struggled with a vampire, he was defeated. Then, when he tries to get Spider-Man blood, Dr. Connors gets in the middle of it and it becomes Lizard.
Amazing Spider-Man #51-100
~1100 pages | 674.41 мb.

Tags: Spider-Man Amazing Marvel comics Adventures
After the release of the hero game last question , as far as we know it, Peter goes on , the man - paukKingpin just everything organized crime. Kingpin but wants Daily Bugle editor J. Jonah Jameson calmed down because of his articles.Meahwhile some thugs to rob the station and vmeshalsyavozvraschenie Spider-Man. Kingpin has more plans andneeds
Amazing Spider-Man #01-50
~1100 pages | 506.37 мb.

Tags: Spider-Man Amazing Marvel comics Adventures
"Spider-Man " - (Lee / Ditko) Peter Parker is trying to pursue a career of show business, as Spider-Man , as J. Jonah Jameson's editorial slams him as penance makes it hard for him to find a job. Peter later turns out to watch the rocket launch manned Jameson 's son , John. When the rocket malfunctions , Spider-Man convinces the military to allow
Batman - Odyssey #01-08
250 pages | 193,55 мb.

Tags: comics superhero Collection DC
Batman walked around the time of death and time again, but that all ends in this issue with the painful reality of hell. It's surreal - yet all too real - a journey into his personal hell. Batman will never be the same.
Huntress #01-06 Complete
131 pages | 69.21 мb.

Tags: Huntress DC
Six issue mini-series written by Paul Levitz and drawn by Marcus Starring Helena Wayne , who is facing a crime ring in her home country of Italy , which stretches all the way back to Gotham City. When the series started, it was a hunter who was controversial , but later, in January 2012 with the announcement of a series of new worlds Finest ( also
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