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Conan the Avenger #13
Nature endowed him with force. The death of his father made him furious. Great Cimmerian warrior Conan goes on a long journey to take revenge for the blood of his family. But the quest that begins as a personal vendetta, will soon turn into an epic battle with the supernatural, enslave the people of the great Hyboria. Cimmerian warrior - the last
Conan Red Sonja #04
23 pages | 49.2 мb.

Tags: Conan Red Sonja Conan Red Sonja
Simon and tooth pit against Sonia Conan! Teams Gail Simone with Jim Zub to bring together the legendary warriors in this truly epic crossover! In history, spanning several eras in the lives of these classic characters Conan and Red Sonja became comrades to remove the sorcerer-priest obsessed about creating a new era in the dark Hyborian War!
Star Trek Vol.9 (TPB)
148 pages | 222.3 мb.

Tags: Star Trek James T. Kirk Spock Mike Johnson
The new five-year mission of the enterprise continues as captain Jane Tiberius Kirk and his crew met had never seen the enemy in deep space! That's right ... Jane Kirk. In addition, the crew of the company has never faced a threat as the one they face now: own ship. And a deadly new alien species unlike anything Federation met before!
Silver Surfer #11
"Never After" - special OVERSIZED questions! Trapped in time, lost in space, alien threats ever to the attack, and a paradise just outside his reach ... ... What a terrible price to pay Surfer to perform its most selfless promise? Twist on the classic Sci-Fi, that can be said only by sequential art. Forget "side issues" and "dumb questions" Slott
Captain Midnight #22
24 pages | 47.5 мb.

Tags: Captain Midnight Nancy Silver Dragon
Captain Midnight may be a genius inventor, and a fighter. , But a time traveler is willing to be a superhero in the modern era? And if he was ready for his first date since 1944?! Meanwhile, a mysterious force took over Sharkbyte technology and killer Helios forged rocky loyalty with close allies midnight. Author: Joshua Williamson (Nailbiter,
DC week - The New 52 (29.04.2015, week 17)
Collection DC Comics for 29.04.2015 (17 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman #40 2. Convergence #4 3. Convergence Action Comics #1 4. Convergence Blue Beetle #1 5. Convergence Booster Gold #1 6. Convergence Crime Syndicate #1 7. Convergence Detective Comics #1 8. Convergence Infinity Inc #1 9. Convergence Justice Society Of
Batman '66 #59
123 pages | 72.7 мb.

Tags: Batman '66 Batman Dick Grayson Shame
[center][/center]Batman and Robin hit the dusty trail to track down the six-firing Sidewinder, shame. He went to rob a train. Can the Dynamic Duo stop it in its tracks?
Star Wars Omnibus - At War With The Empire Vol.2
In this volume: Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine focused on the assassination of rogue Imperial officers; Princess Leia gets her first taste of war and victims of the uprising is required; Vader, having survived the destruction of the Death Star, have to fight to become the leader of the pack of wild beasts; and many other stories!
Star Wars Omnibus - At War With The Empire Vol.1
Here are collected the stories of the early days of the Rebel Alliance and the outbreak of war with the Empire - the stories of Star Wars Galaxy set before, during and after the events in Star Wars: A New Hope! In this volume: Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine focused on the assassination of rogue Imperial officers; Princess Leia gets her first
Ender's Game - War of Gifts Collection
Meets four fascinating stories in the game universe, Ender! First, it is a fairy tale starring two younger siblings Ender. Valentina finds out about injustices in their school, she wants to fight it. Enter Peter, who directs his sister in the process of non-violent influence, and sets the ball rolling for his plans to one day rule the world.
Ender's Game - Ultimate Collection
The satellite series returns with award-winning game New York Times best-selling novel by Orson Scott Card Ender! With time running out for humanity, Bean assigned Dragon Army under the command of the legendary Ender Wiggin. But their relationship bruising clash of egos and agendas from the beginning - and it only gets worse when the dragon facing
Ender's Game - Speaker for the Dead
The next chapter in the saga of Ender's bestseller here! Ender Wiggin was 12 years old when he destroyed the race. Burdened with guilt, he wrote the Speaker for the Dead and created the pseudo-religion that swept the known worlds. Now an adult, Ender called to investigate the murder committed by the new alien species, it would seem a terrible
Ender's Game - Battle School
There is a war. Those aliens who nearly destroyed the Earth once, come back to get the job this time. But we are not going to just sit and umirat.Mezhdunarodnoe military accepts our best and brightest to mold them into the best military minds ever, and they take their young. 8-year-old Ender Wiggin is the best thing they've ever found. Can he save
Judge Dredd #29
22 pages | 32,8 мb.

Tags: Judge Dredd Chief Judge Cal Judge Anderson
Over the long term, and the chief judge Dredd wants Cal to answer for their crimes! But Mega-City One in the nervous, paranoid chaos (namely due to the events of the previous 27 questions). What news cheats Cal do to the soul of the city? That's when Judge Anderson comes to a shocking decision that could change forever Meg ...
Injustice – Gods Among Us – Year Three – Annual #1
The final chapter of the year three. Differences temporarily put aside to stop the menace created Mxyzptlk and Trigon. And fate of John Constantine revealed.
The Multiversity #2
49 pages | 99.7 мb.

Tags: The Multiversity The Multiversity comics
The Multiversity - a comic that Grant Morrison conceived almost eight years ago. Once upon a time DC has announced a series and promised to release it in 2010. Ever since the publication date postponed many times, though news of progress did not stop to emerge. And now finally announced the readiness of the project. In this newsletter you will see


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