New comics
X-O Manowar #01-17
The new Valiant Universe starts with the new XO Manowar series featuring Aric of Dacia in the lead role with a whole new origin story . Born into battle, Aric of Dacia - heir to the throne of the Visigoth people - has never known peace. After a brutal encounter with a mysterious enemy known as the Vine leaves him a prisoner in someone else's world
X-Men - True Friends #01-03 Complete
This is a story about time travel, fantasy and danger as Shadowcat have to decide between saving the life of a friend or the lives of millions!
The Impossible Man Summer Vacation Spectacular #01-02 Complete
Impossible family decided to go on vacation ..... Earth. Impossible people suffering Spider-Man followed Dr. weird. Then he gets almost killed Punisher . He finally decides to relax and play golf with the Epcot ball at Disney. Impossible woman attempts to get Quasar to help fix her broken child , but when he can not help it receives Madcap take
Avengers-Fantastic Four - Domination Factor #01-04 Complete
World imprisoned in a dead end! But why? FF and powerful heroes of Earth realize that only they can save now on a journey into the past! So what part does the company Praxis play in the state of our planet? Who is the mysterious owner of the company? And what is the relationship she has one of the biggest threats to the universe Marvel?
Archer and Armstrong #00-13
Obadiah Archer was born and grew up to cherish three things above all : the faith of their parents, the love of his 22 brothers and sisters , and his lifelong mission to defeat the final villain . Now, after several years of training , Archer was sent to the festering heart of modern America Day Babylon , aka New York, to eradicate and kill this
X-Men - Deadly Genesis #01-06 Complete
X-Men go for Professor X who went missing after the events of House of M, and they find disturbing secret. At the same time, an incredibly powerful mutant appears, probably due to this mysterious secret.
The War #01-04 Complete
Jack Magniconte and other new characters of the universe join forces to remove the paranormal terrorist.
Static Shock #01-08 Complete
New 52 series starring Static, the first written Scott McDaniel and John Rozum. This is the first series of solo character beyond Milestone imprint which originally ended in 1997, and later was properly put to rest in 2010. The series was canceled as of issue number 8.
Justice League International #01-12 + Annual Complete
New Ongoing starring the Justice League International written by Dan Jurgens with art Lopresti.Seriya Aaron is part of a new initiative of 52, after the events of Flashpoint. Headed by Booster Gold, the UN authorized the JLI includes Guy Gardner, Fire, Ice, Rocket Red, Vixen, Godiva, August General in iron, and Batman, although it is not
Vigilante Vol.3 #01-12 Complete
In New York City , crime is on the rise , and terror fills the streets . Gang warfare is escalating, and metahumans are being prepared to fight. Through the corruption and lawlessness , one man leaves to correct errors as soon as he can. Therefore, when a super hero story plot comes to light , Vigilante returns to find the traitor and administer
Vigilante Vol.2 #01-06 Complete
The classic DC character returns in a spectacular 6 issues maxiseries written by fan-favorite Bruce Jones (Hulk) with the art of Ben Oliver ( GOVERNMENT RIGHTS: on the inside) and covers by Michael Golden ! Welcome to the modern metropolis , where the two men with very different philosophies to work towards the search for justice in an unjust
Vigilante Vol.1 #01-50 + Annuals Complete
Marv Wolfman created this series in 1983. It was one of the first comics regularly deal with realistic themes such as urban crime. Alan Moore wrote the questions 17 and 18.
Rocket Raccoon #01-04 Complete
A dazzling crazy adventure in Halfworld! This mini-series re-introduces us to the crazy going on in the world of whacky mismatch (nuts) of the people and their caregivers animals.
Moonshadow #01-12 Complete
Originally published by Marvel's Epic imprint , Moonshadow was bought and re-released most of a decade later, DC Vertigo, and even given a new ending " to the creators of the off- prestige format one-shot , goodbye moon's shadow . This maxiseries is a travel Moonshadow young boy to a spiritual awakening , began life in the intergalactic zoo and
Two-Gun Kid #01-136 Complete
136 issues pages | 3690 мb.

Tags: Two-Gun Kid Collection Brett Dawson Claire Cyclone 1948-1977
Two -Gun Kid and his horse Cyclone ride into town Sundown, Arizona. There's a stray bullet lightning was knocking cowboy . Suspecting trouble, two-gun strikes the interior, where a shot rang out and finds a man shot in the arm for refusing to drink with the other. Two -Gun Shooter confronts a heated exchange occurs . When the two-gun shooter says
X-Men Noir - Mark of Cain #01-04 Complete
A few months after the events of the welfare Pen, lawmakers are concerned about the controversial U.S. extraterritorial Genosha Bay prison for his alleged inhuman treatment of their prisoners , and seek to close it forever. At a hearing in the Senate, Senator Robert Kelly defended the prison, saying that it was necessary, in the logic of eugenics
X-Men Colossus - Bloodline #01-05 Complete
Colossus discovers that he is a distant cousin to Grigory Rasputin, the mad monk who was responsible for the collapse of Russian Romanov family.
Video Jack #01-06 Complete
From the control experiment, the woes and put a little pranks Anytown, USA in the quaint dimension of sight and sound ... And the only thing that can save this Video Jack!

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