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Giant-Size Little Marvel - AvX #02
Our heroes may be little, but boy are they violent! Land Marville brings you the best of Marvel, they face-off in the Battle of the strongest in several smaller package. Super-powered bouncers, high-tech hide and eye puns large most adorable characters Marvel not pull any punches in this larger than life-sized fun adventure.
Dark Reign The Cabal
Doctor Doom! Emma Frost! Good! Namor the Sub-Mariner! Loki! They are members of Norman Osborn's secret conspirators villainy, united in a common cause, as they move to change the very landscape of the universe Marvel! Now, five all-new stories, learn how each member of the syndicate's sinister plans to capitalize on the situation, and perhaps how
Dark Reign - Made Men
Five brutal stories examining how changes caused by Dark Reign impact on the criminal community throughout the universe Marvel! Spies takes on dangerous assignments Norman Osborn! Attuma resurrected Doctor Doom! New Jack O'Lantern opposed to the police! Gamma Corps confronts Iron Patriot! And the new Enforcer marks his territory with a hood!
Secret Wars #03
29 pages | 38.5 мb.

Tags: Secret Wars Doctor Doom Doctor Strange
Uncanny Avengers - Ultron Forever #01
Time-spanning epic comes to feelings stunning finish! Avengers Asgardia compared to the massive forces of Ultron! Can the Avengers triumph - or will evil again take the throne of Odin? Plus - the dark secret of Dr. Doom! And who ... Earth Last Avenger?
M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #01
In a world populated by the worst thieves, murderers, and ne'er-do-wells, there is one who is head and shoulders above the rest ... Enter, MODOK: Mental Organism Designed Only for murder! Killville very own Merc with Moe is open for business! But his next job might be biting off more than he can chew ...
Inhumans - Attilan Rising #01
There is a rebellion brewing in the Battleworld and stretches far and wide in each domain. Medusa, the ruler Attilan instructed to reveal the leader of the rebellion and the flooding it with extreme prejudice. When she finds out that the leader of the rebellion is Black Bolt, however, things get complicated.
Ultimate End #01
Miles Morales and other characters ULTIMATE U face final extinction As the end of the world is imminent, it will be heartbreaking sacrifice of heroes no difference? The dramatic end of an era starts here!
Crazy Magazine #01-94 + Super Special Complete
95 issues pages | 3760 мb.

Tags: Crazy Magazine Doctor Doom E. T. Obnoxio the Clown Teen-Hulk
A comedy "Mad" like magazine published by Marvel Comics in the 1970's and 1980's. Main characters of the series where Nebbish and Obnoxio the Clown.
New Avengers #33
35 pages | 59.3 мb.

Tags: New Avengers Doctor Doom Illuminati
FINAL ISSUE! Time is over! In April this year, The Avengers Illuminati and face down his last hours. Clock is winding down and the final raid on us. Superstar writer Jonathan Hykman with blockbuster artists Mike Deodato and Kev Walker to bring about an epic saga Avengers, yllyumynatov and Marvel universe on the brink of extinction. Invasion of
What If  - Age of Ultron
In the age of Ultron, time travel Wolverine killed Hank Pym, before he could create a world conquering Ultron. But what if the other founders of the Avengers were killed as well? Find out in five alternate adventures! In a world without Wasp, Hank Pym created Ultron even more disgusting than the one we know! Without Iron Man Armor Wars firing
Avengers & X-Men - Axis
Red onslaught broadcasting telepathic wave of hatred around the world - and the greatest heroes of Marvel incorporated their moral axis! That the Avengers and the X-Men find in the dark "reeducation camps" Red Skull? What is the dark secret of Tony Stark? And with the characters "back" to the evil that will stand against them? What about the army
Avengers - Ultron Forever #01
PART 1: 3 - the beginning of a three-part event Avengers! 500 years into the future, Ultron won. Mankind has all but died out - dead or enslaved Ultron Singularity. Now, seven Avengers brought through time, Dr. Doom in the battle for the fate of the god machine space ... or die trying! It starts here - an epic adventure spanning the past and
Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man #11
Due miles, Ultimates back! Because Dr. Doom has revealed his plan, and it's more than one web-slinger can handle!
All-New X-Men #36
20 pages | 32.8 мb.

Tags: All-New X-Men Angel Armor Doctor Doom Jimmy Hudson
The final face-off you knew was going to happen! All-New X-Men compared to Ultimate X-Men! However, when characters of both sides that can be won? And what side is to leave Miles Morales, Ultimate Spider-Man's next?
Deadpool #39
20 pages | 38.6 мb.

Tags: Deadpool Doctor Doom Red Skull Scarlet Witch
AXIS TIE-IN! You heard right, as events, axes inverted it ... Deadpool went ZEN! He found all over the world! He vowed OFF VIOLENCE! Since he is going to help your friends survive inverted X-Men?!?
Amazing X-Men #14
AXIS TIE-IN! As the events of AXIS reach the boiling point as X-Men and the Avengers find themselves in difficult positions. Not least of which is Night and Mystique-as rapid mother / son combo course and point in their relationship, they never had before!
Amazing X-Men #14
AXIS TIE-IN! As events AXIS reach the boiling point as X-Men and the Avengers find themselves in precarious positions. Not least of which are nocturnal and Mystique-as rapid mother / son combo and within a point in their relationship, they have never experienced before!
Avengers World #16
AXIS TIE-IN! Avengers team you never expected explodes into action in the "Available" Part 2! Scarlet Witch anger unleashed! Heroic gambit-be Dr. Doom, he atonement?
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #17
This is it! The end! The finale! The big wrapuperoo!!
Magneto #12
As the impact of the Red Skull permeates the world, Magneto confronted with his best friend he thought he was buried ... Maybe Magneto has more in common with Charles Xavier, what he once thought?
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