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Gotham Academy #6
If you thought getting detention was a pain, just wait until you see the prison Gotham Academy-style!
Godzilla Rulers Of Earth #22
Mechagodzilla madness abounds as the new villain makes his plan known! He aims to raise the strongest of Godzilla. But what's the secret of his allies help? The answer will shock you!
Ocean - Orbiter - The Deluxe Edition
Two classic science fiction epic, written by Warren Ellis come together for the first time! In OCEAN # 1-6, UN weapons inspector Nathan Cain must know what lies beneath half a mile thick mantle of ice at the Europa Hotel. And in the original graphic novel Orbiter no long shuttle crash lands on Earth to unlock the mystery that will unfold in the
Judge Dredd #28
24 pages | 37.7 мb.

Tags: Judge Dredd Chief Judge Cal Judge Anderson
Over the long term, and the chief judge Dredd wants Cal to answer for their crimes! But Mega-City One in the nervous, paranoid chaos (namely due to the events of the previous 27 questions). What news cheats Cal do to the soul of the city? That's when Judge Anderson comes to a shocking decision that could change forever Meg ...
Heartbreakers #07
8 pages | 5.4 мb.

Tags: Heartbreakers Queenie Therese Sorenson
The last two surviving clones Teresa Sorenson stranded on Saturn. But before we find out how they get out of this predicament, let's flash back to the origin of our heroines: their first days out of the tank, how they met and how Quinn got her name.
The New 52 - Futures End #47
Power shifts recent issues placed on one person's shoulders the weight of protecting the world from the threat that destroyed StormWatch! There's no stopping from start to finish.
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #91
"Returning password Register". This December, Fifth, in the evening, that Krampus walks the streets looking for naughty children to punish. Tarot returned to Austria to try to prevent it. It failed last year. But this time it brings Raven Hex Devils take on Christmas!
Samurai Jack #17
19 pages | 28.9 мb.

Tags: Samurai Jack Jim Zubkavich
The prophet calls himself "Master of Time" carries the connection is teeming with countless monsters and deadly traps. Jack Samurai Jack will have to become the attacker if he hopes to get an audience with the mysterious master.
Justice League Dark #40
Mad sorceress named Enchantress releases forces that can not cope even ordinary heroes of the Justice League. Therefore, John Constantine, Deadman, Shade and Madame Xanadu create a band Dark Justice League. This command mystical heroes will battle with evil, at the mere mention of which any person proshibet cold sweat.
Gotham by Midnight #5
The series tells about Midnight Change of Gotham City Police led by Detective Jim Corrigan. This is a special unit that investigates crimes of a special type, for which not even dare to take Batman. New ongoingu significantly helped weekly Batman Eternal, in which Ray Fox and began to develop the story Corrigan, so it is logical that Batman will
Arkham Manor #6
Arkham Manor authors will screenwriter Jerry Dugan, best known for the current volumes of the series "Deadpool" and "Nova" for Marvel, and artist Shawn Crystal, which is better known as Inker and also distinguished work on Marvel, and the plot is built around the fact that the estate Waynes will be converted into a prison for loonies.
Infinity Man and the Forever People #9
Infinity Man And The Forever People # 2 - the beginning of a new ongoinga friendly team cheeked enthusiasts Dan Didio and Keith Giffen, OMAC which taught only what is necessary to try to make another series of constant characters Jack Kirby. Perhaps it would be the same harmless fun that some of our commentators at the time called OMAC.
Deathstroke #6
Slade Wilson was sixteen years old when he lied about his age to join the armed forces of the United States. After serving in Korea, Wilson was sent to Camp Washington, where he was promoted to Major. In the early sixties, Slade met Captain Adeline Kane, which was tasked to train young soldiers new combat techniques due to expected problems in
Secret Origins #11
The first issue of Secret Origins will tell the story of Superman, Supergirl and Dick Grayson (also known as the first Robin, and later - the superhero Nightwing). The second issue is preparing for the fans of the comic book stories Aquaman, and Batman Starfaer.
Earth 2 - World's End #25
Outgunned, outnumbered and outmatched, world army, headed by Mr. Miracle and Big Barda to invade Apokolips!
Batman and Robin #40
Fighting evil, together with his son, Damian, Bruce Wayne realizes that in this case the most difficult - to work in a team. Meanwhile, the last of Bruce Wayne appears dark figure. His name - no one, and his angry that Batman Ikorporeyted prevents his own struggle with evil.
The Multiversity - Ultra Comics #1
The acclaimed FINAL CRISIS team of Grant Morrison and Doug Mahnke reunite for a story so big it could only take place in the real world – that’s right, Earth-33 is back! With the Multiverse under attack, a team of scientists create one final savior to take on the otherworldly threat…and its name is Ultra Comics! Literally held in your hands,
The Life After #08
25 pages | 50 мb.

Tags: The Life After Ernest Hemingway Essie Jude Nettie
Nettie reunion with her daughter is not all that she hoped - increased six years Essie after a few minutes of each other, and now she does not even remember her mother. Not to mention the fact that she is the leader of the army and rebel kid hanging out with a giant rabbit god all day. Meanwhile, Jude and Hemingway are separated from the group and
Sinestro #11
25 pages | 45.2 мb.

Tags: Sinestro Bekka Highfather Malhedron Orion Shadowfall
"God", Act 2, Part 5: Mission Zamaron and star sapphires gives a shocking secret about the White Lantern, but in this case, knowledge is power. It is clear that the strike on New Genesis is necessary, but without a mother Box, home of the gods forever out of reach. Sinestro, however, is not convinced and determined Sinestro can be very bad!

Sinestro #11 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Red Lanterns #40
There's a new gang in town as Red Lanterns come to earth! Like the rest of the universe to respond to police their new red "jurisdiction"? And more importantly, how will react Ice, when Guy Gardner comes-Courtin '? Cover big hint!
Catwoman #40
25 pages | 32.2 мb.

Tags: Catwoman Catwoman comics new Catwoman
She loves the night. She likes shiny trinkets. She seduces Batman. Most of all, Catwoman beckons danger. And she can not help it ...

Catwoman #40 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Batman Eternal #51
Someone collected secret conspiracy to suppress Gotham City ... but it's not Batman! Riddler knows everything - and he'll never tell!
Black Cat Comics Classics #03
From the 1940s! Black Cat in "Secrets of the Buddha." Block Buster Barton in "The Mystery of the missing tenants." Johnny Nebisco in "Billboard Murder case!" Swamp Gold in "Gold Dead Pirate!" In addition, "Lush Lucifer!"


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