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Mystique #5
26 pages | 58.8 мb.

Tags: Mystique marvel comics
Mystique #4
22 pages | 62.8 мb.

Tags: Mystique marvel comics
Mystique #3
22 pages | 67.2 мb.

Tags: Mystique marvel comics
Mystique #2
24 pages | 63.6 мb.

Tags: Mystique marvel comics
Mystique #1
27 pages | 88.2 мb.

Tags: Mystique marvel comics
Uncanny X-Men Vol.6 - Storyville
It's the final explosive story in Brian Michael Bendis' epic X-Men saga! Cyclops is on the edge! Recent events have driven this already tempestuous mutant to the point of disaster. Will Scott Summers save himself from ruin - or will he make that fateful leap?! Meanwhile, Kitty Pryde and Illyana Rasputin take on an assignment neither of them
Uncanny X-Force Vol.6 - Final Execution Book 1
The Omegas vs. Uncanny X-Force - the battle begins! Who is this new team, and what is their grudge with X-Force? Meanwhile, Psylocke visits an old friend at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, but what she finds may shock her to the core! Then, what's left of X-Force goes up against the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants! Plus: X-Force land
X-Men Origins - Nightcrawler #01
The X-MEN ORIGINS series continues with your favorite German mutant, Nightcrawler! Relive his early days as a trapeze artist in Germany, witness the first time he teleported and see the events that made him the hero he is today!
Marvel Zombies #04
Out of bullets and out of hope, Elsa Bloodstone desperately struggles across the zombie ridden Deadlands to bring the child she swore to protect to salvation. But with the zombie horde and a merciless stalker hot on her trail, survival will take every ounce of mettle she can muster. Can Elsa survive? And even if she makes it out of the Deadlands,
Years Of Future Past #02
Freed from the military prison, X-Men race through the ruins of the city in order to save his teammates from a terrible fate! Horrified by the fact that the mutants have to do to survive, Kate Pryde and her family have to struggle to find a way to save his people - and to seek refuge where sharp weapons waiting.
Years Of Future Past #01
In the dark peoples BATTLEWORLD, New York mutants must fight to survive the rule of the Guardians! In their heart of Kate Pryde, the heroine experienced war, and the mother of the last mutant ever born to purge Control Act Mutant! With the revolution in the wind, X-Men, a team is not disturbed with nothing to lose, but the desperate family with a
Wolverines #19
22 pages | 33.9 мb.

Tags: Wolverines Daken Mr. Sinister Mystique X-23
Mystique’s endgame is now in final swing – everything is exactly how she planned in this penultimate issue!
Uncanny X-Men #34
19 pages | 24.6 мb.

Tags: Uncanny X-Men Cyclops Magik Mystique
Mystique returned to the pages of the supernatural X-MEN-and is out for revenge! It will soulsword Magik in enough to stop the wrath of Werewolf?
Wolverines #14
23 pages | 29.5 мb.

Tags: Wolverines Daken Mystique
It's no secret that Mystique was planning something ... something that includes the exact location of each part-fly caught in her web. As a final pieces will fall into place for her, though, what happens when it loses two of its main pawns?
Wolverines #08
Betrayal! FALSE! This is what happens when a group of Paradise and wolverines share more alliances ... And what happens when an old friend of Wolverine appears on the boondoggle weekend - ENTER FANG! Lady Death finally come to the conclusion that it should not be one, but at this moment of vulnerability return to stab her in the back?
Wolverines #07
Romance in the air - for old and new fans alike, and just in time for Valentine's Day! Power Play Mystic kicks into full gear as more is revealed about his plans to fight her fate. And what happens when she gets one of the most recent control words, and with it the right to get everything she ever wanted.
Wolverines #05
The team from Paradise and Wolverines combined for attacking Sinister and his snow forts, but what surprises lay in store when they find out the doors really easy way? Wicked has over plans for Logan's body in his lair ... but amazing X-Men, who are involved in its plans for destruction and perfection? Special performance at Fing Fang Boom!
Wolverines #02
Sinister Strike! How Daken is crippled and fading, and Shogun sees death looms for themselves and their entire crew Weapon X, the only legacy Wolverine - X-23, Sabretooth, Mystique and Lady Death - you can save them. But none of them can not be trusted!
Loki - Agent of Asgard #09
AXIS TIE-IN! Loki, swashbuckling savior of truth and justice, as compared to the Loreley - scheming sister noble Sorceress! Once - at the time, Loki would rather forget - these two were allies. Now, Loki must bring Lorelei in - or die trying! Also featuring: basic meanness Thor - Marvel God bestial evil!
Death of Wolverine - The Logan Legacy #07
It's all come to this! Heroes and villains closest to Wolverine-Mystique, Daken, Sabretooth, X-23 and Lady Death-make a monumental decision that will forever change the legacy that Logan was built years forging. That is, if they survive the threat of vampires threat call their goals!
Amazing X-Men #14
AXIS TIE-IN! As the events of AXIS reach the boiling point as X-Men and the Avengers find themselves in difficult positions. Not least of which is Night and Mystique-as rapid mother / son combo course and point in their relationship, they never had before!
Amazing X-Men #14
AXIS TIE-IN! As events AXIS reach the boiling point as X-Men and the Avengers find themselves in precarious positions. Not least of which are nocturnal and Mystique-as rapid mother / son combo and within a point in their relationship, they have never experienced before!
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