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Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Two #02
Superman Batman seeking criminal while the Green Lantern Corps to ask Superman new World Order.
Deadpool - The Gauntlet #02
72 pages | 44.7 мb.

Tags: Deadpool - The Gauntlet Deadpool Dracula
Tasked with a very special delivery Dracula, Deadpool first task to pick up a package ... which is sealed in a secret grave and secure deadly warriors teleportation! And the journey is only going to get harder from there ... The very first Endless rows Deadpool continues!
Batman Beyond 2.0 #12
Terry and Bruce are forced to work together to remove one of the oldest enemies of Batman ... but their tensions prevent them from completing their mission?
Adventures of Superman #39
As the Man of Steel responds to a breakthrough in prison striker, Metallo Hobson threatens to kill if he does not show all that he knows about Superman! "Open" part 3 of 3.
Adventure Time - Pixel Princesses
WHY WE LOVE IT : This book is about how the princess to resolve their differences , at the same time, the game is based , and taking names. Why you 'll love it : It's a book about how the princess to resolve their differences , at the same time, the game is based , and taking names. What is it about : Princess Tea Party meetings are not always and
Chip 'n' Dale (Volume 2) 1-83 series
The famous Walt Disney cartoon about the exciting adventures of brave rescuers - Chip, Dale, Monty, Nuts and Zipper, who are always willing to go to meet unexpected and incredible adventures opastno only would help in trouble.
Chip 'n' Dale (Volume 1) 4-30 series
The famous Walt Disney cartoon about the exciting adventures of brave rescuers - Chip, Dale, Monty, Nuts and Zipper, who are always willing to go to meet unexpected and incredible adventures opastno only would help in trouble.
Wonder Woman - Amazonia
big, beautiful , thick book, which contains information from the Golden Age of comics to our time. Wonder Woman - the most popular comic book heroine DC, not only , Best of Best else of all times and peoples, but also a cultural icon . Created at a time when it was required to inspire patriotic feelings and give an image of a new type of woman ,
Seven Warriors (1-3 series) Complete
3 issues pages | 51.9 мb.

Tags: Seven Warriors Seven Warriors comics Seven Warriors
In this series, our story begins in the 6th century Libya, the capital of the ancient nation is surrounded by the Persian and Byzantine army. Seven gorgeous and sexy women should save the life of the heir of the kingdom and deliver it in a secret place. But not all of them survive to the next day ... Exquisite fairy tale in the spirit of 300, ...
Lobo - Infanticide (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 41.6 мb.

Tags: Lobo - Infanticide Lobo Infanticide Lobo COMICS
The popular anti-hero Lobo biker assassin. American barmoley, only a hundred times worse. With a built in his head radio chip, he always hears the sounds of heavy metal. Most of his time this guy spends in the bar, swallowing whiskey like water. He was born on some planet-utopia called Zarni, and from the first days of his life began to manifest
Lobo - I quit
25 pages | 11.1 мb.

Tags: Lobo - I quit Lobo I quit Lobo comics
The popular anti-hero Lobo biker assassin. American barmoley, only a hundred times worse. With a built in his head radio chip, he always hears the sounds of heavy metal. Most of his time this guy spends in the bar, swallowing whiskey like water. He was born on some planet-utopia called Zarni, and from the first days of his life began to manifest
Legion Worlds (1-6 series) Complete
6 issues pages | 63.8 мb.

Tags: Legion Worlds Legion Worlds comics Legion Worlds
A six-issue limited series examining the lives of the members of the Legion of Super-Heroes who were absent from the series Legion Lost.
DC Guides Encyclopedias (collection)
РЎomics that there are in the assembly: 1. DC - Batman - The_Complete History 2. DC - Superman - The Complete History 3. DC - Wonder Woman - The_Complete History 4. DK - Batman - The Ultimate Guide to the Dark Knight 5. DK - DCE 6. DK - Superman the Ultimate Guide 7. DK - Wonder Woman - The Ultimate Guide to the Amazon Princess 8. The DC Comic
Deadshot (Volume 2) 1-5 series
5 issues pages | 53.1 мb.

Tags: Deadshot Deadshot comics Deadshot vol 2 hired killer
Dedshot - a hired killer, who regularly boasts that "never made ​​any misfires." He uses a wide variety of weapons, but most guns mounted on your wrist. Initially, it appears in Gotham as a new crime fighter, but an enemy of Batman when he tried to replace the Dark Knight and later sent to jail when Batman and Commissioner Gordon publicly
Deadshot (Volume 1) 1-4 series
4 issues pages | 34.7 мb.

Tags: Deadshot Deadshot comics Deadshot vol 1 hired killer
Dedshot - a hired killer, who regularly boasts that "never made ​​any misfires." He uses a wide variety of weapons, but most guns mounted on your wrist. Initially, it appears in Gotham as a new crime fighter, but an enemy of Batman when he tried to replace the Dark Knight and later sent to jail when Batman and Commissioner Gordon publicly
DC Universe - Halloween Special (2008-2010)
In rufendome comic DiSi information presented so that hope to start reading Batman coma sooner or later stumble upon the most mentioned arch "Hush," "Long Halloween", "War Games" and ... War games. Again and again, the neophyte in the camp of comics readers will stumble upon this name, and it will begin to associate it with something gipervazhnym.
Dark Shadows (Volume 1) 1-35 series
Comic talks about vampire Barnabas Collins and his encounters with various monsters, werewolves, witches and ghosts.


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