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Earth 2 Annual #2
The first issue of the monthly series from author James Robinson and artist Nicola Scott! Special guests Alan Scott and Jay Garrick, and many more! Who are the heroes of "Earth 2" and what happened to them? May think that you know the "Earth 2" ... but that 52 new items from DiSi Comics, here anything can happen! Do not miss the debut extended
Damian - Son of Batman #4
22 pages | 51.2 мb.

Tags: Damian - Son of Batman Damian Son of Batman
What if Damien was still alive? What if events occurred in a completely different way? What if during the crusade against crime died ... Batman? Which way would be entitled Damien after his father's death? On that he is ready to avenge his death and redeem guilt? And what problems will fall on the head of the heir to cloak the Dark Knight? Welcome
Catwoman #27
22 pages | 43.8 мb.

Tags: Catwoman Catwoman comics new Catwoman
She loves the night. She likes shiny trinkets. She seduces Batman. Most of all, Catwoman beckons danger. And she can not help it ...

Catwoman #27 (2014)

Publisher: DC
All-Star Western #27
24 pages | 49.3 мb.

Tags: Western All Star Western All Star
When Gotham was another one-horse town, there was no one to catch criminals. And things got worse when bounty hunter John Hex comes to town. Will Amadeus Arkham, founder of criminal psychology, enlist the help of Hex to help the Gotham Police Department track down a serial killer?
Fables #137
Conclusion epic story 'Camelot' is red rose taking names and saving Snow White from imminent danger. But at what cost?
Dead Boy Detectives #02
From the pages of The Sandman! Fearless dead schoolchildren Neil Gaiman's return to the horror that St. Hilarions school, a place where they were both killed. Trying to protect his new friend, techno-savvy Sleuth Crystal, from suffering the same fate in the hands of bullies friends, Charles and Edwin begin to unravel the mysteries surrounding
Sledgehammer 44 - Lightning War #3
23 pages | 20.5 мb.

Tags: Sledgehammer 44 Lightning War Sledgehammer comics
August 1944: a man in a suit of iron armor drops from an American warplane onto a French battlefield, where he attempts to fight his way through an army of Nazis and the massive war machine they keep protected in an armory.
Conan - And the People of the Black Circle #4
It all begins with the return of Barbara home and attack him with the Vanir-Invader Cimmerian borders. He is assisted by a strange stranger who sheltered at Conan for a while until tightened his wounds and told the story of his Barbarian grandfather, Connacht. Ever since childhood Cimmerian Seniors, Connacht fascinated Conan tales of distant lands
Justice League Dark #27
Mad sorceress named Enchantress releases forces that can not cope even ordinary heroes of the Justice League. Therefore, John Constantine, Deadman, Shade and Madame Xanadu create a band Dark Justice League. This command mystical heroes will battle with evil, at the mere mention of which any person proshibet cold sweat.
The Lone Ranger #21
36 pages | 36.1 мb.

Tags: The Lone Ranger Lone Ranger Scout Tonto 2014
From a series of autonomous Tales of the Old West, this issue revisits an unknown part of Tonto in the past. Tonto finally meet face to face with rogue Indian Maintains that indirectly led to the deaths of his wife and son. In this life-changing meeting Tonto forever. This issue also shows how Tonto bought a horse, Scout. Revenge of the blood and
Adventures of Superman #40
As the Man of Steel responds to a breakthrough in prison striker, Metallo Hobson threatens to kill if he does not show all that he knows about Superman! "Open" part 3 of 3.
Zip Comics (1-47 series) Complete
47 issues pages | 989.1 мb.

Tags: Zip Comics Steel Sterling Zip
Published by MLJ/Archie comics. One of Archie's many anthology comics of the period. This one lasted 47 issues from June 1940- June 1944. The series featured a mix of detective, superhero, war, fantasy and more. Noted first appearances of superheroes like The Web and Steel Sterling.
The Web (1-14 series + annual) Complete
15 issues pages | 223.8 мb.

Tags: The Web The Web comics Impact comics
The 90's revamp of the web published by Impact comics. This time, instead of being based on the classic Archie comics crime fighting superhero, the web is a group of government secret agents in super powered suits of armour.
The Shadow Strikes Annual #1
Shadow - a man perfectly mastered the fantastic ability to hide in the shadows disappear, distracting, and take other people's appearance. His real face and name are unknown. In the fight with the criminals he helped several people who owe him my life, but who also did not know about it and interact with it, leaving a letter in the mailbox
The Comet (1-18 series + annual) Complete
19 issues pages | 259.8 мb.

Tags: The Comet The Comet comics Impact comics
The Comet was one of the many Archie Red Circle heroes acquired by DC and published as part of DC's Impact comic imprint. The series lasted 18 issues plus The Comet Annual #1.
Lobo the Duck
The popular anti-hero Lobo biker assassin. American barmoley, only a hundred times worse. With a built in his head radio chip, he always hears the sounds of heavy metal. Most of his time this guy spends in the bar, swallowing whiskey like water. He was born on some planet-utopia called Zarni, and from the first days of his life began to manifest
Lobo and Deadman - The Brave and the Bald
The popular anti-hero Lobo biker assassin. American barmoley, only a hundred times worse. With a built in his head radio chip, he always hears the sounds of heavy metal. Most of his time this guy spends in the bar, swallowing whiskey like water. He was born on some planet-utopia called Zarni, and from the first days of his life began to manifest
Jaguar (1-14 series) Complete
14 issues pages | 210.3 мb.

Tags: Jaguar Jaguar comics Impact
Download free comics Jaguar


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