New comics
Turok - Dinosaur Hunter #12
22 pages | 35.7 мb.

Tags: Turok - Dinosaur Hunter Turok Greg Pak
Life is hard for Turok in "civilized" England in the 1200s, where he was treated as "savage", although able to tame dinosaurs better than anyone. But the assassination plot against one of its allies will send Dinosaur Hunter deep inside Sherwood Forest, and back in his element. High action and intrigue courtesy Greg Pak (Batman / Superman, Action
Abigail and the Snowman #03
30 pages | 45.5 мb.

Tags: Abigail and the Snowman Abigail Claude
Abigail nine-year-old girl with a big imagination who moves to a small town where she was new to the school, trying to make friends. Everything changes when she meets a Yeti named Claude, who escaped senior government center. Abigail and Claude become best friends, but to make sure that it can really be free of "shadow men" chasing him, they have
Tomb Raider #13
Comic book tells the adventures of archaeologist Lara Croft, who is not afraid to risk their lives and constantly finds himself in extreme conditions. Lara intelligent and beautiful woman, she is in great physical training, has many kinds of melee, makes a variety of dangerous stunts, as well as shoots well from all types of weapons. Lara Croft is
Star Trek #42
The all-new five-year mission of the enterprise continues as Captain Tiberius Kirk Jane and her team are faced with a never before seen the enemy in deep space! Wait ... Jane Kirk? What's going on? All will be revealed in the first chapter of this new two-part stories controlled STAR TREK writer / producer Roberto Orci!
Sherlock Holmes vs. Harry Houdini #04
After the opening night performance of Harry Houdini will be destroyed grotesque murders, he is faced with Sherlock Holmes when Holmes refuses to let the legendary magician, to help bring the perpetrators to justice. But Houdini proud not take "no" for an answer, which leads to the epic game of cat and mouse in the dangerous streets of London.
Halo - Escalation #15
24 pages | 40.4 мb.

Tags: Halo - Escalation Gabriel Thorne Spartan Ray
Halo! "Impact" of the 2-disaster looms as the Spartans Ray Thorne and race against the clock to track down a mysterious new weapon of mass destruction. Duffy Boudreau (BlackAcre, Bloodshot) and Douglas Franchin bring you a stunning conclusion of another action-packed chapter of the saga Halo! Essential complement to the Halo canon! Halo franchise
Fables - The Wolf Among Us #12
Murder mystery deepens as Bigby and Snow dress down as mayor Ichabod Crane. Now, why he is trying to cover up the murder of Fable?
Doodle Jump Comics #06
24 pages | 30 мb.

Tags: Doodle Jump Comics Doodler Triple
Our hero Doodler and his new buddy Triple find themselves in a ghostly world of ninja. They are within a few unwanted surprises - if they can not pull together as a team! Come aboard this brand new, all ages are available, the original comic book series from Dynamite! Doodle Jump is a number 3 all-time top paid apps, and was a top 25 app name for
Dead Squad #04
Dead team has thirteen hours to live, and only one hope: Vargas - sultry ex-operative care professional and personal grudges against Blake.
Colder - The Bad Seed #05
29 pages | 48.8 мb.

Tags: Colder - The Bad Seed Declan Thomas Swivel
Seeds sown! Declan efforts to save others from the power of insanity under threat as manic Rotary causes terrible havoc on people's Boston! Continuation of a series of critics! With Eisner Award winner Paul Tobin and artist Juan Ferreyra! Do not miss Paul Tobin and Juan Ferreyra on Prometheus: Fire and stone!
Captain Midnight #20
24 pages | 41.6 мb.

Tags: Captain Midnight Nancy Silver Dragon
Captain Midnight may be a genius inventor, and a fighter. , But a time traveler is willing to be a superhero in the modern era? And if he was ready for his first date since 1944?! Meanwhile, a mysterious force took over Sharkbyte technology and killer Helios forged rocky loyalty with close allies midnight. Author: Joshua Williamson (Nailbiter,
The Flash #39
24 pages | 39.9 мb.

Tags: The Flash new Flash Flash The Flash comics
Flash has the ability to develop a supersonic speed and use superhuman reflexes, which violates several laws of physics. So far, there are four characters who have the ability to super speeds and performed under the name Flash: Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West and Bart Allen-2007, 2009-present). Before you put on a suit, Flash, Bart Allen and
Star Spangled War Stories - G.I.Zombie #7
23 pages | 24.9 мb.

Tags: Star Spangled War Stories G.I.Zombie
It is unlikely that the entire movement of the French Resistance fighter find attractive Mademoiselle Marie. And certainly there is not anyone more dangerous. But when she is sent behind enemy lines with a very valuable cargo for partisans (maki), Marie would have to be extremely careful, that's why they say "Keep your friends close and your
He-Man - The Eternity War #3
Are you a fan Masters of the Universe? Then He-Man: The Eternity War - the comic that you should read this December. We promise to show war that ended all wars, and judging by the cover, it seems that it will be attended by a very large number of characters.
2000AD #1919
32 pages | 90.3 мb.

Tags: 2000AD 2000AD comics
The Life After #07
24 pages | 49.9 мb.

Tags: The Life After Ernest Hemingway Essie Jude Nettie
Nettie reunion with her daughter is not all that she hoped - increased six years Essie after a few minutes of each other, and now she does not even remember her mother. Not to mention the fact that she is the leader of the army and rebel kid hanging out with a giant rabbit god all day. Meanwhile, Jude and Hemingway are separated from the group and
The Lone Ranger - Vindicated #4
The Lone Ranger sets out to restore justice and fireworks to people who beat Tonto and left him to die on the streets of the Red River, but strange twist reveals the true ambitions and greed of people who are chasing. Meanwhile feeling Lone Ranger Fiona Doyle to be putting it at greater risk and Tonto!
The New 52 - Futures End #43
Power shifts recent issues placed on one person's shoulders the weight of protecting the world from the threat that destroyed StormWatch! There's no stopping from start to finish.
Gotham by Midnight #4
The series tells about Midnight Change of Gotham City Police led by Detective Jim Corrigan. This is a special unit that investigates crimes of a special type, for which not even dare to take Batman. New ongoingu significantly helped weekly Batman Eternal, in which Ray Fox and began to develop the story Corrigan, so it is logical that Batman will


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