New comics
Bloodshot Reborn #03
35 pages | 47.9 мb.

Tags: Bloodshot Reborn Bloodshot Jeff Lemire
All new ongoing series of New York Times bestseller writer Jeff Lemire (Valiant) and rising star Mico Suayan (HARBINGER) reaches a turning point chilling! Bloodshot hot on the heels of another mysterious mass murderer - but he may find the only way to stop this madman to do one thing, Bloodshot swore he would never do again. Bloodshot may resist
Armor Wars #02
WHO IS an iron hand? Murder Mystery deepens super hero Technopolis Baron Tony Stark and Thor domain - armored Jim Rhodes Uncover clues, which could undermine the Technopolis to the core! There FISK Wilson and Arno Stark in the league?
Amazing Forest #10
21 pages | 28 мb.

Tags: Amazing Forest Ulises Farinas
A collection of the greatest stories ever told. Tales for the brave. Ideas for the country. Evil concepts stir the minds of those with darkness in their hearts svoih.Sovremenny anthology that lends itself when the stories were short and ugly. Author Eric Freitas and Ulises Farinas, each painted a different comic amazingly talented artists, each
Kaijumax #03
29 pages | 40.1 мb.

Tags: Kaijumax Zander Cannon
MechaZon, leader of the Nation of Might gang fights with his pacifist position, when the monster was created to destroy appears in jail. And also: a raid on a laboratory sulfur! Conspiracy! Decapitation! Vomit! And ... adorable hallucinations?
Prez #1
26 pages | 31.4 мb.

Tags: Prez Prez comics

Prez #1 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Miami Vice Remix #04
52 pages | 43.9 мb.

Tags: Miami Vice Remix Ricardo Tubbs Sonny Crockett
The new street drug that Zombified citizens Miami Miami PD pushes its limits! Crockett and Tubbs can only hope the city but fails back to haunt them and demand payment in blood ...
Shaper #4
26 pages | 34.9 мb.

Tags: Shaper Shaper comics
Scooby-Doo Team-Up #20
Damned stone? Mummy? They are just the thing to bring Scooby and the gang on the run, and arouse the curiosity of Dr. Benton Quest.
Mind MGMT #34
23 pages | 65.7 мb.

Tags: Mind MGMT Meru
New York Times best-seller! Meru has a new mission: the course of each agent loyal to the new management of the eraser. The parties are currently selected, and the last line is drawn! Matt Kindt (Star Wars: Rebel Heist) brings together themes! Last year heats up!
Kabuki Vol.6 #2 - Scarab
Kabuki is a comic book series by artist and writer David Mack, first published in 1994 by Caliber Press and later by Image Comics. It is about an assassin who struggles with her identity, in near-future Japan. The current miniseries, Kabuki: The Alchemy, is being published by Marvel Comics under its imprint Icon Comics. The series has been
Heart in a Box #05
22 pages | 21.3 мb.

Tags: Heart in a Box Emma Kelly Thompson
After returning the first part of his missing heart, Emma sets to collect the remaining pieces scattered around the country, a trip that takes a surprisingly violent underground brothel! Writer Kelly Thompson (Captain Marvel and Carol Corp, Jem and Holograms) snatches the hearts of readers! Artist Meredith McLaren (loops, Hopeless Savages) puts
Fables - The Wolf Among Us #28
Bigby learned some harsh lessons about power, corruption and lies ... Now it's time for the final exam!
Edward Scissorhands #09
Things come to a boil, as Megs and Edward go after Eli, finding some disturbing secrets about the city on the way. It's a race against time as the unlikely duo with rumors growing mob mentality, and even his own family megabytes "to stop something really awful before it happens.
Astro City #24
28 pages | 34.9 мb.

Tags: Astro City Confessor Samaritan Winged Victory
Winged Victoria Samaritan and Confessor remove villain targeting her - and then she has to face the rain. It will be the most famous super heroine Astro City survive? Do not miss the grand finale of this four-part epic!


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