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Tokyo Ghost #01

Tokyo Ghost #01

The islands of Los Angeles 2089: Mankind is addicted to technology, the population of the unemployed seeking rest blissfully distracted from the toxic pollution that borrow, steal and kill in order to buy your next digital fix. Getting the virtual noise is the only thing left to live. This is the biggest industry, the only industry, each drug should be, and the bandits run it all. And who are these thugs turn to when they need their rule in life? Constables drive Dent and Debbie decay. This duo is about to be given a job that will make them familiar misery of Los Angeles, to remove the latest technical less country on earth: Tokyo Garden Nation. Bestselling writer RIC Remender (black SCIENCE, deadly CLASS) and superstar art team Shaun Murphy (CHRONONAUTS, punk rock, Jesus) and Matt Hollingsworth (WYTCHES, Hawkeye) to explore our growing addiction to technology and eager nature, we We continue to destroy.

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