Member of the junior team Women's Rage Bloody Mary - energy vampire who likes to suck the life out of their victims. It also flies with the disk and can project energy beams from his eyes, with which can hypnotic influence on their enemies, as well as manage them. She hates touching and attacks anyone who dares to do it.
Red K is a popular theme, actually it's pretty much explored to death. If i ever see Red K again i will jump out my In Action Comics 309, Lori Lemaris, Lana Lang, Pete Ross and everyone else appears in a special comic tribute to Superman. Supergirl continues to run in these issues. And the Phantom Zone gets a mention in Action Comics
Collection Marvel Comics for 11.12.2013 (50 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. The Emerald City of Oz #05 2. Marvel Knights Hulk #01 3. Wolverine and the X-Men #39 4. Nova #11 5. Mighty Avengers #04 6. Inhumanity - Awakening #01 7. Cable and X-Force #17 8. The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #06 9. Avengers A.I. #7.INH 10. Captain America
Collection DC Comics for 11.12.2013 (50 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl #26 2. Batman #26 3. Batman Black And White #4 4. Batman '66 #30 5. Constantine #9 6. Forever Evil Arkham War #3 7. Green Lantern Corps #26 8. Justice League #25 9. Justice League 3000 #1 10. Justice League Of America #10 11. Katana #10 12. Nightwing
A 3-part miniseries starring the Sonic the Hedgehog character named Princess Sally Acorn as she goes on a solo adventure. Marks the first appearance of NICOLE, her mini-computer companion.
The plot tells of Knuckles - echidnas guarding Master Emerald on Floating Island. At this time Knuckles family split into two groups: Brotherhud of Guardians and the Dark Legion. The hero belongs to the first group, and his girlfriend Julie-Su first belonged to the Dark Legion, which later merged with another. Knuckles with his group Haotiks must
Collection of special editions of Sonic: 1 Sonic Vs. Knuckles Battle Royal 2 Brave new world 3 Sonic Firsts 4 return of the king 5 Sonic Kids 6 The big 50 7 Exiles crossover 8 Giant special 9 Sonic Kids are back 10 Chaos Crossover 11 Girls Rule! 12 Sonic and Knuckles visa versa 13 Sonic Adventure 01 14 best of times 15 Naugus games
It's bad enough raid on super-technological base goes horribly wrong for warheads. Portal, which took them to the base also went back in time, so if Liger does not handle tragic events just like that time and space are at risk.
The comic begins with Hauer CYRO escape from the tube. He finds his armor and weapons, and breaks from the research center. He meets Sarah Wilde and takes her hostage. Leaders of some boards to arrange for the army to attack Hauer. He defeats the army. One of the leaders of the United States speaks to the Agent and says he has a mission for him.
Just when the human race believes that it is responsible, Mother Earth sends earthquakes, tidal waves and volcanoes to push civilization back to the dinosaur era. But Jack Tenrec makes a real prize - a classic Cadillac. Jack and beautiful (and dangerous) Hannah Dundee begin their full-color adventures in the future age of the dinosaurs.
Young Romance is a romantic comic book series created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby for the Crestwood Publications imprint Prize Comics in 1947. Generally considered the first romance comic, the series ran for 124 consecutive issues under Prize imprint, and a further 84 (issues #125-208) published by DC Comics after Crestwood stopped producing
Heart Throbs was originally published by Quality Comics. Beginning with issue #47, DC took over the title. These series are absent in the assembly: 124, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142.
Girls' Romances was a comic book published in the United States. It ran for 160 issues, from Feb-Mar 1950 to Oct. 1971. It covered romance topics like dating and marriage, and was published by the National Romance Group/DC. Roy Lichtenstein based many of his works on panels from the comic. These series are absent in the assembly: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Mitch Shelley is back - and he's still dead. While resurrecting can not long be dead and at every revival it appear new and unexpected abilities. However, such a large number of resurrections could not pass unnoticed, and now the secret forces are trying to figure out what's wrong with it - and to understand which of them will finally kill the
Comics in the continuation of the television series "Smallville" Superman is about youth - known as Clark Kent. Action comics comes six months after the events of season 10 of the television series, Superman saves the planet from the Apocalypse and here begins the 11 season. New friends, new enemies, old friends returning from their help when you
In the "archipelago of stone", Ambassador Hanna arrives in the city of Dundee in the sea. Team poachers want her to die, and it's up to Jack Tenrec, to stop them. In the "opportunists" Hannah and Remfro devise a plan to use the city's population of pteranodons. In the "law of the land", Jack has to deal with a poacher.
The series began as a reprint of a series untill issue 15, in witch Marvel famous kung fu master Shang-Chi made its first appearance. After two issues of Shang-Chi at the special edition of Marvel, the series was renamed and continued as a kung fu master with the question 17.