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Hulk #09
22 pages | 41.9 мb.

Tags: Hulk Betty Ross Doc Samson
"OMEGA Hulk" SHOCKER !!! This blush it be Hulk needles on DOC GREEN. Doc Green visits and old friend. Wait - he has friends? In addition, you do not think that we forgot about who shot a banner?

Hulk #09 (2015)

Publisher: Marvel
Nova #24
24 pages | 46 мb.

Tags: Nova Hulk Sam Alexander
AXIS TIE-IN! New faces ... is that the Hulk? Find out why they are fighting and just as Sam thinks he has a chance!

Nova #24 (2014)

Publisher: Marvel
Nova #23
AXIS tie-in! New is ... is that the Hulk? Find out why they are fighting and just as Sam thinks he has a chance!

Nova #23 (2015)

Publisher: Marvel
Savage Hulk #06
24 pages | 43.3 мb.

Tags: Savage Hulk Doctor Strange Hulk
Hulk Vs Doctor Strange! Interdimensional race into the oncoming Armageddon !!! HULK will destroy the whole city to avenge Dr. Strange? The country can achieve humanity Hulk to save them all?
She-Hulks (1-4 series + Sensational) Complete
5 issues pages | 97.1 мb.

Tags: She-Hulks She-Hulks comics Hulk She-Hulks Sensational
Cousin Bruce Banner lawyer Jennifer Walters was the daughter of Sheriff Morris Walters. Agent Nicholas Trask, a crime boss, whose paths crossed with her father, shot and seriously wounded her when Bruce was in town. Bruce gave her a blood transfusion, as only he could become a donor; because of the radioactive blood mutated Jennifer as it was with
Hulk #08
24 pages | 43.8 мb.

Tags: Hulk Betty Ross Doc Samson
"OMEGA Hulk" SHOCKER !!! This blush it be Hulk needles on DOC GREEN. Doc Green visits and old friend. Wait - he has friends? In addition, you do not think that we forgot about who shot a banner?

Hulk #08 (2014)

Publisher: Marvel
Avengers Vol.5 - Adapt Or Die
In the wake of INFINITY, Captain America and Iron Man plan the next version of the Avengers. But they soon discover that the planet is fluent on a collision course with Earth! Can a visitor from the future to help save the day? Then: He worked for the X-Men. Will we be so stupid to do it again? Yes, we would! It's a blast from the past, as Marvel
Hulk #07
22 pages | 45.8 мb.

Tags: Hulk Skaar Gerry Duggan
DOC GREEN gets its SITES more goals GAMMA DOC GREEN against SKAAR against ... hmm. We do not want to spoil it But you're worried Doc Green forgot about GAMMA CORPS? Plus, the appearance of a very unexpected green-skinned Hulk family member.
Savage Hulk #05
24 pages | 44.8 мb.

Tags: Savage Hulk Agent Becerra Doctor Strange Hulk
"CROSSROADS OF DESTRUCTION" AS FAN favorite artist GABRIEL HARDMAN NEXT Legendary ALAN DAVIS! What HULK without humanity? Free Banner, the Hulk has destroyed all civilization? Even guest star Dr. Strange can not stop it!
Savage Hulk #04
26 pages | 50.8 мb.

Tags: Savage Hulk Angel Beast Cyclops Havok Hulk
ALL-NEW SERIES comics SUPERSTAR ALAN Davies CONTINUES! Who, or what, is the newest of gamma-powered goliath?! Robots, mutants and carcasses, oh my! To what lengths will be Charles Xavier go to save Bruce Banner?
Hulk #06
"BANNER DOA" TAKES mind-blowing turn! To stop the destruction of the Avengers HULK dangerous plan is put into play Brain injury cure Bruce Banner, but at what cost? Forbidden knowledge that Tony Stark used to save his friend?

Hulk #06 (2014)

Publisher: Marvel
Hulk #06
"BANNER DOA" TAKES mind-blowing turn! To stop the destruction of the Avengers HULK dangerous plan is put into play Brain injury cure Bruce Banner, but at what cost? Forbidden knowledge that Tony Stark used to save his friend?

Hulk #06 (2014)

Publisher: Marvel
Daredevil #08
ORIGINAL SIN tie-in! Untold story of how the mother of Matt Murdock became Sister Maggie. When Matt learns something about his past, it's too scary to accept he is looking for his mother, only to find her in more trouble than he could have imagined.
Indestructible Hulk - Humanity Bomb Vol.4
Inhumanity tie-in! Bruce Banner was hired to save the planet! But who is against it? As battles Hulk Iron man and animals for the fate of the world, one lab at Banner fell Terrihena Mist! As the danger increases, there will be other assistants banner make a living? Enraged Banner is the last chance to prevent Terrigenesis - but Hulk unleashed a
Savage Hulk #03
21 pages | 51.2 мb.

Tags: Savage Hulk Angel Beast Cyclops Havok Hulk
ALL-NEW SERIES comics SUPERSTAR ALAN Davies CONTINUES! Who, or what, is the newest of gamma-powered goliath?! Robots, mutants and carcasses, oh my! To what lengths will be Charles Xavier go to save Bruce Banner?
Silver Surfer #05
Demon, Shuma Gorath, ready to throw in Earth Eternal Chaos! The problem is, if the Silver Surfer, Hulk, and Dr. Strange can not find a way to stop it ... This ... Dawn Greenwood, who will have to pay the price ... with my life. Gamora and Rocket appear only on the cover option.
Daredevil #07
ORIGINAL SIN tie-in! Untold story of how the mother of Matt Murdock became Sister Maggie. When Matt learns something about his past, it's too scary to accept he is looking for his mother, only to find her in more trouble than he could have imagined.
Ultimate FF #06
Sue Storm. IRON MAN. FALCON. WITH XXXXXXXX MAKE the most bizarre of all TEAM! Trapped outside the universe, an old friend returns to help. Secret Origins XXXXXXXXX Revealed! Something difficult comes through the rift.
Fantastic Four #08
ORIGINAL SIN: fatal FOUR PART II Fantastic Four is now bursting at its foundation! Ben will be able to handle the original sin he knew about Johnny? Sue and Reed will miss the rest of Franklin and the Future Fund? It will be what is left of the team will be able to stop their headquarters from closing on ... The Avengers?
Hulk #05
"BANNER DOA" TAKES mind-blowing turn! To stop the destruction of the Avengers HULK dangerous plan is put into play Brain injury cure Bruce Banner, but at what cost? Forbidden knowledge that Tony Stark used to save his friend?

Hulk #05 (2014)

Publisher: Marvel
Hulk #05
"BANNER DOA" TAKES mind-blowing turn! To stop the destruction of the Avengers HULK dangerous plan is put into play Brain injury cure Bruce Banner, but at what cost? Forbidden knowledge that Tony Stark used to save his friend?

Hulk #05 (2014)

Publisher: Marvel
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