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Avengers Vol.1 #301-350
Do you think that after all that has happened to the Avengers recently, they would have given a break! But no one counted on the site of the last surviving Xandar! What makes that place so dangerous is that Xandarian dressed in the final super-powered suit Nova! Starfox guest star and the Firelord!
Avengers Vol.1 #251-300
Captain America returns to action armiyu.Wasp goes on vacation and felt that instead of sun and fun, it's locked in a life-and-death struggle with brimstone Baron! Meanwhile, the vision makes a decision that will not only afect his life and his relationship with the Scarlet Witch, but the fate of the Earth!
Avengers Vol.1 #201-250
Before going their own way , the Avengers will take time to clean up their house after the chaos of the last issue with Marcus . Once the repair is made , Tony Stark in Long headed the headquarters of the International Island Stark and receives an alarm note from his secretary ! Someone or something has stolen the chemical components of the
Avengers Giant-Size #01-05
Giant Size Avengers companion to the monthly series The Avengers. It featured other new stories.
Avengers Annual #01-23
Avengers annual ran for 23 issues. In the 1998-2001 series ran with unique names of characters
Avengers Vol.1 #151-200
This is the bicentennial issue of the Earth Mightiest Heroes ! However , the mood in the Avengers Mansion with a bitter aftertaste, as Ms. Marvel gives birth to a healthy baby boy poslestrannoy three days of pregnancy. Something very strange happened to Carol Danvers , but Dr. Donald Blake and Hank Pym can not determine what. Something else very
Avengers Vol.1 #101-150
Russian chess game gone wrong, Leonard Tippit is fantastic powers. Throw in the Watcher and you have one heck of a story.
Avengers Vol.1 #51-100
Loki angered his imprisonment on the island of Silence and seeks revenge to be responsible, his half-brother Thor!
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