New comics
Stormwatch #27
Storm Watch - dangerous team of superhumans whose existence was kept a secret from the world. Jack Hawksmoor and other team members want to get to his two deadliest superhumans on the planet: Midnaytera and Apollo. What if they say "no"? Possible that the Martian Manhunter can change their opinions.
Green Arrow #27
20 pages | 35.2 мb.

Tags: Green Arrow Green Arrow Green Arrow comics
The owner of a large company "Queen Industries" Oliver Queen seems quite ordinary millionaire slacker. But few people know the opposite direction of his life. Green Arrow - a modern Robin Hood, protecting the innocent and the guilty kicking ass.
Green Lantern #27
24 pages | 43 мb.

Tags: Green Lantern new Green Lantern Green Lantern
Guy Gardner and John Stewart are trying to live a "normal" life, as other members of the corps. Meanwhile, someone kills the green light, to find out who is doing it to be with John Guy and their small team. Find out what the outcome of the story.
Earth 2 #19
The first issue of the monthly series from author James Robinson and artist Nicola Scott! Special guests Alan Scott and Jay Garrick, and many more! Who are the heroes of "Earth 2" and what happened to them? May think that you know the "Earth 2" ... but that 52 new items from DiSi Comics, here anything can happen! Do not miss the debut extended

Earth 2 #19 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Batman - Superman #7
The series is about two legendary heroes of DC Comics, in which different methods and outlook on life, but it nemenie have always been friends and allies. Superman and Batman, the heroes pridumanyh back in the 30s, have not lost their popularity in our time, stories which are always amazed and attracted more new readers ...
Trinity Of Sin - The Phantom Stranger #15
New ongoing The Phantom Stranger, who will write Dan DiDio. By the way, if anyone knows - the protagonist of the series just otretkonili in biblical Judas, because the proverb says, "You do not know what to do - just add the Bible". Somewhere in the pages of this ongoinga expected first appearance poslerebutnoe Spectrum
Star Wars #13
25 pages | 20.5 мb.

Tags: Star Wars Star Wars new Star Wars
It began with the mysterious pyramid ships--the Tho Yor--scattered to the eight corners of the galaxy, and ended with the establishment of an Order that would change the universe forever. Here's your first look at the Star Wars of 25,000 years ago--before there were lightsabers, when the ties to the Force were new, and before the Jedi spread out
Batman '66 #25
104 pages | 58.6 мb.

Tags: Batman Batman 66
New comics titled "Batman '66 #25". Download the first all-new comics from popular publishers such as: Marvel, DC, Image, IDW Publishing, Dark Horse, Valiant Universe, Vertigo, Boom, Oni press, Archaia, Kaboom, DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT and others. Batman '66 and other comics you'll find only at our site
Hinterkind #04
Prosper reunited with Aces, but it's all good news there. Along with Angus and John Hobb, they concluded - the survivors of the old patchwork of America headed by Colonel Dr. Godwin. Godwin going to survive at any cost, but it Prosper and others who can pay the price.
Abe Sapien #9 - To the Last Man #1
30 pages | 50.9 мb.

Tags: To the Last Man Abe Sapien Abe Sapien comics
A century ago, paranormal investigator Edward Grey fought and destroyed a powerful warlock off the island of Saint Sebastian. In the early 1980s, the B.P.R.D.'s newest agent was sent to retrieve the warlock's remains. But Abe Sapien is ill prepared for the supernatural forces that block his way. Written by Hellboy creator Mike Mignola, and
Batman Black & White #5
50 pages | 85.4 мb.

Tags: Batman Black and White Batman Black and White
The basis of these animated stories went three volumes of the eponymous comic book Batman: Black & White, reflecting the views of many original artists and writers to Gotham City. Stories also very different from each other: there is also a disturbing drama about murder and light comedy about a broken nose. These short stories also cover topics of
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Two #01
As the series returns, Black Canary is still dealing with the death of a green arrow. And Superman gives threat.
Devi Witchblade
32 pages | 20.4 мb.

Tags: Devi Witchblade Devi Nissa Rahul Singh Tama Witchblade
overview Virgin Comics brings you the exciting conclusion to this tale that straddles continents and millennia - Tara and Sarah must face an ancient horror, one of the generals of the Dark Lord Bala - a predator from the north, which, long ago, fought previous incarnations of our characters with devastating consequences. Tara and Sarah will be
Witchblade Devi
Crossover between Top Cow and Virgin Comics History will continue in Devi / Witchblade
Star Wars - Invasion - Revelations #01-05 Complete
How Vong invasion deeper into the galaxy, the Jedi fight back! Set in the time of the New Jedi Order novels from Del Rey!
Watson And Holmes #06
When the wife of a prominent politician ends up dead at the bottom of the George Washington Bridge, New York City Police Lieutenant Stroud knows what she needs and beyond to find the people responsible quietly. Holmes and Watson follow the trail of clues, but when it goes quickly down the rabbit hole will our heroes keep your head? Do not miss
Adventures of Superman #37
"Exposed" part 1 of 3. While the Man of Steel Metal blows on the streets of Metropolis, a reporter down-on-his-luck for the Daily Star trying to break "the story of the century" - a suspicious connection between Superman and the Daily Planet!
Tigra #01-04 Complete
4 issues pages | 157.5 мb.

Tags: Tigra Bill Nelson Captain America Wasp
She was a super hero, a child of the night, and Avenger. But what is the true face of women were known as Tigra? Find out as the key to the unsolved murder sends Tigra a journey of discovery through the corridors of power ? wild hunter in the urban jungle ! ? HISTORY : After tried to settle in a new life in the last few years with the Avengers ,
Powerpuff Girls #4
Osterіgaytesya zlochin for Misto Taunsvіll in Danian hour perepovneny geroїv! Tse vіrno, CEN-Lihodії ob'єdnalisya time Krutі dіvchata zahisnikami tsієї spravedlivoї mista! Nіchogo sobі, Blossom buv rights, leather dіysno zaslugovuє another chance vreshtі-Rasht! Pochekayte Ale ... Scho Tse sound? De scho evil smіh coming? Oh, Ni,
Doctor Fate (volume 3) 1-5 series
5 issues pages | 63.5 мb.

Tags: Doctor Fate Doctor Fate comics Doctor Fate Doctor Fate vol 3
Mini-series dedicated to the magician in yellow, Dr. Fate! After its revival (read WASP в„– 1-4 on our website) Hector decides to move to Salem, close to the sources of Faith. But in addition to all the knowledge that there are hidden in it and many dangers!


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