New comics
Samurai Jack #16
24 pages | 41.5 мb.

Tags: Samurai Jack Jim Zubkavich
The prophet calls himself "Master of Time" carries the connection is teeming with countless monsters and deadly traps. Jack Samurai Jack will have to become the attacker if he hopes to get an audience with the mysterious master.
Mr Unpronounceable and the Sect of the Bleeding Eye
Heresy came to the city permanently open eye. After all the cracks, alien sect passed in order to poison the young dead corrupt and make a mockery of the ancient tradition. Join g unspeakable - Homeless necromancer - he becomes embroiled in a multidimensional conspiracy that is enough for its ability to deal with. Insects priests awkward ghouls
Galaxy Quest - The Journey Continues #01
Once upon a time, so the corpse was actors that starred in the old sci-fi show involved alien race to save them from the intergalactic tyrant. Although out of their depth, cast or otherwise managed to keep foreigners and stay alive ... but their action in outer space may have had terrible consequences for the rest of the world. Join us in January
Clive Barker's Hellraiser - Bestiary #05
Journey to the bestiary continues! In this regard, Christopher Taylor and Jason Shawn Alexander to tell the story of the blues singer, who has a very unique guitar, while in the second part of the book "Hunted", we learn who hired mercenaries, who are charged with stealing contact head pins .
Clive Barker's Hellraiser - Bestiary #02
Journey to the bestiary continues! In this regard, Christopher Taylor and Jason Shawn Alexander to tell the story of the blues singer, who has a very unique guitar, while in the second part of the book "Hunted", we learn who hired mercenaries, who are charged with stealing contact head pins .
The Flash Vol.4 - Reverse
When Grodd and his gorilla army down to Central City, outbreaks have to deal with a threat unlike any he has faced before: murderous, ruthless and without principle. With mammoth strength and mind-control powers, Grodd will not stop until he conquers the city of his heroes blood on his hands. Knowing he can not defeat this new enemy alone,
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #42
Once an immigrant from Japan Hamato Yoshi bought pets - four turtles. But under the influence of mutagen Yoshi turned into polukrysu-polucheloveka Splinter and turtles grew to enormous size and acquired human traits and qualities. Underground in a sewer pipe, Splinter raised them as his own sons by teaching discipline, philosophy and martial arts
Path of Exile - Death to Sin #03
24 pages | 37.3 мb.

Tags: Black Death Fidelitas Geofri Lady Dialla Malachai
Victario Nevalius, People's War Correspondent? As empire is facing an open revolt on all fronts, Victario takes on the guise of imperial correspondent that he could catch a firsthand look inside the Chamber of Horrors in Maligaro Inquisitor ... But even bloody Karui Rebellion could not prepare for the Victario dark horrors lurking in! Get ready!
Guardians of the Galaxy #23
Part three symbionts Planet! Now that Venom has led the Guardians to this incredibly dangerous alien planet symbionts team will ever trust Flash Thompson again?
Fantastic Four #642
Answers to the most secret of Fantastic Four! The team begins its hunt missing Reed Richards as all new INVADERS search for missing children in the future FOUNDATION. Meanwhile villain who stand behind shows his motives Reed extend far back into the past, Reed and Sue. VALERY returned to America. But which side it is on?
Dead Letters #07
16 pages | 39.5 мb.

Tags: Dead Letters Sam Whistler Christopher Sebela
The first case of Sam in his new "job" comes to an end, as he reveals the ultimate fate of his predecessor, "Old Op",-along with a secret that will blow the top of the gang war raging across "Here."
Collection Marvel (21.01.2015, week 03)
22 comics pages | 1000 мb.

Tags: Collection week 03 Marvel 21.01.2015
Collection Marvel Comics for 21.01.2014 (03 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Wolverines #03 2. Spider-Verse Team-Up #03 3. Powers #01 4. Deadpool's Art of War #04 5. Avengers - Revelations 6. Rocket Raccoon #07 7. Superior Iron Man #04 8. The Amazing Spider-Man #13 9. Magneto #14 10. Moon Knight #11 11. Loki - Agent of Asgard #10
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor #04
Four hands warned! Past, present and future collide as a doctor, Clara and their Indian allies fight to unravel the mystery that was thousands of years in the planning! What secrets are hidden in the family Scindia, dynasty, whose powerful roots date back over a thousand years? What strange genetic modification Fuel death cult of melancholy? As a
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor #03
In the past, the earth will take India to the war between ancient aliens whose cross-time battles helped many myths and legends of the country. Kali, the oldest and deadliest of creatures thought won a long time ago; her body scattered in time to prevent its return. But her psychic nature could not be killed ... no its thousand-year quest for
Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor #07
Intergalactic WAR brings heaven to London frantically Stop! The day after tomorrow - and Vrezian Confederation and the Federation J'arrodic made their "honorary" air war to Earth. They are not invading and only time they are careful about the concomitant loss, all things considered. But air travel man stumped our culture is destroyed, toxic smog
Vampirella Feary Tales #04
38 pages | 58.4 мb.

Tags: Vampirella Feary Tales Vampirella
In the penultimate issue of all stars anthology series celebrating the 45th anniversary of Vampirella, I love the style of pin-up ghoul each Fan-Boy is (un) dressed for success "Vampire (R) New Clothes" Stuart Moore. Vampirella then goes on to find yourself in a sticky situation in "Hard large forest" Eric Trautman, while Nancy Collins has her
Twilight Zone Shadow And Substance #01
Successful, but is deeply concerned about the writer returns to his hometown for autographs, to find that he stepped back in time to encounter him and insulted unsuitable younger. Can he save the boy from suffering coming your way? If it is, when this test, which he succumbed, making him the man he was?
Red Sonja The Black Tower #04
39 pages | 47.2 мb.

Tags: Red Sonja The Black Tower Red Sonja Frank Tieri
Last question! The pulse pounding finale Red Sonja largest event of the year! But after the shocking ending-- latest release, which can be our story next? What will Sony Ruda as Black Tower reveals all the secrets and the true power behind it reveal? Find out in our stunning conclusion!
Judge Dredd The Megazine #356
131 pages | 74.1 мb.

Tags: Judge Dredd The Megazine Judge Dredd
More action and adventure in the world of the future shock Dredd! Executor in the future gets a continental twist in Judge Dredd: COP Al Ewing, Uillsher Ben and Adam Brown; a willingness to Jessica ashes in US Pat Reapers III Mills and Clint Langley; a trip to the doctor serves more problems in Marco PI Michael Carroll, Steve and Lee Townsend
Wolverines #03
20 pages | 40.8 мb.

Tags: Wolverines Culpepper Fantomelle Punisher Siphon X-23
When it is not possible robbery will be only one person in the world can do the job: the introduction Fantomelle, most irresistible thief in the world, designed to perfection! But will it be destroyed to the Wolverines can hire her?


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