New comics
Liberty Comics #06
26 pages | 39.6 мb.

Tags: Liberty Comics Giant Liberty Girl Marksman
Golden Age Lives Again! Back with us in 1932, as the saga of the first and the greatest champion of them all is said again in this third great issue of freedom of Comics! Thrilling conclusion about the origin of the original giant Dennis Mallonee and Chris Marrinan. Also in this issue, in the history of what is happening today, enjoy a special
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Robyn Hood #12
Robin & MARIAN GO TO Comic Con New readers to jump on this one shot off the question! New York Comic Con in the city ... and so the hyenas gang of demons who want to turn the Convention in the cafeteria. Robin and Marian must be present on the line - in costume, of course - and find weapons monsters look before it gets into the wrong hands ... er,
Usagi Yojimbo Vol.29 - Two Hundred Jizo
RABBIT RONIN'SJOURNEY CONTINUES! In this volume, Usagi team up with fan favorite Inspector Ishida helps allied clan to defend their honor, discovers how deadly the soy sauce business can be, and more! Features of "Two hundred Jizo," Usagi two hundredth consecutive questions, please contact Stan Sakai! Collects Usagi Yojimbo # 139- # 144, plus
Swords of Sorrow Dejah Thoris & Irene Adler #02
On Barsoom, Princess of Helium is not enough, and Irene Adler, the number one suspect. As Adler tries to maintain her freedom and capture its own quarry, now there are two Martians roaming the dark, puddled streets of London, and Princess Dejah Toris pogode.Ofitsialny not dressed for the tie-in of epic Sword of grief crossover event, written by
Gold Digger #223
24 pages | 25.8 мb.

Tags: Gold Digger Cheetah Gina Diggers
On the way to explore the heart of a giant, half-life, cell structure, known as the Dwarves Labyrinth, Gina and Britanny distracted when the Briton "thinks she sees a giant tuna. It turns out the fish is ready to bite - their heads that this!
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor #09
Brand new story begins as Dr. Clara and forced to ally with the bandits on the Vegas strip to fight even more terrifying enemy! Will morality physician prove as alien as extraterrestrial invaders - or he can win without compromise ... in the "gangster"?
Big Trouble In Little China #12
Revenge against Lo Pan Jack Burton in hell, no return is almost complete, but the egg and Wang returned to Chinatown, and they bring with them the soul of Jack!
Arcadia #03
28 pages | 45.7 мb.

Tags: Arcadia Coral Lee Garner Lee Pepper
Lee Garner returned to China only to be arrested with Sam, and it becomes obvious that Arcadia officials, using strong-arm tactics to try to get Lee Garner contacted Lee Pepper. Meanwhile, in the camp Homesteader, Coral warned not to get too close to one of Jaime Jaime own.
Collection Marvel (01.07.2015, week 26)
15 comics pages | 644 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 01.07.2015 week 26
Collection Marvel Comics for 01.07.2015 (26 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Princess Leia #05 2. The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #07 3. Darth Vader #07 4. Future Imperfect #02 5. Amazing Spider-Man #19.1 6. All-New, All-Different Marvel Previews 7. Ultimate End #03 8. X-Tinction Agenda #02 9. Secret Wars #04 10. Guardians Team-Up #07
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #07
Our friend Squirrel Girl do not like our new friend girl Squirrel! In this issue, we find out if this dislike is ... POTENTIALLY justify ?? Also, if you do not care whether these two people love each other, maybe I say that the world has gone mad and proteins Girl FIGHT IN THIS ISSUE The Avengers will attract your attention? It did? Well I guess
Solitary #04
35 pages | 61.7 мb.

Tags: Solitary Tim CW Cooke
Mini-series finale! Broke? Tim is now face to face with those pulling the strings. Terrible choice of him as time goes fine. The answers about what really happened on that fateful day, putting Tim on this collision course. One option is, but what will happen if he becomes a villain in their opinion, it can be?
Satellite Sam #15
39 pages | 56.4 мb.

Tags: Satellite Sam Matt Fraction
End of the first satellite SAM story! Who lives? Who dies? Who goes where? Who pays? All the bloody answers come as our broadcast day finally draws to a close.
Princess Leia #05
23 pages | 38.9 мb.

Tags: Princess Leia Beon Beonel Evaan Jora Pareece
Last battle to Alderaan! Princess rebel leads his men against the empire! Conclusion most personal mission Leia!
Plume Vol.2 #04
28 pages | 23.4 мb.

Tags: Plume K. Lynn Smith
The conclusion the latest chapter in the Plume saga!
Oddly Normal #08
32 pages | 42 мb.

Tags: Oddly Normal Otis Frampton
Oddly visits the secret lair of a mad scientist (and son).
Captain Canuck #01
Captain Canuck is to reboot the classic Canadian comic book hero created in 1975 by Richard beautiful and Ron Leishman. This all-new series re-imagines the Canadian in the kinetic and accessible icon of the 21st century. Born True North and tested in the war, the Canadian captain pushed into battle at the head of the global crisis intervention
Darth Vader #07
24 pages | 36.7 мb.

Tags: Darth Vader Aphra Boba Fett Luke Skywalker
The machinations of the emperor revealed! Everything changes for Vader! The tale of the transformation of Vader A New Hope for The Empire Strikes Back is going on!
Regular Show #25
Anniversary Issue! This stand-alone stories, Benson provides all employees park fitness devices to encourage them all to be healthy, but Rigby refuses to work. Then his unit starts enjoying it, and now Rigby can not stop the development!
Onyx #01
29 pages | 46.4 мb.

Tags: Onyx Boost Cap Castle Cosmo Harold Mount Loner
With deep space comes cyborg warrior Onyx ... but she came to Earth in the time of dire need to save it or stop it? The stars born a knight for a new generation of flies here!

Onyx #01 (2015)

Publisher: IDW
Future Imperfect #02
MONSTER SMASH !!! Battle Royale between the maestro and the thing !!! But this is Ben Grimm we know and love in this rocky hide? What X-FACTOR member will appear as an unexpected ally of the rebels?
Captain Canuck #02
Aleph Part 2: Down / Arctic Attack: Part 2 The Oilsands burn! Canadian captain should break through hell to find out what happened to the workers Zombified dolls while receiving survivors alive and uninfected. Across the country, a Canadian brother, Michael Evans tested on whether it can put loyalty to his brother and balance, before the


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