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X-Infernus #01-04 Complete
In this December's X-Infernus, we're throwing the doors to Limbo wide open again and who knows what will come crawling out this time! The Darkchilde that was once Illyana Rasputin is alive and well, causing serious concerns for the Uncanny X-Men, especially her brother Colossus, but will they be willing to take the chance and sacrifice the lives
Hulk Vol.1 - Red Hulk (TPB)
Superstars Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness will change the way you see the Hulk! In this startling origin epic, the breathtaking events that ended WORLD WAR HULK rocket into this brand-new saga. When one of the Hulk's oldest cast members is murdered, everyone turns to the team of Iron Man, She-Hulk and Leonard Samson to solve the grizzly case. All the
Fear Itself - Hulk-Dracula (TPB)
Red Hulk's most dangerous dust-ups yet! As the hammer-wielders continue their campaign of fear and terror, Red Hulk takes up arms against the newly deified Ben Grimm, the FF's Thing! It's bruiser vs. bruiser as two of the world's strongest battle it out in an all-out brawl that will shake the world! And no one is watching closer than M.O.D.O.K.!
Avengers Vs. X-Men (TPB)
Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom go to war in the ultimate super-hero showdown! The world-destroying Phoenix Force is back - and while the Avengers are intent on stopping it, Cyclops and his X-Men have other ideas. To Captain America, the Phoenix threatens doom. To Cyclops, it could mean salvation. Marvel's two greatest
Batman Incorporated - Leviathan Strikes #01
In this sensational, giant-sized one-shot spinning out of BATMAN INCORPORATED, Batman realizes to his horror that he's been outwitted as the true identity of Leviathan continues to elude him. Is his deadly adversary an old foe with a grudge to settle, a new face of evil…or something completely different? Only one thing is certain: You won't soon
Cable - Blood and Metal #01-02 Complete
A mini-series that takes place between X-Force #'s 15 and 16. The books chronicle why the members of the Six Pack have such a grudge against Cable. These issues have no advertisements.
X-Men - Brood #01-02 Complete
While the cover says X-Men/Brood: Day of Wrath, the indicia is titled as "X-Men vs. The Brood". A two-issue limited-series featuring the X-Men fighting for the life of Hannah Connover against Brood assassins sent to kill her. This is sort of a continuation of a story that started way back in The Uncanny X-Men #232. Drawn by Bryan Hitch!
X-Treme X-Men - Savage Land #01-04 Complete
They are mutants. They live on the known Earth. They are the X-Men. But what is Savage Land? Who are the Saurids? Who is Brainchild and what does he have to do with the X-Men? What sinister motives hide behind the veil of his hospitality? All revealed in this action packed mini-series starring the X-Men...
X-Treme X-Men Vol.1 #01-46 + Annual Complete
The X-Men are in Valencia, Spain, where they all get attacked by the local guardia forces. Rogue is shot into the sea, while Storm, Bishop, Beast, Psylocke and Thunderbird are caught; only Sage manages to escape. The Deputy Minister of Justice arrives at the high tech base of the guardia where she is met by the commanding officer. He tells her
The Private Eye Vol.1
152 pages | 80.7 мb.

Tags: The Private Eye
SpongeBob Comics #49
In a story we could only call "Patty Thing," Squidward is pursued by a shambling terror made of discarded Krabby Patties - featuring a krusty creature drawn by the horrifying Stephen R. Bissette (Swamp Thing,Tyrant)! Then in "Monster Canyon," SpongeBob must make a Krabby Patty delivery to an address from which no delivery boy has ever returned!
Ghost Rider  #1-93 Complete
93 issues pages | 908.2 мb.

Tags: Ghost Rider Andrew Kale Barbara Ketch Arthur Dolan
The second Ghost Rider ongoing series. Starting in 1990, the series was a huge success, with many spin-off series as a result. The series lasted until issue 93, not finishing the story-line at that time. It wasn't until 2007 that issue 94 finally saw print, and finally finished the story that was waiting to be told for over almost 10 years. Issue
Ghost Rider V1 #1-7 Complete
7 issues pages | 126.8 мb.

Tags: Ghost Rider V1 Banshee Blackie Clay Benjamin Brooks
The first original Ghost Rider, a Western hero. His name got changed into Night Rider and later the Phantom Rider after the name Ghost Rider was given to Johny Blaze, the motorcycle stuntman.
Ghost Rider Finale #1
71 pages | 36.7 мb.

Tags: Ghost Rider Finale Belasco Dante Kale Blackheart
The original creative team unites to complete an issue eight years in the making! In early 1998, GHOST RIDER #93 ended with a shocking cliffhanger: the death of Dan Ketch, the Ghost Rider's human host! But the book was canceled prematurely, prior to the release of the series finale in GHOST RIDER #94 - which had already been written and was almost


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