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Red Hood-Arsenal #03
How can Red Hood and Arsenal possibly survive an attack of killer mimes? Yeah, you read that right: mimes!
New Suicide Squad #11
What do you get when you take on an unstable breakaway faction from the League of Assassins? Dead Squad members, that’s what!
Gotham Academy #9
If you thought getting detention was a pain, just wait until you see the prison Gotham Academy-style!
Batman - Superman #23
The series is about two legendary heroes of DC Comics, in which different methods and outlook on life, but it nemenie have always been friends and allies. Superman and Batman, the heroes pridumanyh back in the 30s, have not lost their popularity in our time, stories which are always amazed and attracted more new readers ...
Teen Titans Go! #22
It is a joyful day for the Cyborg, as he grows his first mustache! But what happens when he said, his mustache becomes reasonable cyborg bent on turning into an adult ...?!
Scooby-Doo - Where Are You #60
Comic book series about the adventures of a cowardly dog Scooby-Doo and his faithful friends from the detective agency Corporation secrets.
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Four #15
His warnings were ignored, and now he takes matters into his own hands, Zeus returns to lay down the law and declaring that it would not sit well with the world.
Starfire #3
27 pages | 36.2 мb.

Tags: Starfire Starfire comics
Tamaranskaya Princess Koriand'r was the second oldest child of three. Her older sister named Komand'r (Komand'r) had the right to succession to the Throne, but her children's illness has deprived it possible to convert the energy of ultraviolet light flight, so it felt unworthy, and the right of succession passed to Koriand'r. When the sisters

Starfire #3 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Justice League United #12
Comics tightens literally from the first series. Great sketch and brightly designed characters certainly will not disregard . The first two seasons we do not show the changing composition of the Justice League and while the writers had to reveal each character, but since Season 3 undergoing fundamental changes . Authors change the name of the
Aztek – The Ultimate Man (1-10 series) Complete
Aztek: The Ultimate Man was the brainchild of writers Mark Millar and Grant Morrison and artist N. Steven Harris. The ongoing series was designed to debut a new hero of the DC universe. The series followed the anti-hero Aztek; a hero whose big picture mission meant he took unusual solutions to solving the small problems. Aztek: The Ultimate Man
Batman #43
26 pages | 34 мb.

Tags: Batman Scott Snyder Greg Capullo Danny Miki
"ZERO YEAR" is all-important crossroads as Batman and Jim Gordon to try to turn the lights back on in Gotham City. This question leads directly to the final arc zero year, which starts here next month!

Batman #43 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Constantine - The Hellblazer #3
John Constantine travel deep into Germany's Black Forest to cold killers from killing innocent Flame mystical healer - to the hunter becomes the prey as John discovers that chased down by famine, evil beasts Stained Claw!
Catwoman #43
25 pages | 31.9 мb.

Tags: Catwoman Catwoman comics new Catwoman
She loves the night. She likes shiny trinkets. She seduces Batman. Most of all, Catwoman beckons danger. And she can not help it ...

Catwoman #43 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Action Comics #43
27 pages | 39.9 мb.

Tags: Action Comics Lana Lang Steel Superman Toymaster
The spread of evil supernatural forces in Smallville continues to deteriorate - and Superman is not able to stop him. Will it be a curse pollution has spread around the world?
Fables - The Wolf Among Us #36
The Crooked Man begins to reveal the nature of his insidious deeds...
Mortal Kombat X #32
Hanzo Hasashi facing his inner demon literally mirror the game to save his own soul!
Nemesis - The Impostors #01-04
4 issues pages | 48.1 мb.

Tags: Nemesis - The Impostors Brother EYE Dick Grayson Nemesis
For Thomas Andrew Tresser, otherwise Nemesis, the world metahuman spying never what it seems. After the recent "re-education" in the hands of the Global Peace Agency, Nemesis is thrust back into the real world enemies, seemingly on every corner. Solving the task of uncovering the truth about his mission and true identities of those who hope to
DC Comics - Bombshells #03
24 pages | 12.7 мb.

Tags: DC Comics - Bombshells Stargirl Supergirl
Kara and Courtney Love, the two Russian stepsisters about to enter the war as fighter pilots. But when the secret powers Kara identified, it may be time for the coming into Supergirl.
Batman - Arkham Knight #25
Batman and Nightwing to the streets in an intensive fight against Metamorpho!
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #46
Superwoman said Diana problem for these human adolescent weakness that will enable it to take down Wonder Woman. But her lasso spikes no match for the Lasso of Truth!
DC week - The New 52 (05.08.2015, week 31)
Collection DC Comics for 05.08.2015 (31 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman Beyond #3 2. Bat-Mite #3 (of 6) 3. Detective Comics #43 4. Green Lantern #43 5. Injustice Gods Among Us Year Four #14 5. Lobo #9 6. Looney Tunes #226 7. Midnighter #3 8. Omega Men #3
Lobo #09
23 pages | 39 мb.

Tags: Lobo Fab Wyvern Cross
As Lobo hunt for Sinestro and big salaries, only one killer is on its way: Wyvern Cross may only foreigner more deadly than in the past Czarian!

Lobo #09 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Bat-Mite #03
Bat-Mite and Robin! It had to happen ... even if Damian fighting it every step of the way! Is Bat-Mite to believe that the son of Batman would welcome efforts to train him? Unfortunately yes. Hello fight against crime dysfunctional new Duo.

Bat-Mite #03 (2015)

Publisher: DC

DC Comics

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