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C.E. Murphy's Take a Chance #1-5
What makes a hero? Driven to save lives after her son's murder, Frankie Kemp has spent years as a non-powered vigilante. But when a virus releases super-powered potential in much of the population, 'Chance' is left to face her child's shadow-sliding killer with nothing more than her wits and experience! Bestselling author C.E. Murphy, author of
Bullets and Bracelets #01
Diana and Trevor are battling with the Hand agents. After the remaining members flee Diana reminds Trevor that they were supposed to leave on alive for questioning that would lead to their kidnapped child, Ryan Castaglione. They know they are running into a trap and soon that trap is set. Monarch meets them and uses a Boom Tube to force them to
Binary GN
134 pages | 249.5 мb.

Tags: Binary Chris Hinz Jon Proctor
Binary the graphic novel is based on Christopher Hinz's novel, Liege-Killer, which won the Compton Crook Award in 1988, and has garnered a cult following. Liege-Killer is part of a trilogy, which includes Ash Ock and The Paratwa. In Liege-Killer, human experimentation on human embryos in the near future produced a new species: the Paratwa, a

Binary GN (2013)

Publisher: Other
I Hate Fairyland #05
Queen Cloudia is forced to bend the rules of Fairyland in hopes to rid their world of Gert once and for all.
Horror By Heck (TPB)
162 pages | 464.2 мb.

Tags: Horror By Heck TPB
From Under Mountains #05
SLOANE LEONG (Adventure time) CLAIRE GIBSON and MARIAN CHURCHLAND (8house Arclight) return with another issue of the magic war between families.
Evil Dead 2 Beyond Dead By Dawn #05
Don't look, groovy ones, but there's a demon at the cabin door! Ash and Annie come face-to-deadly-face with the Demon that has devoured the souls of Annie's parents. But the Evil Dead duo is armed with the Ex-Mortis and the Kandarian dagger, so that's enough to save them, right? It's either beat this guy down in flames or be trapped in Hell
Astronauts In Trouble #09
29 pages | 30.6 мb.

Tags: Astronauts In Trouble Hayes Larry Young
Meanwhile, back on the moon... Hayes reveals himself to be a Lex Luthor-level bad guy.
Citizen Jack #04
31 pages | 44.6 мb.

Tags: Citizen Jack Jack Northworthy Marlinspike
America meets Jack, as his demon plays a lethal game.
Birthright #14
As Mikey and Brennan track the next mage to Seattle, Wendy and Aaron make their own deals to try to save their sons. Plus a new “Hero’s Journey” variant by Benjamin Dewey (THE AUTUMNLANDS)!

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