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Ringside #04
32 pages | 38.9 мb.

Tags: Ringside Joe Keatinge
THE PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING EPIC BEGINS IN AN OVER-SIZED FIRST ISSUE! RINGSIDE is an ongoing series set within the world of professional wrestling, written by JOE KEATINGE (SHUTTER, GLORY, TECH JACKET) and drawn by acclaimed illustrator NICK BARBER, combining the ensemble drama of THE WALKING DEAD with interconnected rotating perspectives akin to
Outcast #16
28 pages | 33.3 мb.

Tags: Outcast Robert Kirkman
Get behind me Satan.
Mythic #07
24 pages | 40.6 мb.

Tags: Mythic Phil Hester
Invisible Republic #09
32 pages | 54,1 мb.

Tags: Invisible Republic
An old enemy is their new friend.
Tales Of The Champions #1-4
4 issues pages | 37.6 мb.

Tags: Tales Of The Champions Giant Icestar Marksman Nemesis Girl
You asked for him. You've got him! This summer, the first and greatest Champion of them all returns in the first of a series all-new adventures! Giant is back, ready to fashion a towering new legend for the 21st century. Don't miss this debut issue, featuring a guest- appearance by Icestar, and the awe-inspiring debut of Nemesis Girl in solo
Gyo Vol.2
196 pages | 362.9 мb.

Tags: Gyo Junji Ito
Trapped on an island filled with the stench of mutating bodies, can teenager Tadashi save his girlfriend from a fate worse than death? Or will the cure prove worse than the disease? Hold your breath until all is revealed--along with the final stinking secrets of the "walking fish of Okinawa"!

Gyo Vol.2 (2004)

Publisher: Other
Gyo Vol.1
198 pages | 311.3 мb.

Tags: Gyo Junji Ito
The rank odor of death floats above the famous island... What is the source? Then a strange fish--with legs--appears! So begins teenagers Tadashi and Kaori's plunge into the horror (and stench) of the sea.

Gyo Vol.1 (2003)

Publisher: Other
Cavewoman - Rain #1-8
8 issues pages | 163.4 мb.

Tags: Cavewoman - Rain Bob Cook Bruce Kabbit Meriem Cooper Klyde
Two Marshville residents and their baby refused to take refuge with the others in the safety of the city. They are both killed one day by a dinosaur attack and their baby is left hidden to fend for itself. While nervously giving a speech about the upcoming rainy season and some general safety tips, Meriem hears a voice that tells her there is a
Bramble T02
51 pages | 40.6 мb.

Tags: Bramble Jean-David Morvan
The Perhapanauts #01-06 Complete
6 issues pages | 204.7 мb.

Tags: The Perhapanauts Arisa Big Choopie Dover Demon Peter Hammerskold
The official debut of the all-new on-going series from Image! A new story line begins as the PERHAPANAUTS delve deeper into the Bermuda Triangle to rescue Karl from the Mothman Tribunal! As the team prepares to battle these Angels of Doom, they are separated and cast into the unpredictable and unfathomable Perhaps! Will they ever get out...?! Back
Symmetry #03
31 pages | 100.7 мb.

Tags: Symmetry Matt Hawkins
Utopia no more!
Starve #06
30 pages | 49 мb.

Tags: Starve Gavin Cruikshank Brian Wood
NEW STORY ARC. Critically-acclaimed STARVE is back for a second season! Chef Gavin Cruikshank shifts his focus from the soundstage to the streets, addressing real world themes of food scarcity and class warfare. Smart, subversive, and darkly comic, STARVE is an instant cult classic.
Casey Blue - Beyond Tomorrow #1-6
6 issues pages | 201.1 мb.

Tags: Casey Blue - Beyond Tomorrow Casey Blue B. Clay Moore
From the creative genius of B. Clay Moore (Hawaiian Dick, JSA) and Carlo Barberi (Gen13) comes a dangerous, thrilling action-packed adventure in which a young woman rapidly comes to terms with her strange, incredible new life!.
Cannons in the Clouds #01-05
CANNONS IN THE CLOUDS follows the adventures of Sela Windbourne, a spunky teenage girl with her head in the clouds, literally. Sela lives in a world of floating islands, the surviving fragments of a once-powerful lost civilization, where she dreams of escaping the rigid rules of her aristocratic upbringing. When she finds herself on the run from a

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