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Sidekick #03
33 pages | 54.1 мb.

Tags: Sidekick J. Michael Straczynski Tom Mandrake 2013
Flyboy coming under more seductive spell of one of Moonglow Twins, which leaves no memory of her actions on the following morning. Driven by the subconscious memory of his dangerous business, and its total failure to make any in his hometown, to be taken seriously, Flyboy decides to leave his current heroic personality and reinvent himself as a
Oxymoron #03
Oxymoron contains all Swanstown hostage in a terrible silence as a police officer trying to stop a madman before her city burned to the ground. Features: "Quiet Riot", written by Paul Allor (Orcs Girl), the art of Aaron Houston (Clockwork) and "alone in a crowd," written by Ryan K Lindsay (Ghost Town), the art of Daniel J Logan (Exo-1).
John Carpenter's Asylum #01
There's a war coming to the city of Angels. In the tunnels under the city, in the dark alleys of the homeless , demons lurk and Lucifer waits his time. One person knows . One person sees . A man walks those dark streets. Father Daniel Beckett saw the demons, and he spoke with the devil , but he had never seen an angel , and he never spoke with
America's Got Powers #07
Too many Americans too much power ... so the government decides it's time to wipe them all out and start from scratch. No one ever said it would be easy.
Rocket Girl #01
Teenage COP of high-tech future sent back in time to 1986 New York City. Dayoung Johansson investigates megacorporation Quintum mechanics for crimes against time. As she pieces together the clues, she learns "the future" she calls home - an alternative version of reality 2013 - should not exist at all! Blast off with a new ongoing series Brandon
Three #01
When a member of the Spartan ruling class visits the estate of isolated workers helots, brutal massacre is only the beginning. Kieron Gillen (phonograms, Uber, Iron Man), Ryan Kelly (Saucer County, local) and Geordie BELLAIRE (The Manhattan Projects, nowhere MEN) unite to tell the heroic story of three slaves and their desperate attempt to break

Three #01 (2013)

Publisher: Other
Ghosted #04
Murder. False. Betrayal. Winters team of paranormal experts only scratched the surface of the horrors of Trask's Mansion. After the ritual gone wrong, they are next to be added to its horrible stories?
The Walking Dead Tyreese Special
Just in time for the premiere of the fourth season of the TV show! Tyreese, a character featured prominently in the season, gets the attention here. Special edition re-release of his first appearance of The Walking Dead # 7, as well as a new origin story, first published in The Walking Dead: Free Comic Book Day special.
The Walking Dead #115
Total war is on! The biggest storyline in the history of the walking dead - just in time to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the series! This is Rick Negan compared with a little help from the rest!
The Manhattan Projects #15
"FINITE OPPENHEIMERS, 'Part Two in-depth look at the second decade of the ongoing war in the brain Oppenheimer. It's an endless brothers against brothers: It's Civil War Oppenheimer!
Chew #37
"Family Recipes", Part Two This is to take your daughter to dinner day!

Chew #37 (2013)

Publisher: Other
The Illegitimates - Digital Preview
Download free comics The Illegitimates - Digital Preview
The Walking Dead #01 - 10th Anniversary Edition
The historic first issue of The Walking Dead is presented for the first time in full color extraordinary colorist Dave Stewart! Along with the original versions of covers and has done for this issue for many years, and tons of other bonus materials.
Think Tank #10
33 pages | 41.1 мb.

Tags: Think Tank Matt Hawkins Rahsan Ekedal 2013
Slacker genius Dr. David Loren made ??‹??‹a calculated Gamble, the U.S. government will never allow its latest virus DNA-targeting keep the air ... and lost. Whether it can mitigate the collateral damage caused by its deadly invention? Or he will lose everything he loves?
Miniature Jesus #05
MINISERIES CONCLUSION Stop me if you've heard it before: a recovering alcoholic, 8 'tall Jesus and Satan mummified cat walks into a bar. . . No? Then check out the latest installment of this series exclusively unorthodox and see how the punchline may not be what you expect.
2000AD 1853
RAAAAR! Gorehead is the host of the Cretaceous but if he can be tamed in 2000 AD this week? 2000 AD Prog 1853 on Wednesday, October 9 and continues with fresh new stories perfect for new readers - including working with Al Ewing, INJ Culbard, Ian Edington, Pat Mills, and Michael Carroll. Worldwide, available day and date digital through an online
Spawn #236
" consequences " Power corrupts! Corrupt power consume! The next chapter in the continuing evolution of SPAWN is here! Having survived the first round of his fight with the K7-Leetha, Jim seeks to make amends for past sins. But his fight for control is just beginning. While Jim is distracted by his enemies continue to pursue their own efforts,
The Eighth Seal #04
From James Tynion IV (author TALON DC) and digital pioneer rock Jeremy comes a new political thriller horror! There is something monstrous happens in Washington, DC - and the consequences can affect the balance of power in the world!
The Eighth Seal #03
A series of digital supernatural writer James Tynion IV and artist Jeremy Rock. From James Tynion IV (author TALON DC) and digital pioneer rock Jeremy comes a new political thriller horror! There is something monstrous happens in Washington, DC - and the consequences can affect the balance of power in the world!
Invincible Returns #01
This is a special stand-alone issue will bring readers new and old up to speed on your favorite comic superhero everyone. In the end, unbeaten returns to his old costume. After the shocking events Invincible War and the cataclysmic battle with Conquest, undefeated ready to turn the page to a bold new era

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