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Conan the Barbarian - The Usurper #01-03 Complete
3 issues pages | 32.7 мb.

Tags: Conan the Barbarian - The Usurper Conan Chuck Dixon
3-issue limited series. Continued from "Conan the Barbarian: Stalker in the Woods", continued to "Conan: Lord of the Spiders".
Conan - Flame and the Fiend #01-03 Complete
Mercenary days Bronze barbarian sword comes swinging saga! Riding hard on the Eastern Desert, Conan meets sorceress Amarti which prepares ressurrection of her time and her future husband, the all-powerful Kulan Gath!
Conan - Death Covered in Gold #01-03 Complete
3 issues pages | 72 мb.

Tags: Conan - Death Covered in Gold Conan Roy Thomas
They say that the streets are paved with gold of Ophir ... but when ConanВ№s done, theyВ№ll run with blood! Entering into the city in search of the legendary treasure wandering thief believes that his quest is fraught with betrayal! Conan will uncover a terrifying secret in the heart of a strange city before demonic creatures move in the shadows?!
Conan Vol.1 #01-11 Complete
11 issues pages | 159.5 мb.

Tags: Conan Larry Hama
This series was the replacement of the second series of Conan, Conan the Adventurer, and the third (and last for now) Conan series, simply called Conan. After that Marvel has published many mini-series to before 1998, when they sold the rights to publish Conan.
Complete Mystery #01-04 Complete
4 issues pages | 131.6 мb.

Tags: Complete Mystery Gene Colan
Complete Mystery ran during 1948 through 1949 for 4 issues.
Comix Book #01-03 Complete
3 issues pages | 112 мb.

Tags: Comix Book Barefootz Panthea Snappy Sammy Smoot
In 1974, the outlet for underground cartoonists were quickly running out, seeing if they can be made more mainstream Marvel Comix took the book in black and white magazine format, despite the excellent connections distribution Marvel it lasted only three issues.
Code of Honor #01-04 Complete
Continuation in the spirit of miracles. This mini-series follows Cop New York, as it works through some of the most famous wonders of the events. If you've ever wondered what the actual police feel Marvel Universe, knowing that they have to deal with super food villains and heroes who come and steal the glory. This mini-series gives us a good view.
Collection Marvel (22.04.2015, week 16)
15 comics pages | 720.6 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 22.04.2015 week 16
Collection Marvel Comics for 22.04.2015 (16 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Hulk #15 2. Inhuman Special #01 3. Avengers VS #03 4. Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men - The Black Vortex Omega #01 5. Avengers Magazine #01 6. Avengers World #20 7. Avengers - Operation Hydra #01 8. Amazing X-Men #19 9. Star Wars #04 10. Guardians of the
Robert Heinlein's Citizen of the Galaxy #01-03 Complete
3 issues pages | 117.3 мb.

Tags: Robert Heinlein's Citizen of the Galaxy Balim Thorby
Just outside our galaxy atrocities of slavery to flourish, and the young Thorby is just another orphaned boy sold at auction. But when he crosses paths with a mysterious lame beggar, his fate changed forever. Citizen of the Galaxy interstellar Action / mature age tale in the "Dean of Science Fiction" ... Robert Heinlein!
DC week - The New 52 (22.04.2015, week 16)
Collection DC Comics for 22.04.2015 (16 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Convergence #3 2. Convergence Adventures Of Superman #1 3. Convergence Batman And The Outsiders #1 4. Convergence Green Lantern Corps #1 5. Convergence Hawkman #1 6. Convergence Justice League America #1 7. Convergence New Teen Titans #1 8. Convergence Superboy

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