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Farscape - D'Argo's Trial Vol.2 #01-04 Complete
4 issues pages | 30.7 мb.

Tags: Farscape - D'Argo's Trial Ka D'Argo Keith R.A. Decandido
Before his life on Ka D'Argo Moya fought to save their marriage with a woman alive Sebacean pressure peacekeepers. And when D'Argo is under pressure ... Farscape Author Keith RA DeCandido and executive producer of the show creator Rockne S. O'Bannon.
Collection Marvel (02.09.2015, week 35)
19 issues pages | 827.3 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 02.09.2015 week 35
Collection Marvel Comics for 02.09.2015 (35 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Age Of Apocalypse #1 2. Age Of Apocalypse #3 3. Age Of Ultron Vs Marvel Zombies #4 4. Daredevil #18 5. Dark Tower The Drawing Of The Three Lady Of Shadows #1 6. Deadpool Vs Thanos #1 7. Figment 2 #1 8. Future Imperfect #5 9. Groot #4 10. Hail Hydra #2 11.
DC week - The New 52 (02.09.2015, week 35)
Collection DC Comics for 02.09.2015 (35 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman Arkham Knight #8 2. Batman Beyond #4 3. Bat-Mite #4 (of 6) 4. Detective Comics #44 5. Green Arrow #44 6. Green Lantern #44 7. Injustice Gods Among Us Year Four #9 8. Lobo #10 9. Midnighter #4 10. Omega Men #4
Kamandi - At Earth's End #01-06
6 issues pages | 49.4 мb.

Tags: Kamandi - At Earth's End Ben Boxer Kamandi
6-part series of Elseworlds writer Tom Veitch and artist Frank Gomez Kamandi rethinking how 22th century armed with a leather jacket wearing vigilance apocalyptic future Earth. This was followed by a sequel Superman: At the edge of the Earth.
Collection Marvel (26.08.2015, week 34)
14 issues pages | 582.1 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 26.08.2015 week 34
Collection Marvel Comics for 26.08.2015 (34 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Ant-Man Last Days #1 2. Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #3 3. Civil War #3 4. Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #4 5. E Is For Extinction #3 6. Hank Johnson Agent Of Hydra #1 7. Lando #3 8. M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #4 (of 5) 9. Magneto #21 10. Marvel Zombies #3
DC week - The New 52 (26.08.2015, week 34)
Collection DC Comics for 26.08.2015 (34 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Aquaman #43 2. Batgirl #43 3. Batman '66 #26 4. Batman Arkham Knight Genesis #1 5. Cyborg #2 6. Deathstroke #9 7. Flash #43 8. Gotham By Midnight #8 9. Justice League 3001 #3 10. Justice League Of America #3 11. Prez #3 (of 6) 12. Sinestro #14 13. Superman #43

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