Grendel - Black, White & Red #01-04 Complete
- Collections / Dark Horse publisher
- Pages: 4 issues
- 1998-1999 year
- English comics
- Size: 57.5 mb.
- Tags: Grendel - Black White and Red Grendel Collection Hunter Rose Stacy Palumbo 1998-1999
" Devil's Advocate " (Tim Sale) tells the story of how a good man blackmailed into becoming a lawyer Grendel , having lost everything he cared about in the process.
In "Mate devil " ( D'Israeli ) , Hunter explains the complexity shahmatnezainteresovannyh Stacy, while in flashback , he kills people who ???????°???»?????‚???µ???????µ?????µ???????»?µ?‚?????µ brothel. Then he calls Argent said that he was going to kill Everett Christie, who takes part in a brothel. This phone call is the very first appearance in the Grendel Comico Primer ?„– 2 starts .
"Toll devil " (JP Leon) ?????»???µ?‚?????????????µ???????????????‚???‡?µ???????µ a series of images , in a word on the panel, which show falling crime lord that is contrary to the Grendel .
"The language of the devil " (Duncan Fegredo) shows Grendel torture low level criminal information okonkuriruyuschih smuggling.
" Thrush is the devil " (Ho Che Anderson ) is about a failed singer stretched out on drugs. Hunter knew it in the old days and, surprisingly , pitied her , telling her to talk to cancel the money she owes him . However, she kills herself before she finds out.