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The Tower Chronicles Book 3 - FellQuest #11

The Tower Chronicles Book 3 - FellQuest #11

He lives to kill the dead. Author: Matt Wagner, an award-winning creator of Grendel and Mage, and co-created with Thomas Tull, Executive Producer of 300 and The Dark Knight, this hardcover edition collects Tower Chronicles: GeistHawk, volumes 1-4, epic, which rasskazyvaetpervy compelling story of John Tower supernatural bounty hunter who tracks and destroys supernatural evil that plagued our world. His harrowing mission to bring him around the world and in the darkest recesses of the most dangerous places mankind to expel a wide range of poltergeists and demons and other evil incomprehensible to release their problematic cartridges from their tormentors "ethereal hands. Haunted sultry siren who want to devour his very life, hunted competing organization of mercenaries and setting sinister corporations Tower is worth more threats than ever before. Meanwhile, his unofficial "partner" FBI agent Alicia Hardwick, begins to reveal the dark past of the Tower raise the question : what secrets can a man who hunts monsters may have something even more frightening than his victim? will our hero to reach their goals mysterious tower ... or will die trying? Illustrated famous 2000 AD and Lobo artist Simon Bisley.

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