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Amazing Spider-Man #16.1
SPIRAL starts here! Underworld in constant motion and was with Kingpin were taken at shadows. This war is heated and Spider going to do something about it. But it is not only one-- police captain Yuri Watanabe is trying to reduce the madness in her day job as a police station, and how vigilant ghost! There she and Spider play by the same rules?
Amazing Spider-Man Special #01
ATTACK ON NEW Attilan! Blockbuster three-part story covers Amazing Spider-Man, inhuman and all the new Captain America begins here! Something big wants to destroy New Attilane.Delo that New Attilan into the Hudson River and Manhattan puts Spider-Man right in his crosshairs! Jeff Loveness (Jimmy Kimmel Show, Death of Wolverine: LOGAN Heritage)
Amazing Spider-Man #16
24 pages | 38.2 мb.

Tags: Amazing Spider-Man Iguana Spider-Man
Spider-Verse is over, but that does not mean Peter Parker is safe. Someone (or something) invaded Parker Industries and focuses its employees! But how to do it? Security Parker Industries can not let all living things?!
The Amazing Spider-Man #15
SPIDER-VERSE Epilogue See loss Spider-verse and what it means for the rest of Peter Parker and Spider!
Spider-Man - Kraven's Last Hunt
Writer JM DeMatteis and artist Mike Zeck develop the final story of revenge in this innovative and legendary collection! Kraven the Hunter chased and killed all the animals known to man. But there is one animal that has eluded him. One career that mocked him at every turn: on the wall crawling web slinger known as Spider-Man. And to prove that he
Amazing Spider-Man Vol.2 - Spider-Verse Prelude
Step on the edge of Spider-Verse! In 2099, Superior Spider-Man lives - but how? Otto takes the fight in Carn when a man works his way through the multiverse leaving a trail of dead spiders in his wake, but considers himself hopelessly overpowered. There will be time lost Superior Spider find enough allies to make a dent in the plans of Karn's?
Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1.1 - Learning To Crawl
This chapter you never knew about the history of you know by heart! Join Peter Parker as he takes his first steps towards finding their way in the world, as Spider-Man! He sought revenge, and to find responsibility. Since that night, started a new life. Peter is not a hero - not - but it will get there somehow. But what happens when Peter meets
Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 - The Parker Luck
The greatest super hero of all time is back! The world can be changed, so Spidey no longer, but there is Peter Parker. This is a man a second chance at life, and it is not wasting a minute of it. But his old enemies have returned and - breathe, out of control, and crazier than ever: Electro and Black Cat demand revenge! As if dealing with them is
Spider-Man Season One
The biggest story of the origin of all times, retold for a new generation. Read the earliest adventures of Amazing Spider-Man. Spider-Man: Season One fourth title in the first season of the series Marvel. It highlights the origins and early days of one of the most popular and recognizable superheroes in comics history-The Amazing Spider-Man. While
The Amazing Spider-Man #14
CONCLUSION climate Spider-verse! Prophecy to bear fruit, but Superior Spider-Man has something up his sleeve.
Savage Wolverine Vol.2 - Hands on a Dead Body
Two stories in one blockbuster action-packed volume! First, Zeb Wells and Joe Madureira team with Elektra Wolverine and Spiderman in the decisive battle against the kingpin! Who will win? Who is playing? Who will mutiny something sharp and pointy? This epic story of ninja blades and sweet revenge! Then, the best-selling artist Jock weaves a
Spider-Verse #02
SPIDER-VERSE CONTINUES ANTHOLOGY, so many Spider-Men and Women! This issue: Game Spider! Punk rock Spider! TALE Spider! OWN arachnids TALE Mexico in Spanish!
Captain Marvel (One-Shot)
After stumbling on hate crimes, special agent Monica recruited Derrek Freeman to investigate a series of attacks on campus YSU It was here that she learns from the Rocket Racer, it has links with both the children and the Snake accident that occurred here lately. Monice forced to use his powers to defeat the sons of the serpent and the neo-Nazi
Avengers - No More Bullying #01
Powerful heroes are doing is trying to subdue the earth are gone! The Avengers have always been those who can not fend for themselves, but this time they are within the bombastic adventure of the highest order! Due to the unexpected guest stars from all over the Universe Marvel, including Spider-Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy! Face front,
Avengers & X-Men - Axis #09
ACT III: NEW World Disorder Who will live? Who will die? Who will be inverted? Shocking climax, which promises to crack the Marvel Universe to the core! Old enemy must claim the mantle of his greatest enemy in order to save the life of all he cares about! Terrible fate X-Man! Terrible choice Avengers! If you read only one comic this age - this is
Spider-Verse Team-Up #02
SPIDER-Verse TIE-IN! MILES Morales and Ultimate Spider-Man (from Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon) unite! Gwen Stacy Spider Woman comes to the universe to recruit Peter Parker, who never got over his death!
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #01
Spider-Verse is too heavy for you? Go back to 616 for two super special stories of Spider-Man! Rising Star Shawn Ryan (creepy X-MEN / IRON MAN / NOVA shares, Suicide Squad) and Brandon Peterson (creepy X-MEN, age Altron) bring you a story that will have everyone talking! Jai Nitz (Dream Thief) and Marvel newcomer Ron Salas bring you back story
Amazing Spider-Man #11
AMAZING VS. SUPERIOR Spiderman Spiderman! Spider Army did not have time for this squabbles as heirs tighten the noose.
Web of Spider-Man (1-129 series) Complete
129 issues pages | 1400 мb.

Tags: Web of Spider-Man Web of Spider-Man comics Web Spider-Man
Trying to enslave black suit Spider-Man. Parker tries to resist the alien symbiote, but here he is attacked by vultures!
Sensational Spider-Man Vol.1 #00-33 Complete
For the first time the phrase The Sensational Spider-Man has been used in the title of the book The Sensational Spider-Man: Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut (Rus. Sensational Spider-Man: Nothing can stop the Juggernaut; ISBN 0-87135-572-8), published in 1989 and containing a retyped the 229th and 230th numbers series The Amazing Spider-Man,
Black Widow #12
Teams with Black Widow to howling commandos in Afghanistan mission. But home special report Anderson Cooper calls into question its commitment. What do Avengers when they learn how Natasha was spending his weekends?
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