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Cataclysm - Ultimate Comics X-Men #01
Mutants have just survived the war together nearly destroyed both sides! As Halaktusom threatens to eat the world, the secret weapon is put in place to stop it. But will it be the thing that finally wipes all mutant kind of existence?
Chaos War - God Squad
CHAOS KING destroyed pantheons of Earth, but new regiment God finally, desperate plan to halt the march Mikaboshi towards oblivion! Kami of Japan once trapped Chaos King in Yomi - the Japanese underworld - but even with the command of God, can his old pantheon put the genie back in the bottle? The gods themselves are not prepared for what they may
Ultimate Extinction #01-05 Complete
Ultimate Extinction, Warren Ellis and Brandon Peterson, was the final chapter in the long Galactus Trilogy. As in the previous chapters of the trilogy, he took his own tone of the narrative. Which was just as science fiction disaster film with Ta Lak Tus as the impending global disaster. This limited edition features the final version debuts Misty
Hunger #04
Beginning of the End? Rick Jones failed to stop the Earth from destruction? The agony of the universe! The hero will be reborn? Road to CATACLYSM starts here!
The Impossible Man Summer Vacation Spectacular #01-02 Complete
Impossible family decided to go on vacation ..... Earth. Impossible people suffering Spider-Man followed Dr. weird. Then he gets almost killed Punisher . He finally decides to relax and play golf with the Epcot ball at Disney. Impossible woman attempts to get Quasar to help fix her broken child , but when he can not help it receives Madcap take
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