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The Shade #01-12
12 issues pages | 197.3 мb.

Tags: Shade DC
James Robinson returns to the world of his acclaimed STARMAN series with a new 12 - issue series starring the antihero known as the shade! Attack on the Starman museum kicks off the world on the island , covering centuries quest that irrevocably change the lives of Shade , and ultimately shed light on the its true origin ! Artist extraordinaire
Penguin - Pain and Prejudice #01-05 Complete
129 pages | 101.15 мb.

Tags: Penguin DC
As a young Oswald Cobblepot go from being the apple of his mother's eye thugs leader and opponent of the Dark Knight ? This exam last penguin is fraught with dark family secrets and heartbreaking moments, which explains much of the criminal idutvo naklonnostiptichego robber . Now , Penguin runs a vast crime empire , which is always one step away
Legion - Secret Origin #01-06 Complete
134 pages | 129 мb.

Tags: Legion DC
Six issues of the series written by Paul Levitz, detailing the secret of the "true" origin of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Collected in Legion: Secret Origin
Batman - Odyssey #01-08
250 pages | 193,55 мb.

Tags: comics superhero Collection DC
Batman walked around the time of death and time again, but that all ends in this issue with the painful reality of hell. It's surreal - yet all too real - a journey into his personal hell. Batman will never be the same.
Huntress #01-06 Complete
131 pages | 69.21 мb.

Tags: Huntress DC
Six issue mini-series written by Paul Levitz and drawn by Marcus Starring Helena Wayne , who is facing a crime ring in her home country of Italy , which stretches all the way back to Gotham City. When the series started, it was a hunter who was controversial , but later, in January 2012 with the announcement of a series of new worlds Finest ( also
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