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Worlds Finest #17
25 pages | 35.6 мb.

Tags: Worlds Finest Worlds Finest Worlds Finest comics
New series with Power Girl and the Huntress of Earth-2! Paul Levitts combined with amazing artists George Perez and Kevin Maguire. Learn why these two heroes were on Earth, and what it means for the characters of the Universe DC.
Superboy #25
14 pages | 37.6 мb.

Tags: Superboy Superboy vol 5 Superboy DC
They thought it was just a failed experiment. Just a mixture of human DNA and kriptontsa. But when his powers manifested, he became a deadly weapon by the name Superboy. A brand new series about Superboy starts here! Witness the amazing adventures of the Man of steel! After all, a quiet town of Smallville where harbors more secrets than it seems

Superboy #25 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Star Wars #11
25 pages | 21.7 мb.

Tags: Star Wars Star Wars new Star Wars
It began with the mysterious pyramid ships--the Tho Yor--scattered to the eight corners of the galaxy, and ended with the establishment of an Order that would change the universe forever. Here's your first look at the Star Wars of 25,000 years ago--before there were lightsabers, when the ties to the Force were new, and before the Jedi spread out
Nightwing #25
30 pages | 54.2 мb.

Tags: Nightwing download Nightwing dc Nightwing
Dick Grayson returns as Nightwing and not only faced with personal problems, but also with a new super villain, who somehow is going to kill Dick Grayson!
Katana #9
20 pages | 44.2 мb.

Tags: Katana new Katana download Katana
Katana is a sword-wielding Japanese super-hero with magical weaponry. Her blade is the Soultaker Sword, a relic that steals the essence of those it slays and stores them inside. It was taken in a duel with the man who killed her family, Takeo Yamashiro. Batman eventually recruited her to become a member of his black-ops team the Outsiders during a

Katana #9 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Justice League of Americas Vibe #9
23 pages | 36.7 мb.

Tags: Justice League Americas Vibe Americas Vibe
No, that's not a typo. Vibe stars in his own ongoing monthly title, starting with this debut issue cowritten by GEOFF JOHNS! One of the most unlikely members of the Justice League of America ever (okay, THE most unlikely) will soon discover he's one of the most powerful individuals on Earth. But how did Vibe get his abilities? What is the cost to
Green Lantern Corps #25
30 pages | 45.5 мb.

Tags: Green Lantern Corps Green Lantern Corps
Guy Gardner and John Stewart are trying to live a "normal" life, as other members of the corps. Meanwhile, someone kills the green light, to find out who is doing it to be with John Guy and their small team.
Doctor Who - Prisoners of Time #11
The first incarnation of the Doctor was played by William Hartnell. He remained Doctor for three seasons and the beginning of the fourth season. But due to health problems, he decided to leave the series, and his character is regenerated at the beginning of the fourth season of the Second Doctor. Second Doctor Patrick Troughton played by actor. He
Batman #25
32 pages | 42.5 мb.

Tags: Batman Batman vol 2 new batman Batman 2013
What is Gotham? Yes, yes, it is a city, but it is not about that. What olitsitvoryaet Gotham? Its residents are asking this question for years. Maybe Gotham represent fears of its inhabitants. Or villains. Two-faced? Kroc killer? Maybe it's Riddler? No. Criminals are cowards and managed predskazyemymi desires. Then, maybe, the characters? Well,

Batman #25 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Batgirl #25
31 pages | 66.4 мb.

Tags: Batgirl new Batgirl free Batgirl
Barbara Gordon, after three years in a wheelchair, has regained the ability to walk. And returned to the role Betgerl! Having lived for many years with his father, Babs finally decides to move. She will have to face a new villain, horror at the Gotham, and overcome their fears of the past.

Batgirl #25 (2014)

Publisher: DC
2000AD 1858
New comics titled "2000AD 1858". Download the first all-new comics from popular publishers such as: Marvel, DC, Image, IDW Publishing, Dark Horse, Valiant Universe, Vertigo, Boom, Oni press, Archaia, Kaboom, DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT and others. 2000AD and other comics you'll find only at our site
The World of Krypton (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 111.4 мb.

Tags: The World of Krypton World of Krypton World Krypton
Krypton - Superman's home planet, who died as a result of an unknown disaster. As you know, shortly before, the parents of Superman (then it was just a Kal-El) had to send it back to Earth. And yet, from the very beginning the ascent superhero comics to the Olympus success of readers interested in one question: Who is the home world of Kal-El? How
World of Krypton (1-3 series) Complete
3 issues pages | 23.6 мb.

Tags: World of Krypton World of Krypton comics World Krypton
Krypton - Superman's home planet, who died as a result of an unknown disaster. As you know, shortly before, the parents of Superman (then it was just a Kal-El) had to send it back to Earth. And yet, from the very beginning the ascent superhero comics to the Olympus success of readers interested in one question: Who is the home world of Kal-El? How
Painkiller Jane (Volume 3) 0-5 series
6 issues pages | 83.7 мb.

Tags: Painkiller Jane Painkiller Jane comics Painkiller Jane
During a military operation against chemical weapons killed all the soldiers except for the film's heroine. Chemicals acted on her way, her body very quickly recovering from almost any damage. She hopes to get help from the command, but the boss sees it only as part of an experiment. The heroine of this state of affairs does not agree!
Painkiller Jane (Volume 2) 1-3 series
3 issues pages | 46.6 мb.

Tags: Painkiller Jane Painkiller Jane comics Painkiller Jane
During a military operation against chemical weapons killed all the soldiers except for the film's heroine. Chemicals acted on her way, her body very quickly recovering from almost any damage. She hopes to get help from the command, but the boss sees it only as part of an experiment. The heroine of this state of affairs does not agree!
Painkiller Jane (Volume 1) 0-5 series
6 issues pages | 82.5 мb.

Tags: Painkiller Jane event comics Painkiller Jane
During a military operation against chemical weapons killed all the soldiers except for the film's heroine. Chemicals acted on her way, her body very quickly recovering from almost any damage. She hopes to get help from the command, but the boss sees it only as part of an experiment. The heroine of this state of affairs does not agree!
Justice Society of America (Volume 2) 1-10 series
Darkness covered the Milwaukee Brewers. Almost all the members of the OCA in the power of Obsidian. All hope for salvation rests on the shoulders of the new Black Canary and Dr. Midnight.
Justice Society of America (Volume 1) 1-8 series
It's time the old generation of heroes to teach new generation what it means to be a real super-heroes. For this new Society is organized and recruited new members. But their first meeting overshadows the murder ...
Batman Haunted Knight
166 pages | 51.8 мb.

Tags: Batman Haunted Knight Batman Haunted Knight
In the city of the demented villains, Halloween brings out the worst of the lot. This edition collects three of Batman's Halloween adventures in which he takes on some of the most fearsome and twisted foes--The Scarecrow, The Mad Hatter, and The Penguin. Graphic novel format.
Batgirl Special #1
38 pages | 14.5 мb.

Tags: Batgirl Special Batgirl Special comcis
Four years ago Cormorant was contracted to kill Batgirl. He took a hostage to a rooftop, Batgirl arrived and he shot her. Batgirl fell over the edge and Cormorant believed her to be dead. But Batgirl faked her death to allow the hostage to go free. But she was injured and began having nightmares involving Cormorant hurting and killing her. In the
Legends of the Dark Knight #76
Knowing who the killer is and why he is attacking some of the most prominent citizens of Gotham, Bruce Wayne must put aside their understanding of the man who found the strength to win his darkest fears, but let revenge consume his soul. "Ashes to Ashes" Part 3.
Iron Man - Titanium
Presenting four all- new titanic story of the golden avenger ! Fan- favorites Adam Warren and Salva Espin bring the Titanium Man out of retirement , but Tony Stark ready for the shocking renovation pint-sized hacker's given his old foe? PLUS ! Pepper Potts gets put through the wringer with a literally killer commute ! Can Tony and Maria Hill stop
Iron Man - Iron Protocols
Deep within a secret government base beneath the arctic tundra lies the "Ark": repository that contains the genetic code for all life on Earth. But the problem of rogue Artificial Intelligence has decided that the best way to protect the samples are eradicating every living creature! Only Iron Man has the knowledge to stop the car, but he only got


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