New comics
Spider-Man/Hulk/Deadpool - Identity Wars
3 issues pages | 65 мb.

In a perfect world, what could possibly go wrong? Peter Parker thinks life could not be better - until an explosion at Horizon Labs does not drop it (along with Deadpool and Hulk) into another dimension where the Amazing-Spider is the most powerful and beloved hero in the world, and Peter Parker is a billionaire mogul playboy (with surprises in
Thanos Imperative #01-06 Complete
Dangerous and mysterious fissure known as the Fault has opened, and the dark forces of a rival universe where there is no death are pouring through to claim ours! Nova, The Silver Surfer, Quasar, Gladiator and more of the greatest cosmic champions Marvel Universal line to stop them - but it can be even more than they can handle. Fortunately,?
Hulk & Thing - Hard Knocks #01-04 Complete
4 issues pages | 46.8 мb.

Tags: Hulk and Thing - Hard Knocks Hulk Thing
Bruce Jones and superstar artist Jae Lee bring you the ultimate Hulk / Thing battle! Think you know everything about the unique relationship between the two most powerful Sluggers Marvel? Try again.
Hulk - Destruction #01-04 Complete
New, definitive origin abomination disclosed serving as a backdrop against unwilling to return Emil Blonsky for Mother Russia. When you are a Russian officer who dreams of restoring his country to superpower status, who else would you turn to a Russian with a genuine superpower. Unfortunately for the Abomination, wherever he goes, Bruce Banner
Force Works #01-22 Complete
A new series that jumped from the pages of the series The Avengers West Coast. It offers the same team, but with some new additions to the teammembers and a new attitude.
Justice League Beyond 2.0 #12
The true nature of the plan Brainiac begins to unfold, the League enlists the help of allies from around the world ... and beyond!
Crimson Society #01B
39 pages | 32.6 мb.

Tags: Crimson Society Jack Crimson Michael J Hunau
In the near future, supernatural beings live among the people in the world, but Crimson Jack finds his life as a werewolf disappointment, and wants nothing more than medicine. Desperate to get rid of this curse, he makes a series of decisions leading him down an unexpected path. Jack journey continues ... what initially seemed to be going beyond
Crimson Society #00
Supernatural beings live among ordinary people in the world, but Crimson Jack finds his life as a werewolf disappointment, and wants nothing more than medicine. Desperate to get rid of this curse, he makes a series of decisions leading him down an unexpected path. Learn more about this mysterious world of vampires, zombies, werewolves, and more,
Battlestar Galactica - Starbuck #03
Origin Lieutenant Starbuck continues, said number 1 New York Times bestselling author Tony Lee! Framed for a murder he did not commit, Starbuck is forced on the run with only Apollo beside him, while Adam profits help against Osiris trader named Baltar ...
Battlestar Galactica - Starbuck #02
Origin Lieutenant Starbuck continues, said number 1 New York Times bestselling author Tony Lee! Two years before the attacks on Cimtar and Starbuck already disheartened - But when a key to Cylon spy attacks on Umbra, Starbuck finally have a chance to get justice for his parents - but Starbuck and Apollo can find spy before the Cylons to stop them?
Tarzan (132-206 series) Complete
74 issues pages | 1000 мb.

Tags: Tarzan Tarzan comics King of the Jungle Gold Key
Tarzan finally became civilized and educated man of the twentieth century, speaking in English better than Batman, still lives in the jungles of Africa, along with chimpanzees and Cheetah with his young ward named Jai. They are both friends and frequent guests of the animal kennel and hunting, which runs the huntsman Rao.
Tarzan (1-131 series) Complete
131 series pages | 2500 мb.

Tags: Tarzan Tarzan comics King of the Jungle Dell
Tarzan finally became civilized and educated man of the twentieth century, speaking in English better than Batman, still lives in the jungles of Africa, along with chimpanzees and Cheetah with his young ward named Jai. They are both friends and frequent guests of the animal kennel and hunting, which runs the huntsman Rao.
Tarzan's Jungle Annual (1-7 series) Complete
7 issues pages | 435.8 мb.

Tags: Tarzans Jungle Annual Tarzans Jungle Tarzan comics Dell
Tarzan and his friends from the jungle live this life in a stunning three-dimensional world of intrigue and danger.
The Aristocats (1-9 series) Complete
Comics on the same cartoon. In aristocratic house in Paris lives mom cat with three kittens. Madly in love with their mistress and bequest should withdraw all these charming animals. But the evil butler wants the money went only to him. He kidnaps her favorites and throws in the village. Back home helps them delightful and charming cat wandering
Phantom Blot (1-7 series) Complete
7 issues pages | 165.4 мb.

Tags: Phantom Blot Phantom Blot comics Phantom Blot Gold Key
Comics about the confrontation of the Black Ghost Gavs brothers and Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, sheriff O'Hara.
Moby Duck (1-30 series) Complete
30 issues pages | 613.7 мb.

Tags: Moby Duck Moby Duck comics Moby Duck Gold Key McDuck
Adventure sailor Moby Duck, Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Screw Razboltaylo, Magick de Hypnosis, Black Pete, Captain Hook.
The X-Files - Conspiracy - Ghostbusters
Conspiracy Continues! The Lone Gunmen explore their first lead, Ghostbusters. Whether they are crooks and charlatans to deceive unsuspecting customers without money? Or they have a special understanding of the afterlife? And how are they connected to the plague, which balances to destroy humanity?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Utom Empire #01
Intrigue and betrayal abound on the island Burnow! This mini-series takes us to where Technodrome plans Krang, to destroy the earth are increasing. Little does he know that Baxter Stockman plans to use their power for yourself! Scheme as two villains, one in jail robot holds the key to success-Fugitoid! Can he enter the Turtles in time? All this
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson #88
Bart Simpson continues tribunal, and it is up to its layout lawyer, Ralph Wiggum, to prove his innocence! Will justice be served? Then Pieman and Cupcake Kid take on a new team of crime, Glutenus Maximus and his sidekick gluten tags whose dough related offenses led to a ban on all bakery in Springfield. How will the heroic duo battle their enemies
Lobo's Big Babe Spring Break Special
Main man hired to protect anatomically improbable contestants Miss Voluptua competition. Between participants and magnificent protesters trying to kill them, or Lobo joined the battle of their lives or died and gone to heaven.
Lobo - Fragtastic Voyage
52 pages | 18 мb.

Tags: Lobo - Fragtastic Voyage Lobo Alan Grant
To save the life of a comatose alien world ruler , and to prevent an intergalactic war , peace-loving scientists miniaturization submarine carrying handsome surgeon experts and her bodyguard , and insert them in the ass alien leader. Unfortunately, two other groups of miniature aliens have also invaded the body of the leader , plans to ensure that


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