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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Wonderland (1-22 series)
Shattered Reflections - Part Two How to defeat search Calie Wonderland continues, she finds herself faced with a god-like individuals who will set her on the path she would never have seen coming. But when rising new "Alice", Calie will be ready to answer the call or will it finally become a victim of madness? Countdown to Wonderland # 25
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Demons The Unseen #2
Grimm Fairy Tales - a comic book series in the horror genre, produced publisher Zenescope Entertainment. Each comic in the series is one of the classic fairy tales, a completely new form by changing the stories in a more brutal and modern form.
Get Smart (1-8 series) Complete
8 issues pages | 159.2 мb.

Tags: Get Smart Get Smart comics dell comics
With very little experience in the field and even less time to spare, smart - armed with just a few spy gadgets and his irrepressible enthusiasm - may have to defuse the "chaos" if he wants to come tomorrow.
X-Men - X-Tinction Agenda
The war in Genosha has boiled over, and X-Men, X-Factor and the New Mutants will never be the same! With ever deadlier Cameron Hodge pulling the strings, the heroes are kidnapped, killed, stripped of their powers and forced into combat! And when the dust settles, the teams change formulations, sending the X-Men into a new era! Collecting Uncanny
World of Warcraft - Pearl of Pandaria
131 pages | 164.1 мb.

In this fascinating original graphic novel published in landscape format , you will find Pandaren, one of the most beloved ( and mysterious ) races in World Of Warcraft! Author Blizzard's own Micky Neilson (World Of Warcraft MMORPG, World of Warcraft: Ashbringer and World Of Warcraft: Curse of the Worgen ) , the art of fan favorite Sean Galloway
World of Warcraft - Dark Riders
In this new, original World Of Warcraft graphic novel, tall magicians search of a powerful artifact stolen Dark Riders, only to find his son was accused of murder. Righteous priest, driven by a mysterious fervor investigating wild wolf Cult. How to join the paths of these two men, there is a fantastic adventure! With the support of the cast of
Uncanny X-Men - Broken Vol.2
The all-new , all revolutionary Uncanny X-Men barely managed to find its footing as a team before they must be prepared for the evil Dormammu! Magic can match witchcraft demon lord ? It is even more X-Men's side ? Discover the Secrets of Magic has been hiding since AVX! Then : School is in session ! In Uncanny X-Men have seen what can happen and
The Vampire Diaries #26
Police began questioning Elena and her friends about the tragic fire that killed his comrade cheerleader. But their suspicions seem to indicate Stefan Salvatore as part of a love triangle!
The Witcher #03
26 pages | 21.5 мb.

Tags: The Witcher Geralt of Rivia Paul Tobin
Madness begins to molest the minds of our heroes as they roam the corridors terrible glass houses and discover the true origin of their tenants. Witcher games were collectively granted more than 250 awards and sold more than 5.5 million copies worldwide. There are currently two games available; the third is scheduled for release in 2014.
Smallville - Lantern #11
Fighting the battle against the forces of Parallax, John Stewart is able to return it will be Green Lantern. But will the change come in time to defeat the favorites in Parallax?
Savage Wolverine #19
24 pages | 44 мb.

Tags: Savage Wolverine Jubilee Wolverine
He best thing is, what it does - but what if he has a bad day? Logan faces a head with some bad luck at the worst possible day. Jubilee can lend a hand? It's Wolverine is not good, very bad, very terrible day Gail Simone (Batgirl) and anyone!
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Two #09
With the Green Lantern Corps on their way to confront Superman, Hal Jordan locked in prison on Oa, but it can have a secret ally.
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Two #10
Green Lantern Corps strikes in full force, putting Superman on the ropes ... with shocking results.
Infinite Crisis - Fight for the Multiverse #02
What starts as a routine investigation into the burglary leads Batman to top space adventure. 52 worlds fate hangs in the balance!
Ex Machina Book #01
The award-winning writer Brian K. Vaughan (PRIDE of Baghdad , Y: The Last Man ) uniquely combines big city politics and superheroes in this much-lauded series. Located in our modern world , Ex Machina tells the story of civil engineer Mitchell Hundred, who becomes America's first living , breathing super-hero after a strange accident gives him the
Bleeding Cool Magazine (FCBD)
35 pages | 52.4 мb.

Tags: Bleeding Cool Magazine Avatar Press
Bleeding Cool Magazine celebrates Free Comic Book Day and the launch of the film 2 Amazing Spider-Man with a whole new issue is dedicated to the introduction of new fans of comic books ! We packed this special edition , full of features that will turn visitors into FCBD comic shop regulars. The question this year is the perfect tool for local
Batman Beyond 2.0 #21
Terry and Bruce are forced to work together to remove one of the oldest enemies of Batman ... but their tensions prevent them from completing their mission?
Wolverine - Japan's Most Wanted
This is the first printed edition , history, previously only available in an innovative format Infinite Comics Marvel, superstar writer Jason Aaron pits Wolverine against the threat unlike any he's ever encountered! Wolverine Public Enemy в„– 1 in Japan, on the run from authorities - and it all makes Sabretooth ! Wolverine faces a new Silver
Young Romance #12
29 pages | 33.7 мb.

Tags: Young Romance Jack Kirby Joe Simon
Tears to the carbonated water, from gangsters to cute ingenue in freshly pressed dresses, short stories about love and betrayal here you will be asked to capture the tissue box or swoon with delight. Thanks to two sensational Joe Simon and Jack Kirby love comics!
Uncanny Avengers - Ragnarok Now Vol.3
This is the dark origins of the Apocalypse Twins as Kang true motives are revealed ! Secret agreement between Ahab and the Red Skull will bring horror to all mutants - but when a madman kills Sentry strange Avenger, this is just the first victim of many! Wasp stands as Grim Reaper, the Scarlet Witch recognized their true love and makes it
Uncanny Avengers - The Apocalypse Twins Vol.2
The future begins in the past! This clash of the titans in the 11th century , Thor fights Apocalypse! Avengers ancestors hunted with Rama-Tut and Kang pulls the strings , and only young Thor can save their future mates ! And today , the beginning of the end looms debut Apocalypse Twins! Why do they seek anger gods ? What is their relationship with
Uncanny X-Men - Revolution Vol.1
True flagship X-Men series returns ... NOW! In the wake of the case of Phoenix, exactly what are the Cyclops and his team of criminal X-Men - visionary revolutionaries or dangerous terrorists ? Whatever the truth , Cyclops , Emma Frost , Magneto, and the Magic are going to new mutants and redefining the name Uncanny X-Men. But they face a severe
Thor - God of Thunder - Godbomb Vol.2
140 pages | 196.4 мb.

Tags: Thor - God of Thunder - Godbomb Gorr Odin Shadrak Thor
Somewhere at the end of time , all the gods of the universe enslaved , working to build a machine that will forever change the face of creation. What Godbomb? And what can Thor do to stop it? Like the plan continues to unfold Gorr , all hope is lost in the form of divinity Thor gets into chains along their colleagues gods. As darkness origin Gorr


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