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Magnus - Robot Fighter #10
22 pages | 37.6 мb.

Tags: Magnus - Robot Fighter Leeja Magnus
Russell Magnus thought he was a normal person living a normal life ... until a massive work not tore it from his home and put him in a world where men are controlled cars! How did he get back to his family? Now the mysterious and deadly Leeja Klein? And why Magnus so damn good at fighting robots? Fred Van LENTE (GI Joe) and Corey Smith (Fathom)
Hinterkind #14
23 pages | 32.8 мb.

Tags: Hinterkind Prosper Queen Telsche Ian Edginton
Buried under the ground in the city of ghosts, Prosper must make a difficult decision in their lives. Meanwhile, the knives, the killers move in for the Queen Telsche and Malachi, the Red Knight.
Ghost Fleet #3
Von Ghastly not simply trite host on TVs obsessive cult leader of brainwash fan club obedient servants. To make matters worse, he rapped on strength, which allows him to physically touch the Spirit! Will she be able to cancel his program before he ever takes it out of the air?
Ghost #11
25 pages | 47.2 мb.

Tags: Ghost Von Ghastly Christopher Sebela
Von Ghastly not simply trite host on TVs obsessive cult leader of brainwash fan club obedient servants. To make matters worse, he rapped on strength, which allows him to physically touch the Spirit! Will she be able to cancel his program before he ever takes it out of the air?
Fables - The Wolf Among Us #05
Murder mystery deepens as Bigby and Snow dress down as mayor Ichabod Crane. Now, why he is trying to cover up the murder of Fable?
Uncanny Avengers Vol.4 - Avenge The Earth
Welcome to Planet X, a new mutant home where everything is great - if you have a mutant gene! Wasps last person alive, relentlessly pursued Magneto All-New X-Force and protected by her husband, Havok! Now, as Kang Chronos Corps arrives at Planet X with a terrible proposal, former members of the Unity team has reunited to defeat Apocalypse twins
60 pages | 158.1 мb.

Tags: PsychoKiller Pat Mills
ARE YOU READY FOR IRRIGATION demonic? Dr. dead, PsychoKiller, can help you with your problem. Writers Pat Mills and Tony Skinner deliver a dark, terrible and funny tale of demonic infestation, lavishly illustrated by Dave Kendall.
The New 52 – Futures End #36
Following the events Forevere Evil, closing and restarting the series publisher DC decided to move to the next phase. This new step was, proven series such as 52, Trinity, Countdoun and Brightest Day / Justice League Generation Lost, a large version of the weekly comic strip with various possible spin-off group offami writers and artists, which
Usagi Yojimbo - Senso #6
BIGGEST exciting of all time! Another Martian rocket accident in the territory of Komori outlaw clan ninja bats. Tomoe husband will convince them to put aside their differences and unite against the shogun alien threat? Meanwhile, Lord Noriyuki reveals an amazing secret weapon, which he believes will win the war, you just have to see it to believe
Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1952 #02
Strange series of murders and rumors of something worse lead professor Bruttenholm send young Hellboy to the Brazilian village on his first mission. Hellboy and a small group of agents to reveal something terrible in the shadow of the Portuguese fortress of the sixteenth century. ,, Twenty years Hellboy! Mike Mignola named one of the "12 vital
Justice League 3000 #13
Two words: blue and gold. Okay, three. Three words, Blue and go ... Wait, that's four words. Okay, let's try eto.Komanda Blue Beetle and Booster Gold back! By Giffen and DeMatteis! This universe is ready for any of them ...? You?
Angel & Faith Season 10 #10
Obviously, in a magic dirt Amy rat Angel brings a backup closed witch and save the Magic City. , Vera reunited with Riley in a fight with tribal vampire stake, dust and feeling awkward!
Green Arrow #38
Blood will be shed when Green Arrow faces off against the assassin known as Merlyn!
Earth 2 - World's End #14
Outgunned, outnumbered and outmatched, world army, headed by Mr. Miracle and Big Barda to invade Apokolips!
Earth 2 #30
Sheltered mass transfer in Chicago to run for their lives when the incredible power down on the city. Scattered and frantic, Barbara and Dick Grayson hunt for housing and find refuge, which hides a sinister secret. Two will make it out alive with his son?

Earth 2 #30 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Green Lantern #38
"Divinity", act 3, Part 1: Hal Jordan must enlist the support of one of his greatest enemies, the Black Hand, or watch the universe to fall to the growing army of new gods! But blackening hand to help and get him help as you need to get it are two very different things.
Batman Eternal #40
Someone collected secret conspiracy to suppress Gotham City ... but it's not Batman! Riddler knows everything - and he'll never tell!
Action Comics #38
25 pages | 34.8 мb.

Tags: Action Comics Lana Lang Steel Superman Toymaster
The spread of evil supernatural forces in Smallville continues to deteriorate - and Superman is not able to stop him. Will it be a curse pollution has spread around the world?
Justice League Vol.5 - Forever Heroes
In these tales of Justice League # 24-29, crime syndicate preys on several heroes foolish enough to challenge them - including Dick Grayson! But Owlman has other plans for Nightwing ... and Ultraman, too! In addition, the Cyborg is one of the last members of the Justice League left to fight villains that have undertaken. How can he find a way to
Justice League Vol.4 - The Grid
These amazing tales with Justice League # 18-20 and 22-23 lead into the "Trinity of War", and attention Cyborg, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman! Plus: Learn the secret of Pandora's box!


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