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Star Wars – Return of the Jedi (Volume 1-4) Complete
In the Galaxy continued civil war between the Alliance and the rebel forces of the Galactic Empire, led by Emperor Palpatine - Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. Empire building a new space station - the second "Death Star." To control the final stage of the meeting and the Emperor arrives at the station Darth Vader.
Star Wars – A New Hope (Volume 1-4) Complete
4 issues pages | 616.5 мb.

Tags: Star Wars A New Hope Star Wars A New Hope Star Wars marvel
In the Galaxy raging civil war. Ships rebels kick with a secret base, have won their first victory over a cruel Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies were able to obtain the secret superweapon drawings Empire - the Death Star, a fortified space station with sufficient firepower to destroy the entire planet. Pursued by sinister agents of
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #11
A new season. New Rules. Age battle against the Vampire Slayer is the focus of life Buffy again, this is nostalgic! But with all the magic of playing with it for the last time, this girl needs to know it's time for another game changing. . . Would it not be? The executive is made Joss Whedon!
Trinity of Sin #4
23 pages | 33,5 мb.

Tags: Trinity of Sin Trinity of Sin comics Trinity Sin
FOREVER EVIL tie-in! The main turning point for Pandora, who reluctantly joins forces with a team of John Constantine mystical misfits to resist personification of evil: damage! Continuing this month, Justice League DARK в„– 27.
The Transformers #37
Upon its ending, it was replaced by two ongoing series, Robots in Disguise and More Than Meets The Eye, which pick up directly from here. These are the final days of the civil war that has ravaged Cybertron and countless other worlds. The fighting will end and one side, Autobot or Decepticon, will come out on top.
Justice League #38
FOREVER EVIL tie-in! With the Justice League still missing almost not working Cyborg will need help if he is going to take down a criminal syndicate! To do this, he must find a physician Magnus!
Supergirl #38
Part two of a new confrontation Kara deadly Lobo. After the shock of last extremity issue, the issue we find an even greater threat to Shay Veritas, which make Superherl make a deadly choice!
Red Hood and the Outlaws #38
Criminals have their final bloody showdown with Ras al Gul League and Assassins!
Green Lantern - New Guardians #38
Training Kyle with the new Guardians continues as he tries to solve the mystery of what caused the exclusively peaceful nature of civilization to go to war!
Batwoman #38
Batwoman faces off against a new black spider as mystery deepens! That many citizens of Gotham City have what he wants? Batwoman arrogance will cost her life? And on the personal front: Kate greets daughter Maggie!

Batwoman #38 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Batman Eternal #42
Someone collected secret conspiracy to suppress Gotham City ... but it's not Batman! Riddler knows everything - and he'll never tell!
Batman - Superman #18
The series is about two legendary heroes of DC Comics, in which different methods and outlook on life, but it nemenie have always been friends and allies. Superman and Batman, the heroes pridumanyh back in the 30s, have not lost their popularity in our time, stories which are always amazed and attracted more new readers ...
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Three #17
New Deadman, finally tracks down the Spectre and learns his terrible secret.
102 pages | 91.8 мb.

Tags: Fire Brian Michael Bendis
Imagine that you are shy, quiet student. Just a regular guy trying to get through each day, as best he can. Then your state contact you. They want you to be part of an experiment in the art of covert operations person. Instead of creating an agent from someone in their own ranks, they want to create an agent from whom, from scratch, from you!

Fire (2014)

Publisher: Other
DC Comics Essentials- Superman - Earth One
Forget what you know about the person, and get ready to become a stunning new look at the world's most popular superhero of the best-selling, Hugo Award-winning author J. Michael Straczynski and artist Shane Davis! This is an excerpt from Superman: EARTH ONE VOL. 1 part of only one of the titles featured in the DC ENTERTAINMENT major graphic
Arrow - Season 2.5 #11
Suicide Squad is central to Diggle joins forces with such Deadshot, Bronze Tiger and a new member of Ravana to remove maniacal warlord! Do not miss the first part of our special "crisis Kahndaq" conclusion reached by the guest artist Shimon Kudranski!
Star Trek Year Four The Enterprise Experiment (TPB)
Demonstration of the best writers Trek in print, television and comics IDW There is a second year under the command of Starfleet. This month, Star Trek legend Dorothy "DC" Fontana takes the stage for his first-ever Star Trek series komiksov.Pisatel of the original series, as well as the animated series, the next generation, and Deep Space Nine,
Queen Sonja Vol.5
139 pages | 76.5 мb.

Tags: Queen Sonja Red Sonja Luke Lieberman
Since then, she took the throne Sogoria, Sony journey was leading to something more. Her small kingdom throw off the shackles of the empire only to see terrorism, rebellion, and finally, cruelty Thulsa Doom. Starved, shocked, and close to despair, people Sonya now in open revolt against his rule. She turns to the only wealthy Baron levy taxes and
Queen Sonja Vol.4
140 pages | 75 мb.

Tags: Queen Sonja Red Sonja Thulsa Doom Arvid Nelson
Red Sonja is safe, finally, the queen tiny nation Sogaria. Rebel princes, emperors greedy, cruel intrigues she passed them all. But a new danger rises from the depths of the earth itself. Thulsa Doom hated nemesis Sony was rotting in the Stygian darkness and nursing his feud with the flame-haired Queen Sonja to smite him there many years ago. Set,
Queen Sonja Vol.3
117 pages | 52.8 мb.

Tags: Queen Sonja Red Sonja Luke Lieberman
Before she was a warrior Red Sonja was a wild child in the desert Hyrkanian, before she ran an empire Emora, she stole through the streets pah-Disha. Running from the pain of her bloody origin she gambles his life recklessly. Surviving these rough years taught her to fight, hunt, steal and kill. They did not teach her one more thing, that her gift
Queen Sonja Vol.2
140 pages | 73.5 мb.

Tags: Queen Sonja Red Sonja Arvid Nelson
After an exciting outdoor adventure all-new, all-different Queen Sonja, Dynamite proudly presents a new chapter in the saga Devil With a Sword! Thanks dynamite debut writer Arvid (Kull) Nelson and artist Jackson (Avengers / Invaders) Herbert, Sonia finds herself gently on the throne and in front of a new and deadly threat from within ... and
Queen Sonja Vol.1
Red Sonja life! Dynamite Entertainment presents a bold new direction for the mother of all soldiers, Red Sonja! Under the direction of writer Joshua (Death Dealer) Ortega, Queen Sonja # 1-5 (collected here along with a complete cover gallery) also has a return of artist Mel Rubi! Sonia finds herself with more than she expected, she takes the


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