New comics
Ghosted #17
28 pages | 49.3 мb.

Tags: Ghosted Jackson Winters Laci
In the newly created ghost town, a portal to the afterlife appeared-setting the stage for the greatest robbery career Jackson.
X-Force #15
This is it! In the final battle, with Fantomex, X-Force gives everything they have to win their power crazy teammate, who became the enemy! And, in the end, not all come away with ...
Thor #05
23 pages | 35.5 мb.

Tags: Thor Absorbing Man Odin Titania
Mysterious new Thor Midgard took by storm. But if her enemies to express their opinion, her reign as the Goddess of thunder will be short. Prince Odinson makes a list and check it twice. All-Father Odin so desperate to see Mjolnir returned to Asgard, that he would call on some very dangerous, unexpected allies. And sinks and Titania only to their

Thor #05 (2015)

Publisher: Marvel
Spider-Woman #04
SPIDER-VERSE Epilogue! Jessica comes out of Spider-Verse changed, but what can she do now? Do not miss this character is determined by the head!
Captain Marvel #12
The question that starts Major Captain Marvel and the Avengers events! However justified from flying, Captain Marvel and takes another dangerous kind of bird Deathbird! Disabled, but firmly Carol risks themselves and their lives! PLUS: stop the evil that was cronyism Deathbird's!
Bucky Barnes - The Winter Soldier #05
"Dead Stars" The first arc reaches its conclusion! Mer-Z-bow will never be the same! Coup inevitable! Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier - face to face with crossbones! The mystery figure shot at Bucky learns the value of its transformation. Daisy Johnson is an earthquake. Ventolin acts.
All-New X-Men #36
20 pages | 32.8 мb.

Tags: All-New X-Men Angel Armor Doctor Doom Jimmy Hudson
The final face-off you knew was going to happen! All-New X-Men compared to Ultimate X-Men! However, when characters of both sides that can be won? And what side is to leave Miles Morales, Ultimate Spider-Man's next?
All-New Ghost Rider #11
LA BURN BRIGHT NIGHTS with the flame of vengeance! Having tamed Spirit satanic serial killer Eli Morrow, Robbie FLIGHT safely apply justice on the streets of Los Angeles ... but I can not seem to keep things in order at home. Little brother Gabe health status improved by leaps and bounds, but something causes his relationship with Robbie
Southern Bastards #07
31 pages | 55.3 мb.

Tags: Southern Bastards Coach Boss Jason Aaron
As a child, Euless boss football in his blood. But all football ever did for him was to make him bleed. Until the day he met a strange man who would change his life and the fate of Craw County forever.
X-Men #24
22 pages | 31.9 мb.

Tags: X-Men Psylocke Rachel Grey Storm
Trapped deep underground in a sinkhole that appeared mysteriously in the middle of the Black Rock Desert, STORM battle his claustrophobia, trying to find answers. Meanwhile, her teammates from the ground to discover that the phenomenon is due to old enemies ...
Nightcrawler #11
Shadow King. Crimson Pirates. The forces of Heaven and Hell. Night cuts through enemies, to protect those near and dear ones to him. But in his struggle with his return from the afterlife, Nightcrawler will take his man-war too far?
2000AD #1917
32 pages | 21.2 мb.

Tags: 2000AD 2000AD comics
The Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #5
Comics themselves narrate opposition elite (mostly American) units GI Joe vs. Cobra international grouping. Cobra has extensive resources and contacts around the world and hopes to capture the entire planet. Pinned: Cobra Commander, Baroness, Destro, Serpentor, Tomax and Xamot, Major Bludd, Dr. Mindbender, Storm Shadow.
Secret Six #02
Gail Simone is back with a new 52 debut of fan-favorite team - SECRET six! Six strangers gathered in mysterious circumstances for explosive first question that will leave all to ask: "What is the secret?"
New Suicide Squad #7
Harley Quinn! Detshot! King Shark! They come in a team of supervillains bombers recruited by the government to take on missions so dangerous for anyone would consider it a suicide!
Brides of Helheim #04
14 pages | 46.1 мb.

Tags: Brides of Helheim Raevil Rikard
Raevil unleashed Valkyrie wage war against Ricardo. But foul sorcerer could not predict how the Maiden death will respond to the walking dead man! Now Raevil areas to raise an army of demons and undead to counter Rickard, but even this may not be powerful enough to withstand the fury Draugr-ies.
Justice League United #9
Comics tightens literally from the first series. Great sketch and brightly designed characters certainly will not disregard . The first two seasons we do not show the changing composition of the Justice League and while the writers had to reveal each character, but since Season 3 undergoing fundamental changes . Authors change the name of the
Star Trek #41
The all-new five-year mission of the enterprise continues as Captain Tiberius Kirk Jane and her team are faced with a never before seen the enemy in deep space! Wait ... Jane Kirk? What's going on? All will be revealed in the first chapter of this new two-part stories controlled STAR TREK writer / producer Roberto Orci!
Itty Bitty Comics - The Mask #04
After the fiasco at the zoo, the mayor is trying at mask! Now, as the mayor of the city draws a green mask, once quiet Burg suddenly becomes the most exciting and crazy place on the planet! Find out what it's like to have a mask of things! Fun! Crazy! And a little scary! All-ages chaos!
Conan Red Sonja #02
24 pages | 53.3 мb.

Tags: Conan Red Sonja Conan Red Sonja
Simon and tooth pit against Sonia Conan! Teams Gail Simone with Jim Zub to bring together the legendary warriors in this truly epic crossover! In history, spanning several eras in the lives of these classic characters Conan and Red Sonja became comrades to remove the sorcerer-priest obsessed about creating a new era in the dark Hyborian War!


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