New comics
The Phantom #02
35 pages | 63.5 мb.

Tags: The Phantom Diana Palmer
All new six-part mini-series, written by Peter David with art Sal Velluto. The original ghost who walks - Phantom- returns at this end of the 1940s adventures. This is a classic story of The Phantom of the pit against the Singh Brotherhood and their metal hand leader who intend to rob ancient legendary city of gold. Only Phantom, Diana and again
O Black #1
34 pages | 48.7 мb.

Tags: O Black O Black comics

O Black #1 (2015)

Publisher: IDW
MAD Magazine #532
60 pages | 69.7 мb.

Tags: MAD Magazine MAD
This annual summary of MAD's 20 dumbest people of events and things! Thanks to Miley Cyrus, President Obama,-Rod, Paula Deen and blurred lines, there are plenty of stupidity to go around! Plus our complete sham "as follows:" Planet Tad, MAD Strip Club, MAD Look Sergio Aragones' on overnight, Fold-In and much, much more. Buy it today - it would be
Inhuman #12
23 pages | 39.4 мb.

Tags: Inhuman Forey Iso Reader
Reader and Iso back in terrible danger! See Attilane empty! Who will rise?
Forever Evil (TBP)
227 pages | 330 мb.

Tags: Forever Evil Forever Evil comics TPB
Preview of the first issue comic Forever Evil # 1, which will fall villainous event and will open a new mini-series of a crossover. Recall that in September declared "Month of Villains" and all current ongoingi come out with the number # 23.1 and the protagonists will be negative characters. Also start a new mini-series Forevel Evil led by Jeff
Batman - Gotham by Gaslight (TPB)
116 pages | 227,5 мb.

Earth-19 was first introduced in the alternative story "Gotham by Gaslight", where the action takes place in 1880's Victorian England in the entourage of steampunk. In this story Batman confronts Jack the Ripper and other stylized characters this time.
Spider-Gwen #1
23 pages | 33,8 мb.

Tags: Spider-Gwen Spider-Gwen comics Gwen Stacy
In the comics, Gwen is positioned as the first love of Peter Parker - their relationship begins almost immediately after he parted ways with Betty Brant. The novel ends, not having time to really begin. Zombie Captain Stacy, Gwen's father, picks a fight with Peter. Gwen, thinking that Peter attacked her father, terminate their relationship, but
Alien Legion - Uncivil War (TPB)
Space strip to hell is paved with good intentions and the peacekeeping mission for veterans of foreign Legion Elite Force Nomad quickly went belly up. Support of a fleet of ships of refugees has degenerated into a sprawling space fight and to make matters worse, a career foreign priests are determined to destroy all life on a peaceful planet in
Twilight Zone Shadow And Substance #02
Agonizing conclusion "stumbling distance." During a trip to his past, alcoholic writer William Gaunt must decide whether he will intervene soon suicide attempt of his childhood on their own, and if he will face his monstrous mother. And if he does, then, that chaos will it apply in the future?
The Superannuated Man #06
31 pages | 31.6 мb.

Tags: The Superannuated Man Ted McKeever HE
Miniseries CONCLUSION Blackwater burns like the ocean gives his secrets about mutated animals in this sense ruined the series finale. All will be revealed ... ... Well, maybe not all. This book Ted McKeever, in the end.
LOVE Vol.1 - The Tiger
A day in the life of the king of the jungle, this richly illustrated story is one majestic tiger through wordless adventure of survival as he hunts pray and protects itself from other potential killers to defend their territory. This exciting story is told without narration or dialogue, passed completely through beautiful illustrations Federico
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor #05
Between the future and the past: the horror! Doctor and Clara and their allies divided between two time zones, as the clock counts down to the resurrection of vengeful Cali! Will be timeless cult succeed where so many villains failed? What chance does the Doctor have opposed the plan, which has been in motion for thousands of years? Find out in
John Carter Warlord Of Mars v2 #4
With John Carter lost and presumed dead in the Martian desert, the triumph of his enemy, but it's secured. But who is the captain Joshua Clark Earth, and why does his hatred for John Carter knows no bounds? As Dey Toris praying for the safe return of her commander, shocking origins nemesis John Carter is finally revealed! Superstar writer Ron Marz
Dark Gods #04
25 pages | 39.1 мb.

Tags: Dark Gods Justin Jordan German Erramouspe
There are things out there in the darkness, which were never intended to return to the world of the living. Justin Jordan threw the floodgates opened and released these monsters in the world of modern humanity. Now there are whispers in the dark shape and form, and nothing can stop them from reaping havoc goal. But the ancient order of protectors
Wolverines #08
Betrayal! FALSE! This is what happens when a group of Paradise and wolverines share more alliances ... And what happens when an old friend of Wolverine appears on the boondoggle weekend - ENTER FANG! Lady Death finally come to the conclusion that it should not be one, but at this moment of vulnerability return to stab her in the back?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #43
Major battle on the island Burnow unfolds! Turtles will be able to help Fugitoid, to disable Technodrome before it's too late? Meanwhile, Splinter and Mutanimals go against the Koran and the leg!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - New Animated Adventures #20
Michelangelo discovered the hidden truth behind the strange behavior of each! With his brothers out of action as a result of the devastating psychic attack, it's up to T-shirts to save the day!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Mutanimals #01
Old stove, Slash, Herman The Hermit Crab, Mondo Gecko and dove Pete became a force to be reckoned with in the TMNT constant - and now they have their own mini-series in which they work together will be put to the ultimate test! When someone close to the group kidnapped, then Mutanimals end up on an adventure wilder and more dangerous than they
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents The Little Mermaid #01
Do you know the story of the Little Mermaid? When a young mermaid makes a wish to become a man, her world turn upside down, and it will need to find the courage to confront her fears or die at the hands of evil. Zenescope completely new reinterpretation of the classics has arrived!
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Jungle Book Fall Of The Wild #03
The wedding of King Louis crashed familiar enemy while Mowglii and Bomani are fighting side by side for the first and perhaps the last time, since all animals face the armies of the jungle battleflied. Who will survive the last animal fight and whether the island left to fight for, as Kipling Reach exploding lava and ash?


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