New comics
Batman '66 #67
Batman pursues the Riddler in the fight scene where Prince puzzles powerful backing masked wrestler by the name of Bane! Caped Crusader will meet his match in the ring?
Bandette #11
21 pages | 29.1 мb.

Tags: Bandette Daniel Madame Revolver Robin Hood
A new chapter begins in a brilliant career Bandette, the greatest thief in the world! Scarlet dressed young adventurer enjoys a little light entertainment in the theater, and leaves with a priceless treasure that can hold the key to the mystery of a legendary: the secret of the house green mask! However, while the Absinthe and the cartel offense,
The Mantle #04
31 pages | 46.9 мb.

Tags: The Mantle The Plague Ed Brisson
The history of past Mantles is explored and the horror of The Plague’s path of destruction is fully unveiled.
Collection Marvel (19.08.2015, week 33)
19 issues pages | 758.3 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 12.08.2015 week 32
Collection Marvel Comics for 19.08.2015 (33 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. 1872 #2 2. Age Of Ultron Vs Marvel Zombies #3 3. Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #4 4. Armor Wars #4 5. Captain Britain And The Mighty Defenders #2 6. Guardians Of Knowhere #3 7. Guardians Team-Up #10 8. House Of M #1 9. Howard The Human #1 10. Inferno
DC week - The New 52 (19.08.2015, week 33)
Collection DC Comics for 19.08.2015 (33 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman Arkham Knight #7 2. Bizarro #3 3. Green Lantern The Lost Army #3 4. Harley Quinn And Power Girl #3 5. Injustice Gods Among Us Year Four #16 6. Justice League #43 7. Justice League Gods And Monsters #2 8. Martian Manhunter #3 9. Robin Son Of Batman #3 10.
Poet Anderson - The Dream Walker #03
Jonas and Alan Anderson to return to the Dream World, only to find himself caught in the ageless battle between the rabble, selfish Dream Walkers and mysterious, evil REM, which plans to take on the real world set their attention on young Jonas. Created by Tom DeLonge, founder and frontman of bands Blink-182 and Angels and Airwaves, it's a
Weirdworld #03
22 pages | 45.9 мb.

Tags: Weirdworld Arkon Crystar
Weirdworld where lost things go. How barbaric lord Akron, which is now a prisoner of underwater monkeys. Or, as his cellmate, a mysterious one-eyed man, who seems to be made of rock crystal, and calls himself a warrior ...
Trees #12
24 pages | 36.3 мb.

Tags: Trees Warren Ellis
A Tree stands on Orkney. Five thousand years ago, this was the center of the world.

Trees #12 (2015)

Publisher: Other
Silk #06
23 pages | 42.2 мb.

Tags: Silk Black Cat Dragonclaw Spider-Man
THIS SPIDER TEAM-UP CENTURY carry a black cat! Silk and Spider-Man together in one book (no, not together. Calm down.)

Silk #06 (2015)

Publisher: Marvel
Runaways #03
This is the final exam day at the Institute for Gifted Youth Battleworld! Of course, the equivalent of a final exam Battleworld brutal Deathmatch between students! But do not worry, all of you, Molly Hayes totally got it. Regardless of the Jubilee says it is too young, or "on the way over your head." She never frickin "Princess Powerful!
Revival #32
31 pages | 51.1 мb.

Tags: Revival Blaine Abel Dana Cypress
The police in hot pursuit of the killer Blaine Abel, and Dan leads the charge.
Manifest Destiny #16
31 pages | 64.9 мb.

Tags: Manifest Destiny Chris Dingess
Lost in the heart of America, the expedition gets to deal with new friends and faces the strange visitor, who like nothing else in the world ...
Loki - Agent of Asgard #17
21 pages | 22.5 мb.

Tags: Loki - Agent of Asgard Loki Odin Verity Willis
In recent days, LOKI us! The Last Hours of Asgard to build their space climax! Will King Loki? Maybe the gods to survive? Is there any hope at all? And we are ever to show what happened to Aaa Aaaaah who the hell is that on the cover AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!
Invincible #122
26 pages | 35.2 мb.

Tags: Invincible Robot The Immortal
Things have gotten worse on Earth.
Stray Bullets - Sunshine & Roses #07
Nina: Spoiled, the user is undoubtedly fatal krasivaya.Idealno zhenschina.Tragicheskoe past has left her a prisoner in a prison without bars. Now all she has a small window of freedom to find the only person who can help her escape and exact revenge. But as the clock ticks to its impending doom only person who can help her can only help yourself
Postal #06
32 pages | 43.4 мb.

Tags: Postal Mark Shiffron Matt Hawkins
A New History of the ARC. With the blessing of his mother, Mark is now secretly passes through all incoming packets, and what he finds opens a Pandora's what's really going on in the city of Eden.
Oddly Normal #09
31 pages | 39.4 мb.

Tags: Oddly Normal Otis Frampton
Oddly visits the secret lair of a mad scientist (and son).


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