New comics
Borough of Churches #02
26 pages | 31.2 мb.

Tags: Borough of Churches Charlie Swanson
Throughout history, the chosen few have joined the ranks of the "Borough of Churches". A Secret order tasked with an ongoing battle to destroy the forces of evil. Charlie Swanson is the latest recruit. Trouble is, she didn't ask to join and doesn't give a damn about the B.O.C or what it fights for... Yet! Charlie "Chuckles" Swanson was a normal
Big Trouble In Little China #17
29 pages | 54 мb.

Tags: Big Trouble In Little China Baba Yaga Margo
A sorcerer's convention may just be the key to rescuing Margo from ! Start of a new arc featuring Dan McDaid (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) on art!
Anathema Vol.1 - The Evil That Men Do
How far will one woman go for the salvation of her beloved? Mercy Barlowe’s love for Sarah brings down Hell when her puritanical father discovers them together – and has his own daughter burnt at the stake. But death is not the end. A monstrous cult of shapeshifters steal Sarah’s soul as part of its twisted plans to resurrect an ancient
All Hallow's Eve #02-05
4 issues pages | 116.7 мb.

Tags: All Hallow's Eve Sophia Baukker
All Hallowed Love In upstate New York in 1868, an overbearing mother and absent farm scarcely fill the void for Sophia Baukker. As Sophia desperately searches for her young lover she encounters the hypnotic guile of Satan. On this fateful night, Sophia is pulled by the forewarning of her mother and the spellbinding promises of an ancient witch;
Alabaster Shadows #03
33 pages | 37.3 мb.

Tags: Alabaster Shadows Mr. Randolph Ms. Frump
Mr. Randolph’s ring helps the kids of Alabaster Shadows learn more about the strange book they took from the underwater city, and it turns out otherworldly creatures aren’t exactly new to the neighborhood. But grouchy teacher Ms. Frump seems a little too interested in the book and its secrets, as do an army of shadow monsters lurking in the
97 pages | 125 мb.

Tags: Abbadon Jimmy Palmiotti
Set in the late 1880’s American West, Abbadon is a city steeped in sin, where anything is possible if you have the money, influence and power to obtain it. Poised to become the next boomtown, Abbadon is plagued by a series of murders heralding the arrival of U.S. Marshall Wes Garrett. A legendary lawman, Garrett’s claim to fame is that he

Abbadon (2015)

Publisher: Other
DC week - The New 52 (21.11.2015, week 42)
Collection DC Comics for 21.10.2015 (42 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman And Robin Eternal #3 2. Batman Arkham Knight Genesis #3 3. Bizarro #5 4. Black Canary #5 5. Doomed #5 6. Dr Fate #5 7. Gotham Academy #11 8. Green Lantern The Lost Army #5 9. Justice League #45 10. Martian Manhunter #5 11. Secret Six #7 12. Superman
Adventure Time with Fionna & Cake - Card Wars #04
What To Love: We had such a blast with Adventure Time with Fionna & Cake series created by Natasha Allegri (Bee and PuppyCat), we could not wait to return to our favorite characters in a brand new story by Jen Wang (in real life) and Britt Wilson (the adventure with Fionna & Cake), which shows the actual Cryptozoic card game, card Wars, which
Voltron - From the Ashes #02
More than 200 years ago, the Voltron Force fought the last battle against the empire Drule. Voltron has not moved from that battle, but his legacy lives on. Now, the old enemy appeared, and a new Voltron force should be chosen to pilot the Defender of the Universe! Writer Cullen Bunn says, "You do not grow in a day and age of my childhood without
Lumberjanes #19
29 pages | 43.8 мb.

Tags: Lumberjanes Abigail Jen Rosie
Which side does Jen choose Abigail and Rosie?! While Abigail tries to lure the monster that she could kill him (which is all kinds of crazy), Jen goes bearwoman for help.
Iron Squad #04 - Pacific Invasion #2
On the Eastern Front, and the last resistance of the Red Army ranges, General Zhukov collect red commandos to save Moscow from the approaching Nazi threat. In their mechanized armor, the greatest heroes of the Red Army, participated in the recent operation is a chance to seize the largest Nazi Mekapanzer and turn it against the German army!
Giant Days #07
During the pre-Christmas ball, Daisy kissed the boy, she should not have, while Susan can do more than McGraw. Esther afraid to go home holidays for fear of running into her ex.
Death Sentence - London #05
Series Hit sex, death, and the superpowers still - now going on! London remains a curfew and thunderstorms wreak havoc on the city and the bomb damaged infrastructure and military law leads to chaos and disorder on the streets! Verity comes into its own - kicking ass using explosive creativity and G-plus enhanced reflexes! In the annals of
Cognetic #1
42 pages | 69.7 мb.

Tags: Cognetic Cognetic comics boom
Tokyo Ghost #02
28 pages | 74.6 мb.

Tags: Tokyo Ghost Debbie Decay Led Dent
Constables Led Dent and Debbie Decay are given their final mission: purge their bodies of all technology and invade the Garden Nation of Tokyo.
Reyn #09
24 pages | 35 мb.

Tags: Reyn Kel Symons
The past unfolds. A secret is revealed.

Reyn #09 (2015)

Publisher: Other
Empty Zone #05
32 pages | 55.5 мb.

Tags: Empty Zone Corinne White
We learn Corinne's dark secret and everything crashes down in pure destruction as she takes on a gang of thugs that are half-animal.
Wolf #04
32 pages | 32.1 мb.

Tags: Wolf Ales Kot
Can't bury the past, but you can try.

Wolf #04 (2015)

Publisher: Other
Ultimate Spider-Man Infinite Comic #19
After discovering the true identity of Crime-Master, Spider-Man shows which team he is really fighting for. Will this plan work, or was jumping ship the wrong move?


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