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The Multiversity - The Mastermen #1
Superstar writer Grant Morrison joins legendary artist Jim Lee on Earth-10 for one of the most dynamic, action-packed issues of this entire world-shattering series - THE MULTIVERSITY: MASTERMEN! Imagine a world where the Nazis not only won World War II but went on to direct world culture for the next 60 years with the help of an orphaned, alien
Supergirl #39
Part two of a new confrontation Kara deadly Lobo. After the shock of last extremity issue, the issue we find an even greater threat to Shay Veritas, which make Superherl make a deadly choice!
Red Hood and the Outlaws #39
Criminals have their final bloody showdown with Ras al Gul League and Assassins!
Justice League #39
FOREVER EVIL tie-in! With the Justice League still missing almost not working Cyborg will need help if he is going to take down a criminal syndicate! To do this, he must find a physician Magnus!
Green Lantern - New Guardians #39
Training Kyle with the new Guardians continues as he tries to solve the mystery of what caused the exclusively peaceful nature of civilization to go to war!
Batwoman #39
Batwoman faces off against a new black spider as mystery deepens! That many citizens of Gotham City have what he wants? Batwoman arrogance will cost her life? And on the personal front: Kate greets daughter Maggie!

Batwoman #39 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Batman Eternal #46
Someone collected secret conspiracy to suppress Gotham City ... but it's not Batman! Riddler knows everything - and he'll never tell!
Batman - Superman #19
The series is about two legendary heroes of DC Comics, in which different methods and outlook on life, but it nemenie have always been friends and allies. Superman and Batman, the heroes pridumanyh back in the 30s, have not lost their popularity in our time, stories which are always amazed and attracted more new readers ...
Batgirl #39
23 pages | 30.5 мb.

Tags: Batgirl new Batgirl free Batgirl Batgirl comics
Barbara Gordon, after three years in a wheelchair, has regained the ability to walk. And returned to the role Betgerl! Having lived for many years with his father, Babs finally decides to move. She will have to face a new villain, horror at the Gotham, and overcome their fears of the past.

Batgirl #39 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Three #21
Poison Ivy is part of the battle, and Batman is the final farewell to Nightwing.
Arrow - Season 2.5 #13
Arrow and Arsenal team up to rescue Felicity from her kidnappers!
Mortal Kombat X #07
24 pages | 21.7 мb.

Tags: Mortal Kombat X Goro Kotal Kahn Mileena
Civil War Outworld reaches a critical point, the Emperor Kang Kotal sends his most trusted warriors to remove potential Empress Mileena. But what happens when a surprise kombatant joins the fight? Enter Goro, Prince of Shokan!
Teen Titans Go! #16
24 pages | 12.5 мb.

Day Titans feared throughout the year, finally pribyl.Den unimaginable pain. Insurmountable loneliness. Unimaginable amounts of ice cream. That's right - it's Valentine's Day!
Infinite Crisis - Fight for the Multiverse #36
The series ends with so few heroes from Earths together to remove Gaslight Vandal Savage. Gaslight Luthor will finally redeem himself?
Batman - The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga #33
Batman and Robin race against time to find an outsider before the threat that they will die within 12 hours of coming true.
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #24
The Adventures of Diana in the world of man takes an unexpected turn when her fighting skills to help her defeat her enemies even the most disturbing: Teen Dirtbag Elbow and Dance Dance Retribution!
DC week - The New 52 (11.02.2015, week 06)
Collection DC Comics for 11.02.2015 (06 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman Eternal #45 2. Constantine #22 3. Earth 2 Worlds End #19 4. Green Lantern Corps Vol 3 #39 5. Harley Quinn Valentines Day Special #01 6. Justice League 3000 #14 7. Justice League United #09 8. Klarion #05 9. New 52 Futures End #41 10. New Suicide Squad
Secret Six #02
Gail Simone is back with a new 52 debut of fan-favorite team - SECRET six! Six strangers gathered in mysterious circumstances for explosive first question that will leave all to ask: "What is the secret?"
New Suicide Squad #7
Harley Quinn! Detshot! King Shark! They come in a team of supervillains bombers recruited by the government to take on missions so dangerous for anyone would consider it a suicide!
Justice League United #9
Comics tightens literally from the first series. Great sketch and brightly designed characters certainly will not disregard . The first two seasons we do not show the changing composition of the Justice League and while the writers had to reveal each character, but since Season 3 undergoing fundamental changes . Authors change the name of the
Scooby-Doo - Where Are You #54
Comic book series about the adventures of a cowardly dog Scooby-Doo and his faithful friends from the detective agency Corporation secrets.
Earth 2 - World's End #19
Outgunned, outnumbered and outmatched, world army, headed by Mr. Miracle and Big Barda to invade Apokolips!

DC Comics

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