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Swamp Thing #40
Earth bleeds green! Millions umrut.Swamp Thing must break its very existence to the root. Seeder story ends here!
Batman '66 #55
110 pages | 37.3 мb.

Tags: Batman '66 Batman Dick Grayson Shame
[center][/center]Batman and Robin hit the dusty trail to track down the six-firing Sidewinder, shame. He went to rob a train. Can the Dynamic Duo stop it in its tracks?
Infinity Man and the Forever People #8
Infinity Man And The Forever People # 2 - the beginning of a new ongoinga friendly team cheeked enthusiasts Dan Didio and Keith Giffen, OMAC which taught only what is necessary to try to make another series of constant characters Jack Kirby. Perhaps it would be the same harmless fun that some of our commentators at the time called OMAC.
Harley Quinn #15
Harley and Poison Ivy guest star was going to save a bunch of cute puppies and kittens! What could go wrong?
Green Arrow #40
Blood will be shed when Green Arrow faces off against the assassin known as Merlyn!
Earth 2 #32
Sheltered mass transfer in Chicago to run for their lives when the incredible power down on the city. Scattered and frantic, Barbara and Dick Grayson hunt for housing and find refuge, which hides a sinister secret. Two will make it out alive with his son?

Earth 2 #32 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Detective Comics #40
Stunning conclusion "Gothtopia"! Batman discovers a horrifying secret of this brave new world.
The New 52 - Futures End #44
Power shifts recent issues placed on one person's shoulders the weight of protecting the world from the threat that destroyed StormWatch! There's no stopping from start to finish.
Lobo #6
26 pages | 36.2 мb.

Tags: Lobo Cullen Bunn Lobo comics
Discover the truth about Lobo, including why he left his home, he adopted the Code he lives and how he's going to win six deadly assassins trying to destroy the Earth! If this is not enough, wait until you see what he was doing when special guest star revealed on the last page of this issue!

Lobo #6 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Grayson #8
Grayson is on a mission to stop the use Paragon part of the body of a dead villain to create something much more sinister!

Grayson #8 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Justice League 3000 #15
Two words: blue and gold. Okay, three. Three words, Blue and go ... Wait, that's four words. Okay, let's try eto.Komanda Blue Beetle and Booster Gold back! By Giffen and DeMatteis! This universe is ready for any of them ...? You?
Earth 2 - World's End #22
Outgunned, outnumbered and outmatched, world army, headed by Mr. Miracle and Big Barda to invade Apokolips!
Green Lantern #40
"Divinity", act 3, Part 1: Hal Jordan must enlist the support of one of his greatest enemies, the Black Hand, or watch the universe to fall to the growing army of new gods! But blackening hand to help and get him help as you need to get it are two very different things.
Batman Eternal #48
Someone collected secret conspiracy to suppress Gotham City ... but it's not Batman! Riddler knows everything - and he'll never tell!
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Three #23
Doctor Fate forms a desperate plan to stop Mxyzptlk and Trigon, but he will need one of the allies of Superman, to make it work. Can new Deadman get them to work?
Joker's Asylum II - The Riddler #01
Top authors provide their talents in a new batch of asylum Joker - a special monthly, weekly series of one-shots starring the greatest villains in Batman's Rogues Gallery. Each issue told the Joker and tells a special stand-alone story that gives readers an insight into the crazy life's greatest enemies of the Dark Knight! This party tense tales
Joker's Asylum II - The Mad Hatter #01
Top authors provide their talents in a new batch of asylum Joker - a special monthly, weekly series of one-shots starring the greatest villains in Batman's Rogues Gallery. Each issue told the Joker and tells a special stand-alone story that gives readers an insight into the crazy life's greatest enemies of the Dark Knight! This party tense tales
Joker's Asylum II - Killer Croc #01
After escaping from Arkham Asylum, Killer Croc becomes muscle for low-level gangster and his wife.
Joker's Asylum II - Harley Quinn #01
Top authors provide their talents in a new batch of asylum Joker - a special monthly, weekly series of one-shots starring the greatest villains in Batman's Rogues Gallery. Each issue told the Joker and tells a special stand-alone story that gives readers an insight into the crazy life's greatest enemies of the Dark Knight! This party tense tales
Joker's Asylum II - Clayface #01
Top authors provide their talents in a new batch of asylum Joker - a special monthly, weekly series of one-shots starring the greatest villains in Batman's Rogues Gallery. Each issue told the Joker and tells a special stand-alone story that gives readers an insight into the crazy life's greatest enemies of the Dark Knight! This party tense tales
Joker's Asylum - Two-Face #01
24 pages | 26.3 мb.

Tags: Joker's Asylum - Two-Face Batman Two-Face Joker
Harvey Dent is responsible Holman Hunt, mutilated fire that villain sees a spark in itself.
Joker's Asylum - The Joker #01
24 pages | 31.9 мb.

Tags: Joker's Asylum - The Joker Batman Joker
Joker took over the television studio to studio audience intact, he has a plan to cause trouble, but it may not be as easy as it seems.
Joker's Asylum - Scarecrow #01
The Scarecrow helps a young girl get revenge on some high school bullies.
Joker's Asylum - Poison Ivy #01
The cast of the top creators offered their talents to asylum Joker - a special month, a week-long series of one-shots starring the greatest villains in Batman's Rogues Gallery. Each issue tells a special stand-alone story that gives readers an insight into the crazy life's greatest enemies of the Dark Knight. And all these stories are told leading

DC Comics

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