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Tokyo Ghost #10
Life in paradise is cut short for Led and Debbie, as a snake from their past seeks vengeance on the Constable.
The Wellkeeper #4
25 pages | 43.3 мb.

Tags: The Wellkeeper Other comics
On the Run Running for he life, a young girl named Zoe meets a boy named Sebastian, and soon their fates become entwined as the dark forces chasing her now target them both.
Scavenger #1
24 pages | 18.3 мb.

Tags: Scavenger Other comics
Rough Riders #5
31 pages | 54.8 мb.

Tags: Rough Riders Rough Riders comics Other comics
With the help of Thomas Edison and Annie Oakley, STEAMPUNK TEDDY is released upon the Spanish American War. As Teddy fights the infamous Battle of San Juan Hill, Harry Houdini and Jack Johnson make a discovery that will change the course of history, their mission and the rest of their lives.
I, Holmes #1
27 pages | 37.2 мb.

Tags: I Holmes I Holmes Other comics
Everyone has a secret. Her secret can get her killed, and she doesn’t even know what it is.
Corktown #2
21 pages | 26.2 мb.

Tags: Corktown Other comics
The worst is far from over after a Detroit detective falls victim to a vampire's bite. With her soul trapped in limbo and her reanimated corpse wreaking havoc, Torrie must find a way to help her partners stop the carnage before more lives are taken.
Corktown #1
25 pages | 38.9 мb.

Tags: Corktown Other comics
The worst is far from over after a Detroit detective falls victim to a vampire's bite. With her soul trapped in limbo and her reanimated corpse wreaking havoc, Torrie must find a way to help her partners stop the carnage before more lives are taken.
Chronicles of Hate Vol.2
124 pages | 125.6 мb.

Tags: Chronicles of Hate Adrian Smith Other comics
Event art that will shatter your expectations of what can offer Wednesday currently only released this oversized (8 "x 12") hardcover. In a world where the sun is frozen, and the moon is lit, an unlikely hero rises to free Mother Earth from her chains. His way is in the shade, a legion of his enemies.
The Shaolin Cowboy #1
27 pages | 64.0 мb.

Tags: The Shaolin Cowboy Cowboy Other comics
He walks the Path of Three Enemies. Those of the past are still pursuing him. Those of the future are waiting for him. Those of the present are learning it ain't so easy to kill him or his nagging bragging burro! It's a "Buddy Picture" with a body count!
Spawn #265
27 pages | 53.7 мb.

Tags: Spawn Spawn (Simmons) Todd McFarlane Other comics
Spawn returns to the one place he never thought he would see again...HELL.
Equilibrium #1
31 pages | 45.2 мb.

Tags: Equilibrium Other comics
Delete #04
21 pages | 34.3 мb.

Tags: Delete Jimmy Palmiotti Other comics
In the near future, where science can implant or remove human memories and the government uses brain scan technology in criminal investigations, a mute girl witnesses a multiple murder and must turn to a handyman for protection from the police and an army of killers. From the Harley Quinn team of writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Grey and artist
Delete #03
21 pages | 41.9 мb.

Tags: Delete Jimmy Palmiotti Other comics
In the near future, where science can implant or remove human memories and the government uses brain scan technology in criminal investigations, a mute girl witnesses a multiple murder and must turn to a handyman for protection from the police and an army of killers. From the Harley Quinn team of writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Grey and artist
Delete #02
23 pages | 34.8 мb.

Tags: Delete Jimmy Palmiotti Other comics
In the near future, where science can implant or remove human memories and the government uses brain scan technology in criminal investigations, a mute girl witnesses a multiple murder and must turn to a handyman for protection from the police and an army of killers. From the Harley Quinn team of writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Grey and artist
Kim & Kim #2
30 pages | 40.5 мb.

Tags: Kim and Kim Other comics
Kim & Kim are twentysomething besties out to make a name for themselves in the wild world of interdimensional cowboy law enforcement. In a massive "screw you" to their parents and the authorities, they decide to hijack some high stakes bounty - and end up in way over their heads. Kim & Kim is a day-glo action adventure that's bursting with energy
Sons Of The Devil #10
The final chapter of the first arc. A traitor revealed.
Saga #37
28 pages | 30.7 мb.

Tags: Saga Hazel Brian K. Vaughan Other comics
NEW STORY ARC. After a dramatic time jump, the three-time Eisner Award winner for Best Continuing Series finally returns, as Hazel begins the most exciting adventure of her life…kindergarten!

Saga #37 (2016)

Publisher: Other
Postal #14
31 pages | 56.0 мb.

Tags: Postal Mark Shiffron Other comics
Mark watches the struggle for power in Eden turn into violence when an internal threat joins forces with the outside world. To save the town, Mark will have to trust the man who wants to destroy it, his own father.
Lazarus #24
NEW STORY ARC “CULL,” Part One There are fifteen families fighting to control the world. That’s fourteen too many. The time has come for the cull.
Jupiter's Legacy Vol.2 #3
The children of the world’s greatest superheroes may never be able to fill their parents’ shoes. When the family becomes embattled by infighting, one branch stages an uprising and another goes into hiding. How long can the world survive when one family’s super-powered problems explode onto the global stage? Just in time for the launch of the
Eden's Fall #1
30 pages | 45.1 мb.

Tags: Eden's Fall Other comics
East of West #29
29 pages | 25.4 мb.

Tags: East of West Jonathan Hickman Other comics
“FINDING BABYLON” Death gets closer to finally reuniting with his son.

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