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Industrial Gothic (1-5 series) Complete
At this time, the artist decided to address the subject of tolerance, or rather, lack thereof. Just as in the dystopian, all brought to the point of absurdity. With hatred as in the figure, and in the text McKeever tells of a world where most of the population experiences a deep disgust and fear to dissimilar - the disabled, retarded, old, and God
Heavy Liquid (1-5 series) Complete
5 issues pages | 100.4 мb.

Tags: Heavy Liquid Heavy Liquid comics vertigo
Heavy Liquid follows the imfamous Schroge also know as "S". 7 years ago S came across a rare metal know as Heavy Liquid. It is know to only the most well informed people like terrorists, the government and thugs. As well as having explosive and corrosive properties S also discovered that it can be used as a drug, it can be used to get the highest
Gang Busters (1-67 series) Complete
67 issues pages | 960.7 мb.

Tags: Gang Busters Gang Busters comics dc
Complete collection of old comic books Gang Busters from the publisher DC
Funny Stuff (1-79 series) Complete
79 issues pages | 1610 мb.

Tags: Funny Stuff Funny Stuff comics dc
Complete collection of old comic books Funny Stuff from the publisher DC
Faith (1-5 series) Complete
5 issues pages | 41.5 мb.

Tags: Faith Faith comics vertigo
This is a surreal 5-issue miniseries by Ted McKeever with some conceptual similarities to his earlier work in 'Metropol' on the religious and dystopian views.
Captain Atom (Volume 1) 1-57 series + Annuals
59 issues pages | 616.7 мb.

Tags: Captain Atom Captain Atom comics annual dc
Since the inception of character appearing in different series of comic books, but always under the same name, including a member of the often different team of superheroes DC В«Justice League." In all embodiments, the character he originally was a military and its transformation into a superhero was associated with the military experiments. In
Collection Marvel (23.07.2014, week 29)
13 comics pages | 549.8 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 23.07.2014 week 29
Collection Marvel Comics for 23.07.2014 (29 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Amazing Spider-Man #04 2. Original Sin #05.2- Thor & Loki #02 3. Daredevil #06 4. 100th Anniversary Special - Avengers #01 5. Storm #01 6. Wolverine and the X-Men #06 7. Deadpool #32 8. Original Sins #04 9. Mighty Avengers #12 10. Deadpool vs. X-Force #02
Collection DC - The New 52 (23.07.2014, week 29)
17 issues pages | 745.7 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 23.07.2014 (29 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-Star Western #33 2. Aquaman #33 3. Batman #33 4. Batman And Robin #33 5. Batman Eternal #16 6. Catwoman #33 7. Detective Comics #27 (Special Edition) 8. Flash #33 9. He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe #15 10. Justice League Dark #33 11. New 52 Futures
Star Wars - Dawn of the Jedi (1-4 series) Complete
Exiled to the dark moon god power bloodhound Zech spends time in contemplation; memories of who he was before the shipwreck on Tython, still elude him. On the trail goes Zesha rival from the past life, and dzhi'dayi make every effort to uncover the mystery of its origin. But soon Zech meet with a man who may forever change his life - with the once
Muktuk Wolfsbreath - Hard-Boiled Shaman (1-3 series) Complete
Muktuk Wolfsbreath is something of a detective, but not the traditional sort. He’s a Siberian shaman, a tribal magician who communicates with animals, with nature, and with spirits. In this three-issue Vertigo mini-series, Wolfsbreath gets caught up in investigating the death of a fifteen-year-old boy.
Jonny Double (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 91.4 мb.

Tags: Jonny Double Jonny Double comics Jonny vertigo
Free Download comics Jonny Double full series.
Hopalong Cassidy (86-135 series) Complete
50 issues pages | 625.3 мb.

Tags: Hopalong Cassidy Hopalong Cassidy
Issues #1-85 published as Hopalong Cassidy by Fawcett. Then, following the decision to close the comics division of Fawcett Publications in 1953, the title moved to DC with issue# 86. The first DC issue - based on the popular Hopalong Cassidy films told three cowboy stories; "The Secret of the Tattooed Burro," "The Brand of Hate," and "The Lucky
Faultlines (1-6 series) Complete
6 issues pages | 66.8 мb.

Tags: Faultlines Faultlines comics vertigo
When Tracey Farrand travels to the town of Placer Bend to visit old friend Ayusha, she soon finds herself at the center of supernatural chaos.
Collection Marvel (16.07.2014, week 28)
18 comics pages | 878.8 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 16.07.2014 week 28
Collection Marvel Comics for 16.07.2014 (28 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New X-Factor #11 2. X-Men #16 3. Uncanny X-Men #23 4. 100th Anniversary Special - X-Men #01 5. Avengers World #09 6. Magneto #07 7. Ms. Marvel #06 8. Original Sin #03.2 - Hulk vs. Iron Man #02 9. Nova #19 10. Silver Surfer #04 11. Original Sin #06 12.
Collection DC - The New 52 (16.07.2014, week 28)
Collection DC Comics for 16.07.2014 (28 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman Eternal #15 2. Batwoman #33 3. Green Lantern New Guardians #33 4. Harley Quinn Invades Comic-Con International San Diego #1 5. New 52 Futures End #11 6. Red Hood And The Outlaws #33 7. Robin Rises Omega #1 8. Supergirl #33 9. Teen Titans #1
Guardians of Metropolis (1-4 series) Complete
Metropolis - is a fictional city that appears in comic books published by DC Comics, and is the city in which he lives Superman.
Suicide Squad - Raise the Flag (1-8 series) Complete
Two years ago, Rick Flag missing for the next mission. Everyone thought he was dead. But now there is information that the legendary soldiers returned. And Amanda Waller reassembles good old Suicide Squad! Trap it or hero really survive?
Star Wars - Rebellion (0-16 series) Complete
17 issues pages | 287 мb.

Tags: Star Wars Rebellion Star Wars Rebellion Star Wars comics
Events in this comic takes place in the period between Episode IV - "A New Hope" and an episode of V - "The Empire Strikes Back." Series tells the story of selfless struggle of Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire.
Eradicator (1-3 series) Complete
3 issues pages | 43.5 мb.

Tags: Eradicator Eradicator comics dc
Initially, the name - "Destroyer" was not related to all the famous hero. In ancient times, the advanced, but a dying race of aliens created many devices that store information about their culture. They sent them into space with his own kind, to tell others about themselves civilizations. One such expeditions got on Krypton, where she met a
Man Called Kev (1-5 series) Complete
5 issues pages | 164.7 мb.

Tags: Man Called Kev Man Called Kev comics Man Called Kev widstorm
Helping his "beloved" homosexual superhero, Midnighter Kev finally drowned in shit. Even when you save the innocent children, the murder of his comrade, and then headmaster of MI5, just go with it can not. Therefore, the new management is trying to quickly fuse Kev away from England. And he even has to go.

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