Amazing Spider-Man #51-100
After the release of the hero game last question , as far as we know it, Peter goes on , the man - paukKingpin just everything organized crime. Kingpin but wants Daily Bugle editor J. Jonah Jameson calmed down because of his articles.Meahwhile some thugs to rob the station and vmeshalsyavozvraschenie Spider-Man. Kingpin has more plans andneeds Fredrik Foswell for plans that have so far been identified. Hoods that have received from the head back and letting Spidey prervatKingpin know Spider 's return . To break into it "Pin to give the boys that the coming to them.Meanwhile Peter goes back to get his job back at the Daily Bugle and get it back. Later, when he sees a spider still some crime occurs and the benefits that too . Back on some of the bugle thieves steal men Jameson and take him to the shelter . Spidey razmestivSpider -Tracer on one of the hoods and headed there. course Spidey manages to get the thugs in the networks except for the Kingpin. Kingpin fight and win this round of gas poisoning our hero.