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Charmed - Season 10 #02
26 pages | 35.4 мb.

Tags: Charmed - Season 10 Fritz Valen
Magically Malicious! Low-level demons were never a threat to the Enchanted ... until now. When Fritz and Valen, a pair of demons, who has been secretly observing the sisters get their hands on a weapon that can destroy the soul, Halliwells will solve their most dangerous enemies yet. In addition, the gnomes.
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Cinderella #01
Grimm Fairy Tales fan-favorite bad girl finally gets her own series, and she does not plan to disappoint. How to Age of Darkness continues, Cindy given a task that only pure evil will be ready to perform. And she was more than ready!
Hollywood Zombie Apocalypse #01
Unknown actor Michael May gets her big break in the lead role, along with the list of A-listers in the new Hollywood Superhero Blockbuster. But luck Michael does not last long when the zombie outbreak hits the script reads the party in the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. Now Michael is thrust into a leadership role when celebrities zombies start to
Grimm Fairy Tales - Different Seasons Vol.2 (TPB)
Continuing the tradition of shocking twists on famous tales for the holidays. Different Seasons trade paperback collects some of the series most popular one shots that play on the famous tales of rest. Includes Grimm Fairy Tales Entertainment version # 3 (2011), Halloween Special # 3 (2011), and Grimm Fairy Tales Annual # 1 (2007) and Grimm Fairy
Grimm Fairy Tales - Different Seasons Vol.1 (TPB)
Zenescope presents an all-new Grimm Fairy Tales collection paperback. In different seasons collects some of the series most popular one shots. This special book is the GFT 2009 Annual, GFT 2009 Halloween and Holiday editions and Giant Big Fairy Tales Grimm Fairy Tales # 1 This is a must have for fans and collectors of the series. Different
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Realm War #04
Age of Darkness tie-in The world is in ruins with 4 spheres merged into the Earth. Sela continues her search for a way to save humanity, but things get more difficult as the reign of Queen Dark grows more sadistic.
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Warlord Of OZ #06
Warlord has won? Dorothy will die? Find in this epic conclusion of the incredible and beautiful series in OZ Zenescope. You're definitely not in Kansas anymore!
Grimm Fairy Tales presents Robyn Hood #03
The first arc of the current series of Robin Hood comes to its shocking climax! How zlochynnytskyy priest brings his soul gathering ritual to an end, Robin and Marian race to stop him in the abandoned subway in Manhattan. Registered Allen, a mysterious man with a dark reference to the conspirators, and Peter, conspiracy theories with his own
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Inferno Rings Of Hell #03
DARK AGE SERIES FINAL ISSUE! Mercy and Lucifer are nearing completion challenge the Dark Queen ... but nothing can prepare them for the fact that she was waiting for them after their escape. When the time comes, will be dark to be able to stop him from making a mad queen his daughter's life ... or none of the safe in the midst of war Realm?
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Dark Shaman #01
Sela Mathers visited the town as a guest speaker, but little does she know that the campus is built on an ancient Indian burial ground. And the local shaman will make sure that those who have defiled our land will pay a high price. A brand new series of horror from Zenescope Entertainment has arrived!
Grimm Fairy Tales Vs. Wonderland #04
The battle between the Village and Calie has come to a halt ... because something bigger and badder made ​​its presence in the country chudes.Tuz peak, under the control of the Dark, invades Wonderland with the intention of the match for his own. When this dreadful warrior challenge will Sela or Calie leave to stand?
Grimm Fairy Tales #103
27 pages | 47.8 мb.

Tags: Grimm Fairy Tales Belinda Red Rose Sela Snow White
Snow White and Rose Red ... Reprise Over the centuries, Belinda has devoted his life to serving the Dark Horde. Now that she has made the atonement, it helps to guide young Sela Mathers highborns to the formation area Knights of the future. However, when they begin to learn about her past, Belinda should reconsider the dark time of his life.
Grimm Fairy Tales - Wonderland - Clash of Queens Vol.1 (TPB)
There has long been a fragile peace between the queens of Wonderland ... It is a world that will not last. Vying for control of the kingdom of madness, every Queen has a trick up his sleeve and the army at its disposal. But substituting the name of the Trickster, has its own set of tricks planned and she's going to throw a stick in the plans of
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Goddess Inc #03
Writer LaToya Morgan (PAN AMS) joins the team Zenescope with a brand new, modern reinterpretation of Greek mythology, as you've never seen before. Zeus is headed to Las Vegas to recruit its powerful but estranged sister. Meanwhile, Venus continues to make his chess moves and finds himself in the crosshairs of Artemis.
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Wonderland #28
Horror returns to Wonderland this Halloween! As Calie, Cheshire, and the White Rabbit travels deep into the treacherous jungle in search of miracles Savage, an unimaginable evil from the realm of dreams made ​​its way toward Earth. Solving the problem of how to protect the Wonderland and Nexus, Calie find that her duties as the White Queen may
Grimm Fairy Tales - Age of Darkness Vol.1 (TPB)
Barriers between the Earth and the spheres of power and weaken the government is becoming more and more concerned about the recent activities of the Dark Horde. Horde moves in secret among the people, as they had never before and Neverland seem to focus its activities. Nathan Cross knows Neverland, as well as any man in the world, and as a part of
Charmed - Season 10 #01
Girls BACK! Ultra-popular Charmed universe lives in the new season Zenescope in the hit comic book series. Piper, Prue and Paige back to the 10th season with all new twists and turns of the drama and fun that Charmed fans love.
Grimm Tales of Terror #04
27 pages | 41.2 мb.

Tags: Grimm Tales of Terror Shane McKenzie
When plague strikes Earth, it kills 99% of the population, but many survivors use their status to production on weak and positive. But at what cost? Inspired Tales from the Crypt, Twilight Zone and creep Show, Zenescope goes back to its roots of horror, a publisher known reinvent classic delves into an entirely new tricks.
Grimm Fairy Tales - Wonderland - Asylum Vol.1 (TPB)
Everyone knows the story of Alice's journey in the rabbit hole ... but that's what happens next that is really scary. Wonderland was a family-oriented Liddle for many years, turning Alice's son John in zlochynnytskoho Mad Hatter, and sending Calie and her daughter Violet on the run. But miracles now claimed Violet ... and the youngest member of
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Masumi #03
26 pages | 40.9 мb.

Tags: Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Masumi Masumi Ryujin
After a devastating blow against her family, Masumi sets to eliminate the rest of the Yakuza ... but she does not know what Ryujin, the dragon god, already hunting her, creating a complex web of traps to bring her in one-on-one confrontation with him. Even with the Blades of sin, Masumi will be be able to defeat a man who can control demons?
Zombies vs. Cheerleaders - Halloween Special #01
Zenescope brings you hard-hitting return of zombies against Cheerleaders! When professional touring fans to visit soldiers in a combat zone, that chaos and joy they bring with them. Hint: There's a zombie! Thanks to three new stories!
Grimm Fairy Tales 2014 Halloween Special
Featuring all new staff of Grimm Fairy Tales! When Sela and Belinda are on a mission, Sky and students sneak out on Halloween night to visit a haunted graveyard. But when the wraith attacks and brings each of their biggest fears in life, characters in this story are made in production!
Grimm Fairy Tales - Wonderland Vol.4 (TPB)
Where do you go when there's nowhere left to run? Back to top! Tired of escaping from Wonderland, Calie and Violet begin to look for answers to delving into the past of Charles Dodgson. But the mysterious power of miracles may be other, darker plans in mind for them.
Grimm Fairy Tales - Wonderland Vol.3 (TPB)
Where do you go when there's nowhere left to run? Back to top! Tired of escaping from Wonderland, Calie and Violet begin to look for answers to delving into the past in Charles Dodsgon. But the mysterious power of miracles may be other, darker plans in mind for them.
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