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Doctor Strange #05
Doctor Strange has gathered a circle of magic-using friends to try and best monitor magic in the Marvel Universe. But this tactic is too late as forces are destroying all magical objects and beings in the multiverse and they are turning their sights on our dimension. At least Strange won't have to die alone...
Doctor Strange #04
Doctor Strange has gathered a circle of magic-using friends to try and best monitor magic in the Marvel Universe. But this tactic is too late as forces are destroying all magical objects and beings in the multiverse and they are turning their sights on our dimension. At least Strange won't have to die alone...
Scarlet Witch #1-4 Complete
4 issues pages | 36.2 мb.

Tags: Scarlet Witch Agatha Harkness Immortus Julia Carpenter
Scarlet Witch takes the stage in her own titular mini-series. After being plagued by horrifying nightmares, Wanda Maximoff seeks the mystical aid of mentor Agatha Harkness. Can Harkness unlock the inner sanctum of Wanda’s mind? And what hardships will Scarlet Witch endure when she discovers she is a �Nexus Being’?
House of M #04
Will our heroes triumph against NAMOR and his Atlantean army? Will rule supreme, as he once did? Or will HOUSE MAGNUS fall, like so much rubble that was once their Genoshan palace?
Avengers vs. X-Men Infinite Comic #10.5
Witness the future of comics in this digital tie-in to Avengers vs. X-Men! With the Avengers hopes of victory at their bleakest, Iron Man, Beast and the Scarlet Witch strategize and run simulations to see if there is any way they can take out Phoenix-powered X-Men.
Giant-Size Little Marvel - AvX #04
Avengers vs. X-Men against the Guardians of the Galaxy!? Most mini Marvel heroes in pulling all their toys to compete for the ultimate honor - the crew of which is cool! It never bombastic yard brawl like you've never seen before!
Giant-Size Little Marvel - AvX #03
Our heroes may be little, but boy are they violent! Land Marville brings you the best of Marvel, they face-off in the Battle of the strongest in several smaller package. Super-powered bouncers, high-tech hide and eye puns large most adorable characters Marvel not pull any punches in this larger than life-sized fun adventure.
Giant-Size Little Marvel - AvX #02
Our heroes may be little, but boy are they violent! Land Marville brings you the best of Marvel, they face-off in the Battle of the strongest in several smaller package. Super-powered bouncers, high-tech hide and eye puns large most adorable characters Marvel not pull any punches in this larger than life-sized fun adventure.
M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #02
When Thor in crash land Killville, Mental Organism Designed Only for killing kits, to do what he does best! But little does M.O.D.O.K. I suspect that he may be in over his head ...
Uncanny Avengers #05
However, it will destroy the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. The war between the low and high evolutionary. Avenger has to choose between his friends and a perfect future.
Avengers - Scarlet Witch
Wanda Maksimov, the most fascinating member of the Avengers, goes it alone in this collection of solo adventures of mighty heroes of Earth! Firstly, space science writing team of DNA and the Scarlet Witch magic combine in true comic alchemy! Wanda must confront very personal demons, pitting her against the supernatural hex horribly twisted version
Avengers - Millennium
At a secret installation in rural Japan, Hydra, the Avengers find the time portal, which sends them to the thousands of years spanning adventure! But what the bad guys have a time machine, they are not used to change the past? The bad guys, who know that they will win! Now, the Avengers have to jump through time to find out what kind of horror
Giant-Size Little Marvel - AvX #01
Strong, funny, crazy and most adorable characters Marvel throw. Thanks to all of your favorite including the Cyclops, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wolverine! They are all there, just shorter! Skottie Young brings the big guns in the fans of the series waiting for!
Thor #08
23 pages | 42.4 мb.

Tags: Thor Black Widow Brunnhilde Karnilla Sif Scarlet Witch
The final battle with the Destroyer! Guest stars galore! Shocking comeback! And oh yeah ... the secret identity of Thor finally revealed !!!

Thor #08 (2015)

Publisher: Marvel
What If  - Age of Ultron
In the age of Ultron, time travel Wolverine killed Hank Pym, before he could create a world conquering Ultron. But what if the other founders of the Avengers were killed as well? Find out in five alternate adventures! In a world without Wasp, Hank Pym created Ultron even more disgusting than the one we know! Without Iron Man Armor Wars firing
Avengers - Operation Hydra #01
Before next summer blockbuster, join the Avengers - Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Hulk-- as they went to all-new adventure with the mystery of Hydra Splinter Cell! Black Widow has found a striking development, but that it was up to Hydra? It takes teamwork to overthrow the last section of the Hydra ... but only one
Uncanny Avengers #03
It was a beautiful day to counter the Earth, Sabretooth appeared. The Avengers are divided; Hunt for their missing friends unearth a terrible secret. What evil lurks on the moon counter Earth?
Avengers - Millennium Infinite Comic #01-03
At a secret installation Hydra hidden in rural Japan, the Avengers find a time portal that sends them on an adventure that spans millennia. But what are these bad guys have a time machine they use to change the past? The bad guys, who know that they won ...
Uncanny Avengers #02
COUNTER-evolutionary PART 2 Welcome to the Counter-Earth, where the future of your species is currently being developed cracks evolyutsionistov.Luchshee future awaits only one evolutionary updated away. The growth of new people for what belongs to them. They seek chaos and speed to create a true Earth, the true evolution. Scarlet Witch and
She-Hulk #12
Titania part 3 of 3, and the end of this volume of She-Hulk. It returns in a new # 1 issue a few months later, still under the writer Dan Slott. "Acceptable losses" She-Hulk has never been broken, battered and beaten. And if Titania gets her hands on her again, then there will be no return. Maybe the special guest stars Spider-Man, Hercules, and
Avengers - Age of Ultron Prelude - This Sceptre'd Isle Infinite Comic #01
Battle of New York was over, but the war has just begun! SCH.Y.T. takes interest in artifacts extracted from disaster ... but they are not the only ones! A deeper dive into the Marvel Cinematic Universe with this prelude to the upcoming film The Avengers Marvel Age Altron in stunning style Infinite Comics!
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