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Old Man Logan #02
21 pages | 37.8 мb.

Tags: Old Man Logan Sabretooth Storm Wolverine
It may be an old man, but never before has the world needed Logan as much as he does now. The people he loved became a vospominaniya.Mir he loved decayed, becoming festering Wasteland. But in a world without heroes, even for someone who has a better that he does, it may be overmatched evil.
Wolverines #20
24 pages | 49.3 мb.

Tags: Wolverines Daken Sabretooth Portal Shogun
Mystique’s full plan is revealed – and she’s not just aiming to bring back her long lost love, Destiny...but an old friend...and where does this leave the Wolverines?!
Wolverines #18
Depowered? That the consequences of the battle with the Sinister and Mystique were betting on the results? The final pieces of the puzzle into place.
Wolverines #17
23 pages | 24.9 мb.

Tags: Wolverines Daken Mr. Sinister Sabretooth Shogun X-23
Revenge of the Sinister! Look at what the characters remain after Sinister had their way with them, and who managed to stay alive (or any part of them!).
Uncanny Avengers #03
It was a beautiful day to counter the Earth, Sabretooth appeared. The Avengers are divided; Hunt for their missing friends unearth a terrible secret. What evil lurks on the moon counter Earth?
Wolverines #12
Infighting Shogun with his own demons came to gallop, and only Fang can help to set it straight again. Not only for his soul, but also for the safety of his teammates. But the fact that there Fang? While the shogun was a struggle, Lady Death was to fall in love ... but on which side of his personality? Sharp or Ogun? Fantomelle Culpepper and
Uncanny Avengers #02
COUNTER-evolutionary PART 2 Welcome to the Counter-Earth, where the future of your species is currently being developed cracks evolyutsionistov.Luchshee future awaits only one evolutionary updated away. The growth of new people for what belongs to them. They seek chaos and speed to create a true Earth, the true evolution. Scarlet Witch and
Wolverines #07
Romance in the air - for old and new fans alike, and just in time for Valentine's Day! Power Play Mystic kicks into full gear as more is revealed about his plans to fight her fate. And what happens when she gets one of the most recent control words, and with it the right to get everything she ever wanted.
Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man #10
MILES Morales: friend or foe Hydra? MILES opposed to the past of his family and his horror of the future The man behind the mysteries of the human FLIES plans finds himself ... And this is not good news for Miles. All this and Miles unleashes a new Spider-power !!
Wolverines #06
The attack on the fortress Sinister - Part Two! Logan remnants are located - but which team finishes the storage of goods? And for what purpose? When Sinister pleads his case, he gets home to more than one member of the team ... it means changes in loyalty?
Uncanny Avengers #01
Counter-evolutionary PART 1 From the ashes axis all new, all different Avengers assemble! The tragedy at the end of the axis strange Avengers left vulnerable, and someone using it. One of the oldest Avengers enemies back with terrible secrets that will all hyperbole aside, to destroy the lives of two team members. What is Counter? What terrible
Death of Wolverine - The Logan Legacy #07
It's all come to this! Heroes and villains closest to Wolverine-Mystique, Daken, Sabretooth, X-23 and Lady Death-make a monumental decision that will forever change the legacy that Logan was built years forging. That is, if they survive the threat of vampires threat call their goals!
Axis - Revolutions #03
22 pages | 43.3 мb.

Tags: Axis - Revolutions Nightcrawler Sabretooth Thor
Companion series to the latest blockbuster Avengers Marvel events & X-Men: AXIS! New World Disorder is the name of the game! Night decides to avenge the death of Wolverine ... by tracking down Sabretooth! And Thor is sent to Bender?
Death of Wolverine - The Weapon X Program #03
Spinning out of the death of Wolverine! Desperate Flight! Surviving subjects updated Weapon X program run more lethal attempts to bring them under control. What will kill them first - his past, his strange new powers or their mysterious connection with Wolverine?
Axis - Revolutions #02
Companion series to the latest blockbuster Avengers Marvel events & X-Men: AXIS! New World Disorder is the name of the game! Night decides to avenge the death of Wolverine ... by tracking down Sabretooth! And Thor is sent to Bender?
Death of Wolverine - The Weapon X Program #02
Spinning out of the death of Wolverine! Desperate Flight! Surviving subjects updated Weapon X program run more lethal attempts to bring them under control. What will kill them first - his past, his strange new powers or their mysterious connection with Wolverine?
Death of Wolverine - Logan Legacy #03
Thanks Sablezubyy! Since Logan is now forever who stop by Sablezuba finally destroy everything and everyone in its path? Fighting Wolverine was his greatest thrill in the world ... the ultimate sports ... but now that Logan is dead, rage Sablezubyy takes on a completely new form, and mission - unencumbered and unbridled.
Death of Wolverine - Logan Legacy #01
Wolverine-the greatest X-Men always dead! With this mutant power is now permanently out of the picture, and the various factions of good and evil are scrambling to fill the void left by the death of Logan! Wolverine Heritage will be formed heroes, who bravely fought with him ... or those insidious villains enough to challenge him for many years of
Avengers Undercover #10
IT IS AGAINST THE WORLD ZEMO In the final series! Avengers & S.H.I.E.L.D. Attack as Baron Zemo true plan is revealed! What is Killing the world of the living master of evil? Be there as the nature of travel that began in Avenger Avengers Academy & ARENA end here!
Death of Wolverine #01
Getting late here now ... DEATH Wolverine! THREE MONTHS die loss healing factor Wolverine - all led to this, one of the most important events of X-Men decades. Logan spent more than a century to be the best is what he does best ... but even disappear eventually. For years, Logan was a warrior, a hero, renegade, Samurai, teacher-and more. But now,
Wolverine #12
43 pages | 65.6 мb.

Tags: Wolverine Sabretooth
ONE MONTH TO DIE FOR! Double-sized series finale! Looks like Sabretooth is ready for his final battle with Logan, and he was confident that he chose a meaningful place. Do we not see a fight in the mall that seriously injured Logan? Ah, yes. All this "mess around with Wolverine" thing.
Uncanny X-Men - The Good, The Bad, The Inhuman Vol.3
New developments Xavier School, as the effects of the atom BATTLE felt - and Kitty Pryde with all new X-Men Cyclops join Renegade Squad! Meanwhile, Magneto is on a personal mission that sets him at odds with most of the X-Men - Marvel Universe and. As Magneto reaches the intersection, everything he fought for is being questioned - and he has to
X-Men - Age of Apocalypse - The Complete Epic Vol.2
Watch your favorite X-Men through a dark glass as the epic that literally rebuilt the X-Men in eight series and more continues! Apocalypse has conquered half of humankind and is ready to destroy them all! Magneto and his Amazing X-Men fight to protect humans and mutants, so, only to learn from Bishop that his world might need to be unmade! Plus:
Wolverine Vol.6 #07
24 pages | 38.5 мb.

Tags: Wolverine Pete Wisdom Sabretooth Wolverine
As his plan to withdraw takes shape Sabretooth, Wolverine goes undercover in Madripoor - but he's not the only one with his own eyes on the empire in Sabretooth - Pete Wisdom and Mi-13 have to do with it? Paul Cornell (WOLVERINE: Killable) and Gerardo Sandoval (CABLE & X-FORCE) bring you part two of the epic that will push the deadly Wolverine
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