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A-Force #02
A-FORCE, ASSEMBLE! From the ashes of Battleworld, Marvel's newest hero SINGULARITY has risen and entered the Marvel Universe. But she didn't make the journey alone. To combat the most fearsome threats from across the multiverse, Singularity will summon the world's mightiest team of Avengers to her side: SHE-HULK. CAPTAIN MARVEL. DAZZLER. MEDUSA.
A-Force #01
A-FORCE, ASSEMBLE! From the ashes of Battleworld, Marvel's newest hero SINGULARITY has risen and entered the Marvel Universe. But she didn't make the journey alone. To combat the most fearsome threats from across the multiverse, Singularity will summon the world's mightiest team of Avengers to her side: SHE-HULK. CAPTAIN MARVEL. DAZZLER. MEDUSA.
Uncanny Inhumans #02
Meet the Uncanny Inhumans. MEDUSA! BLACK BOLT! TRITON! READER! HUMAN TORCH?! BEAST?! It's eight months later and everything is different for the Inhumans. Medusa and Johnny Storm are an item. Black Bolt is running covert missions of his own. And something so big happened between the Inhumans and the X-Men that Beast is now on the side of the
Uncanny Inhumans #01
Meet the Uncanny Inhumans. MEDUSA! BLACK BOLT! TRITON! READER! HUMAN TORCH?! BEAST?! It's eight months later and everything is different for the Inhumans. Medusa and Johnny Storm are an item. Black Bolt is running covert missions of his own. And something so big happened between the Inhumans and the X-Men that Beast is now on the side of the
The Odyssey #01
TidalWave whole universe comes together for an amazing series that shines a spotlight on the characters you demanded to see more! Each member of the group of superheroes, which was introduced in the 10th Muse # 1 will be shown in this alone has the right to a series called Odyssey. The series has a lot of characters that need to be additional
Inhumans - Attilan Rising #03
SERIES Secret Wars Jellyfish discovered and captured the leader of the Black Bolt Battleworld resistance. All she has to do is to question him and to provide information to its owner, the ruler of all Battleworld. But what prevents it from doing so?
A-Force #02
With monsters appear on the utopian island of Arcadia and threatened its inhabitants, She-Hulk and her team decided to find out the source of the Avengers. But when they stumble upon a conspiracy that goes far beyond Arcadia, She-Hulk might just find yourself on the wrong side of the law!
Inhumans - Attilan Rising #02
With quiet room? There is a rebellion brewing in the Battleworld around this mysterious and quiet man. Medusa will not stop before the uprising crushed!
Inhumans - Attilan Rising #01
There is a rebellion brewing in the Battleworld and stretches far and wide in each domain. Medusa, the ruler Attilan instructed to reveal the leader of the rebellion and the flooding it with extreme prejudice. When she finds out that the leader of the rebellion is Black Bolt, however, things get complicated.
All-New Captain America Special #01
PART 3: The grand finale of "inhuman ERROR"! Red Raven Spider-Man and the Inhumans where he wants them! One bird turn deserves another, all-new Captain America answer the call to protect New York from the place ready Red Crow!
Inhuman Special #01
33 pages | 72.4 мb.

Tags: Inhuman Special Flint Gorgon Medusa Spider-Man Triton
INHUMAN error continues! The history of relations Amazing Spider-Man, inhuman and all new Captain America hits its climax as a character that has been around for more than 75 years, returned to threaten the universe Marvel. You have not seen all the effects Terrigen Cloud: more, and this one is going to destroy New York City!
Uncanny Inhumans #00
32 pages | 52.3 мb.

Tags: Uncanny Inhumans Ahura Black Bolt Eldrac Flint Medusa
Popular industry artist comes to the Inhumans! A prelude to one of the biggest launches Marvel 2015 is here! I think, you know, Black Bolt? Think again, as people killed Wolverine show you a side of inhuman king you've never seen!
Ms. Marvel #13
24 pages | 52.4 мb.

Tags: Ms. Marvel Kamala Khan Lockjaw Medusa
Mysterious stranger arrives in Jersey City! You can Kamaal Khan is going to develop a crush ...?! Yes I Am. It is. Drama! INTRIGUE! ROMANCE! Suspense! Punching things!
X-Men #25
22 pages | 29.6 мb.

Tags: X-Men Jubilee M Medusa Psylocke
As natural phenomena tear Black Rock Desert Apartments storm stuck in the depths of the earth in the midst of Racing X-Men, to find answers and save them teammate! And while some teams follow a lead that takes them in inhumane Queen Medusa, Psylocke makes an explosive opening of her own ...
Inhuman #09
21 pages | 44 мb.

Tags: Inhuman Black Bolt Flint Inferno Medusa
Unspoken attacked the island nation of Medusa and successfully took it. With all the inhuman royal family captive, it's up to NuHumans show your character!
Inhuman #08
21 pages | 38.8 мb.

Tags: Inhuman Black Bolt Flint Inferno Medusa
Unspoken attacked the island nation of Medusa and successfully took it. With all the inhuman royal family captive, it's up to NuHumans show your character!
Dawn - Vampirella #02
35 pages | 63.3 мb.

Tags: Dawn - Vampirella Dawn Masodik Medusa Vampirella
In "The Silver Tongue & The Golden Rose" Vampirella and Dawn - captured vile demon Masodik - must rotate a seductive story after another in order to stay alive. Dawn blurs the boundaries of myth and fantasy, telling the story of the ruined city in the silver-tongued raging Gorgon who guards a golden rose. After their father was brutally killed the
Inhuman #07
22 pages | 37.6 мb.

Tags: Inhuman Black Bolt Flint Inferno Medusa
Unspoken attacked the island nation of Medusa and successfully took it. With all the inhuman royal family captive, it's up to NuHumans show your character!
Ms. Marvel #09
24 pages | 59 мb.

Tags: Ms. Marvel Kamala Khan Lockjaw Medusa
As Kamala discovers more about his past, Inventor threatens its future. Why Tetanus really Kamala? The fan-favorite, critically acclaimed, amazing new series continues as Kamal proves why she's the best (and most adorable) new super hero is!
Inhuman #06
23 pages | 37.9 мb.

Tags: Inhuman Black Bolt Flint Inferno Medusa
Unspoken attacked the island nation of Medusa and successfully took it. With all the inhuman royal family captive, it's up to NuHumans show your character!
Inhuman #05
23 pages | 34.7 мb.

Tags: Inhuman Gorgon Medusa The Unspoken
Medusa and from Attila Lonely demolished difficult. Unspoken back and not taking his kingdom back, regardless of the cost.
Inhuman #03
New Nonhumans turn every day as Terrigen Fog distributed worldwide. Queen Medusa finds herself face to face with Captain America, and it is not good. Who Lash and that he wants the new Inhumans?
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